Chapter Fourteen : Sugwarta and The Fire Pirest

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It has been years since Fuyutsuki set foot in Ashaii, eight winters to be exact. As he flew through the skies, he found Samara 's warnings true — the ghost grass had indeed covered the trails she had once marked on the way to that cave

It was no use walking, he would only lose his way. The fact that the place had become colder over the years was a sure sign of soon. He might need a fire priest to help him.

"Where's Kinvarra when she's most useful?" he asked himself, landing on a leafless tree. Anyone with half a brain to spare would mistake him for an ordinary bird, but not the locale of the city.

Fortunately for him, another red priest came passing by, immediately casting a spell to turn the exhausted traveller back to his true form.

"Welcome back to Asshari, Heir Suguwara. The last time you were here, you were grieving over your kind protector 's demise." he spoke.

It's been so long since Empress Tomoko took to the skies Fuyutsuki mused sadly. This man in scarlet did not have to remind him of that.

" Indeed it has, good Sir. "

" What brought you back to this darkened city? "

" Presents for my dear friend in Westeros."

The red priest of Rh'llor paused for a bit.  Did he say Westeros?

He too, had the same vision as Lyarra and Samara.

"What present, if you care to tell?"

"Dragon eggs."

Fuyutsuki alighted from the tree branch he was sitting on, finally getting a proper look at the man he was conversing with. Silvery hair, brown eyes and a ruddy complexion, a fool could mistake him for a Targaryen.

"Let me give you a proper welcome, and in the morrow, you take those gifts." he offered.

"I never got your name, not even when I cane here for the first time."


Whatever transpired at Arthur 's abode would stay in that house. At dawn, the priest and his guest flew as birds, a crow and a phoenix, to the highest cave in the Mountains of the Morn. Even thee, that pesky grass had nearly barred the passage to the cave where the dragon eggs were stored.

"Pesky plants; we csn't just burn them." Fuyutsuki pointed out.


Arthur conjured a candlestick, cut parts of the grass, made a wick out of them and sei it ablaze. Surely this would help the wanderers navigate the cave's darkness.

Arthur remembered guiding the mage and a younger Samara, back when the latter was still confused about stalactites and stalagmites. It had been so simple then, even the days were unusually bright by Ashaii standards.

It was time he moved on from flashbacks; 'twas not wide to dwell in memories while holding a lighted torch.

"Over there!"

His companion' s ejaculatiom stopped him in his tracks. Atop a great, bowl-shaped rock rested six dragon eggs of all colors. Turned to stone by age, fools would kill a king to sell them for Lannisters' gold.

Or perhaps, Valyrian steel, given how special these particular ones are.

Fuyutsuki waved his right hand as a magic circle started to form around him. He needed no chants or talismans;  gentle breezes and careful movements were enough to safely being the eggs to a wooden chest etched with gold ink.

And so, the two men once again flew back to the city, this time larger than ever to carry their newfound treasure.

And so, the two men once again flew back to the city, this time larger than ever to carry their newfound treasure

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