Chapter Eighteen : A Bird Behind A Statue

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Rickon was an adventures child, as most kids were. He had been felt neglected since Bram fell from that tower, and whst could unsupervised children do? Go places where they shouldn't be.

It was in one such trip to the crypts that the baby Stark, accompanied by Shaggydog saw something that would have them questioning everything. Crows were not usually allowed to be in such places; they were birds, not bats.

It was clear that this particular bird had been to the castle before, but this was not any bird. Rickon could tell, given his eye shape. No crow would have such narrow eyes with epicanthic folds.

"You're not a real crow, you're a winged warrior. Tsuki would correct me every time I said that."

The bird flew from its makeshift perch, beckoning the baby wolf to follow him out of the dark place. Rickon wasn't sure if he should obey, but it seemed like Shaggydog was curious.

Direwolves truly were the extensions of their owners.

The best place to practice magic was always the castle Godswood. Rickon knew this was where the bird was leading him, so he decided to obey.,

It was also the place where Lyarra and Samara used to practice their craft.

"I saw you through my wolf. You were in the Broken Tower when Samara fainted, and Tsuki gave his warning." he stated upon reaching the area.

"Clever boy." replied a deep voice.

To Rickon 's delight, the fake crow finally undid his disguise. This spirit had a face shrouded by a red mask with a very long nose, long, silver hair, clad in black and the signature crow wings.

"I forgot your name." Rickon uttered, bashfully.

"It' s all right, boy. Just call me Hayate."

"I have have a name, it's Rickon."

" All right, Rickon it is "

The youngest Stark studied the older warrior. He seemed fine, red mask aside.

" Are you a Targaryen, is that why you hide your face so much? King Robert hates them. "

"No, little pup. I was once a mortal like you. If only I haven't been so arrogant in life, I wouldn't have to watch every tragedy that happened in this world."

"If Jaime Lannister keeps being cocky, he might end up like you."

"My my, a Westerosi tengu is a first."

Both child and spirit laughed to their heart's content, until a certain someone entered the area. Lady Stark froze in horror upon what she saw.

"Rickon, get away from him!"

The boy didn't listen. He had meant to ask the warrior a very important question, and it had to be done quickly.

"What were you doing in the Broken Tower!, Mister Hayate?"

"Gathering evidence that your brother did not fall; he was pushed."

"That's the only way for my squirrel of a brother to fall.  Why would someone push him?"

"He might have seen something dire."

"Mister Hayate, please tell us! For the sake of my grieving mother, and for Samara."

"You won't like the answer."

"Spit it out, or I will tell the queen the truth about your demon descendant and his cohort."

"Mother, you forget yourself!"

Hayate admired this young boy; he appreciated someone who respected  spirits.  His mother on the other hand, was getting I reason unreasonable though he understood where she was coming from.

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