Chapter Seventy Nine

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Elaena was sitting down next to Daenerys, their dragons beside them

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Elaena was sitting down next to Daenerys, their dragons beside them. Crystal laid beside them resting soundly against her mistress's feet. A few knights stood beside them, Missandei and Dansielle stood by the tent entrance. Suddenly, they heard loud drums and marching from outside, Elaena tilted her head up and saw soldiers marching in, slaves walked into the room carrying a heavy litter, where the slave master sat, and other slaves joined them carrying pieces of the chest with them.

The observation in front of her eyes made her cold to the brim.

A man soon got out of the litter and began walking toward the dragon queens. " Now comes the noble Razdal mo Eraz of that ancient and honorable house, master of men and speaker to savages to offer terms of peace. " Missandei introduced the man, who kept walking towards them. He paused when the dragons screeched at him.

" Noble lord, you are in the presence of Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen, first of her name, Queen of the Andals and the First Men, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, Breaker of Chains, and Mother of Dragons. And her niece Elaena Icefyre of House Stark and Targaryen, first of her name, Queen of the North, Lady of Winterfell, and Mother of Dragons " Missandei spoke up, introducing them.

" You may approach, Sit " Daenerys informed the man, with a tiny smirk on her face. The man glanced up at the two suspiciously, he tried to keep his nerves at bay not wanting to give them the satisfaction of showing his weakness. He sat down on a chair that one of the Dothraki set for him.

Glancing around the room, his eyes widened when he saw familiar Ghiscari commanding officers standing beside them. " Traitors," he thought.

" Will the noble lord take refreshment? "Dansielle asked, walking toward the man carrying a jug of water in her hand, pouring some for him in a goblet. He nodded silently accepting the goblet and took a sip before speaking up.

" Ancient and glorious is Yunkai, " He said. " Our empire was old before dragons stirred in old Valyria. Many an army has broken against our walls. " You shall find no easy conquest here, Khaleesi. " The master continues.

While he did, Elaena and Daenerys grabbed a few pieces of meat out of the dish beside them and threw it towards their dragons, the hatchlings began to fight and tug over it flying all over the place, chilling the master even more.

" Good. My Unsullied need practice, I was told to blood them early " The mother of dragons told him, smirking at him.

" If blood is your desire, blood shall flow. But why.?'Tis true you two have committed savageries in Astapor and New Ghis, But the Yunkai are a forgiving and generous people "  Master Razdal said, clapping his hands together.

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