You Stayed

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(Song is for when he looks after her) 


Pulling up to my house it's dark and silent, clueing me in that no one else is awake. Ari parks and shuts off the engine turning to me, "Keys?" Tossing them to her after having to dig them out of my back jeans pocket she opens the door and steps out into the rain as she runs to the door and opens it. Turning a light on so it spills out into the dark outside. Waiting for her nod I keep Riv close and try to make sure she's as warm as possible by wrapping her in a blanket I've found in my backseat on top of the hoodie I got back from Hunt. "It's clear,"

Ari's words are all I am listening to and I nod at her as I get out, shut the door and run through the rain and into the house. The door closes and shuts the rain outside as it continues to create a relaxing atmosphere to listen to. Looking around I can see Ari's locking the door and I let out a low, relieved sigh as my tension releases a little more. Now. Now she's safe. The danger is outside behind a locked door. She's finally safe. At least for now.

She's safe.

"A-A-Ari?" Riv's hollow, low whisper hurts me to hear but I can't tell her not to speak either since that hurts even more. "A-A-Ari? I-I'm so c-c-cold." She shivers in my arms when she says that and I hold her close. Hating how small and tired she sounds. How small and alone she looks, even now. "Is-is he...."

Ari's eyes soften as she looks at Riv, her voice low and gentle. "He's gone, babes. We're nowhere near him and he can't hurt you now, ok?" Glancing at Ari I can see she's looking confused when Riv tries to say something else before she tenses in my arms, eyes open and wild as she shivers. "Riv?"

" he...I saw him. Where did he go, Ari?" She swallows before talking again, though this time in Spanish rather than English so I don't understand it. "Ari, Ari, ¿dónde está mi amado y por qué me dejó otra vez? ¿Dónde está el que tiene mi corazón?" She sounds more and more worried as she talks until Ari manages to respond, luckily for me half in Spanish and half in English.

"Calma, mi hermana del alma." She pauses then shifts her eyes so they're half on mine and half on her, "él no dejó, él nunca se iría. He'd never leave you Riv. Just look up."

I hold still, barely breathing when she says that. Not sure what she's meaning until I feel Riv tip her head back and see the relief in her eyes when the lock on mine. She attempts a smile and rests her head back as her eyes close back to slits and her death grip on me relaxes a fraction. She's almost asleep in my arms but I can tell she's still upset.

I turn to our mutual friend. "Hey Ari, do you think you can see if you can find something for her to eat or drink?" I call over my shoulder softly as I move to see she's standing in the doorway now. "Please? I-I don't feel like leaving her just yet and it could be a long night." As I mention the word 'leave' Riv's death grip comes back for a second until she realises that I'm not moving. Looking at Ari I can see she's paused in the doorway, seeing the wheels turning in her head. "Hey, are you ok?"

She bites her lip, a torn expression on her face as glances at me. " you want me to....want me to stay I mean? I have to get up early tomorrow morning anyway to do some stuff." her eyes are shifty for a second before becoming soft again. The expression is fragile. "If not, I have to get home soon."

Now I get it, what's bothering her. "Stay please, for her." Ari gives me a small smile then, her eyes still looking a little concerned. "I can let Hunt know she's ok - that we all are - if that's what's worrying you."

She smiles again, but the expression is haunted. Sad. "No it's ok, I'll see what I can do. You just look after her ok?" I shoot her a tired half-smile as she vanishes and I start up the stairs to the bathroom, checking that no one is awake.

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