Chapter Fourty Four : Lions vs Wolves

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In the western lands, red tents was surrounded everywhere for the lions was prepared to rumble with the wolves

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In the western lands, red tents was surrounded everywhere for the lions was prepared to rumble with the wolves... In the main war tent, The Old Lion Tywin Lannister was sitting up front along with his son Jaime surrounded by his brother and trustworthy allies.

A guard soon made his way into the tent bowing nervously, Tywin cleared his throat before staring at the guard with a cold look.

" What news" Tywin demanded.

" We were unable to locate the giant crow, it seems the heretic's may have move their location  again " The guard said nervously

Tywin clenched his fist, and in a fit of rage, slammed it on a table.

“How are you not able to locate a giant crow? It is carrying the future of House Lannister! "

“Jaime, those heretics abducted your wife in front of you and you did nothing! "

“I was threatened with a knife to my throat, Father. What was I to do, provoke a sorcerer?"

" I told you to get rid of them from the beginning" Tywin yelled.

“They'd never leave her. The wench is a notoriously powerful woman and the other one is an exiled emperor  who is also a warrior. He managed to throw Gregor Clegsne to the ground Father."

“You could have sliced his throat right then and there, you fool."

“And anger Lyarra, who by the way has ice powers? "

" What " Tywin exclaimed.

“She has powers too. Threw me into the air and away from her. " Jaime whispered.

" It must've been that wrench that threw you  " Tywin said.

“But it *was* Lyarra. Now I understand the rumors back then, she really did have ice powers. " Jaime responded.

" Magic " Kevin gasped at what he was hearing.

" Magic does run in the Stark's bloodline after all " a lord commented.

Tywin glared at the two. If this was indeed the case, they should have been extinct a long time ago.

" It was rumor that Bran the builder was an ice bender as is responsible for building the wall itself " Kevan commented.

“Nonsense! Magic does not exist, the wench deceived your wife. Jaime, you have to get her back and you can start by locating that blasted crow. "

“It flew away, obviously. How are we mere mortals able to catch it, especially when it can shapeshift into anything?"

“ENOUGH! Tywin, why don't you focus on getting Tyrion back and save Lady Lyarra's search for later? He may be a disappointment to you but he might know some important details about the Suguwaras." Kevan suggested.

“Why target the heretic? "

“He is a man from the mobility, and his murder of his good brother may have affected the clan. We can use it to our advantage ; they will fall further from grace if they don't comply. "

" You do realize he's a powerful sorcerer... is it really wise to mess with a man like that not to mention his appreciate who is a powerful socuresss known as Samara of Asshari who killed thousands of men" Kevan exclaimed.

" Let's not forget about Lady Lyarra who is a powerful ice bender herself rumors has it she can wipe out entire armies   " Kevan added.

" Well, at least she'll be able to defend herself from rapists, thieves and smugglers on the road " Ser Marband commented.

“Silence! I will not stand for this. If any of you ever mention the heretics again, I will have your heads on a spike. No one should get away with insulting the Lannister name, not under ny watch. " Tywin bellowed and sat back down. This was not looking good.

“I do hope she is with child, Jaime. We need those heirs to continue our legacy."

" You mean 'your' legacy, Father" Jaime thought.

" Unfortunately that may be an issue brother  seeing as Lord Stark has requested an annulment for marriage for Jaime  to Lady Lyarra's marriage... King Robert approved of it before he died and the high septon is looking over the request as we speak " Kevan spoke up.

" If Lady Lyarra is with child then the child would be a Stark and it would belong to the north  " Ser Marband commented.

" Seeing as we are at war with the Stark's there is no way the young wolf or Catelyn Tully would ever let Ser Jaime here around Lady Lyarra and her child " another Lord said.

“We  will use the hostages at at King's Landing. Ladies Sansa and Arya in exchange for Lyarra, her child and the heretics. " Tywin declared.

" Lady Arya has seemed to go missing as well brother " Kevan answered.

"  It doesn't matter We have Lady Sansa " Tywin defended.

The other Lords agreed. Sansa was betrothed to Joffrey and now they have another use for her. There was no way the wolves were winning in the South.


Sansa paced back and fourth as she circled the oak tree. She had hoped to see her father again, but alas the guards said no.

“I can't believe my perfect life is ruined! The demon has cursed us all! " she completed.

“You have your mother to blame for this." replied Masato.

“What do you mean? She's the perfect lady, what wrong has she done to the Seven? "

“Catelyn Stark once promised to treat your brother, Jon Snow better after the boy lay sick with the pox. The gods hate broken oaths, and it is one of the worst crimes a mortal can ever commit, especially one that uses their name. She could not keep her promise, and her trueborn children are paying the price for her sins. "

“But… but the songs say that the gods are good."

“Then why do bad things happen to good people? Those songs are complete lies, little dove.  "

" Life is not song little dove and I hope one day you will see that  " Masato added.

" I know life isn't perfect but why can't it be a song... I mean is it wrong to want beautiful things " Sansa rambled.

He sighed out at the red wolf naiveness, she wouldn't survive long if she kept thinking that way girls like her aren't known to live long.

He sighed out at the red wolf naiveness, she wouldn't survive long if she kept thinking that way girls like her aren't known to live long

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