All Just A Theory

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By the time school's finished for the day, I've managed to find out that the others are free to meet so we can talk about what Nix, I and Mads spent the afternoon discussing in part. The issues that I and Nix found out about when we broke into my house this morning. All of it. Though by the time we're all together and managed to explain between the three of us in the know what we've found we're no closer to figuring it all out. Just confused.

"So you think your mother sold you to Ivar? Why? Just because of what you found?" Ash sounds confused and I can tell he's not buying it. I didn't want to either but the more I talked it over with Mads and Nix the more it made sense. "Why would she do that?"

"To salvage whatever deal she brokered with him years ago. The coincidences all seem a little too perfect. What other explanation do we have?" I face him with a look and he sighs, crossing his arms with a frown. "I know how it looks Ash but what other option do we have?"

"I'm not saying you're wrong I just don't get it, why you?"

I sit and sigh then, slumping a little as the realisation hits home. We'd been so sure it was me that we'd never figured out it could be anyone or anything else. I shrug, "Maybe to do with my biological father. Not that we know who that is." I sigh, "I don't know but something's not adding up. A piece we're missing that would make this all make sense."

"Did you figure out what was in the false back drawer?" Mal chips in, standing with Pey near her. "I mean what was the deal with that anyway? I thought you said it was empty when we checked it a few years back?"

"It was. I don't know how I missed it. Maybe I just wasn't looking close enough to figure out what was in front of me the whole time. Just like I didn't find the safe containing the papers showing me that I'm not my dad's kid behind the trick I should have spotted years ago since I came up with it in our house. I don't know Mal, but something's missing. Did you get a read of what they said?" I remember that between first the two and then the three of us who had looked at them before we hadn't looked over them at all. Just kept them close, "Anything?"

Mal shakes her head, "Still looking, they seem to be written in some sort of code between your dad and someone else that we don't know. The same person your sister was trying to investigate alongside looking into the Spades before she died in the accident Ivar caused." my ears prick up then, hearing how Hails is connected to it. "Look all we know is the name is the Midnight Phoenix. Nothing more. And he seems to be using an odd name too. One that's in a language I don't get. Possibly Italian since it seems familiar to our Spanish word but not the same."

"Any guesses? Even a rough one?"

"Nope, sorry, but we're looking into it." I notice she looks at Mads, Michael and a few others then. Luke and Luci are among them. "The same way we're looking into the encrypted file that your sister had that she gave to Mads before she died."

"The one we got Ivanova's name off of?" I ask, looking to see Mads nodding at me across the room. "Ok so that will help with figuring out what my sister was looking into that caused her death but that doesn't figure out why my mother would hide the documents about mine and El's biological father or how her deal with Ivar ties into this, nor what my dad's coded notes mean or who they're too." I stifle a groan of frustration, noting that both Ash and Nix watch me with concerned expressions "And now you all think I'm crazy. Great."

"Not crazy, no, just not sure why you're desperate to tie all our issues together, besides that they may include the same people that would cause an overlap." This time it's Ari who responds to me. "Why are you so desperate to do that babes? Maybe they're all separate issues that we need to tackle one at a time."

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