She Needs You

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I hate being late. It's never something I like to do but after what happened at the race last night I've been waiting all day to see her again. I just had to make sure that Libby would be taken care of and dad got home late so I had to wait with her. Not that I minded since she was happy just to sit and cuddle up on the couch. Though what she says whilst doing so shocks me a little.

"Nixy, why do you seem confused yet happy?" Her blue eyes focus on mine and I frown a little at her words, not sure how to respond to her question without telling her more than I should. "Is it about her again? The pretty girl you were sad about before?"

I smile at her but don't say anything more as I see dad's car pull in, and I know I can leave. Kissing her once as the door opens I slip out the back and across to my car. Leaving and heading to where I know I'll see Riv. Smiling, I drive as fast as I can before making it. Pulling up I don't see her dark Audi but I do see Ari's white one. Remembering that she will have come with her has me smiling as I come into the house with the urge to look for her and Ari. happy and looking forward to seeing my friends even after watching our second team lose earlier. Looking forward to seeing her.

Although the good feeling doesn't last when I can't find either Ari or Riv. I can't even find Hunt, something that seems to be a warning sign since the party is being held by one of the team's girlfriend's friends. Someone Riv knows I think, not sure since Ari won't say much about anything regarding Riv. But they should have been around. Even if only in passing. So where are they? Where are the two of them?

Pushing through the mass of people dancing, making out and doing god knows what else I try to find someone I know. Especially since parties like these tend to become open people who pass by so it becomes hard to find people from school. People we know. Finally finding Kat and Levi I let out a sigh of relief. "Hey, have either of you seen Ari or Riv?"

Kat frowns, shooting a look at Levi before back at me and shaking her head. "No. No, I haven't seen Ari in hours and as for Riv.....I haven't seen her either, almost since she and Ari came in hours ago." She pauses, looking at me with a confused expression. "Why? Is everything ok?"

I sigh and run a hand through my hair as I look around for the two of them again. "I-I don't know but something feels off. That and I can't see anyone from the team either."

"Which one?" Levi cuts in before Kat can respond and I see him flash Kat a look but not understanding why until he continues, eyes on mine now instead of hers. "Which one Nix? there's two here tonight."

I freeze. Two school teams? How is that possible since we have two at school but we aren't on friendly terms, bad blood between us. "Two - sorry both - school teams here at once and no one's hurt? How?" I know the rules about open door policy and how it gets flaunted every once in a while, meaning it is entirely possible that it's not what I'm thinking. That our rival school's team, Mountain View Falcons could have ended up here and that's who the second team is that Levi means since bad blood exists between our two schools as well. The only problem is I can't be sure. "Two teams, you sure Lev?" He nods, "How is that possible? And which two?"

Levi gives me a look, his words cutting me to the core. "The two from our school Nix. the one we're all on with Hunt, and the one that narcissistic asshole Jordan's captain of. Why?"

My world and heart stop. No.

Looking around frantically for signs of either team I can see a fair few of my teammates around the house. Most of them are my friends as well as the few I don't know as well. But when I go looking for the other team I can't see a single one of them. No one I know and recognise. Scanning the crowd I still can't see either Ari or Hunt, my worry spiking the longer I lose all three. The two of them and Riv.

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