Chapter Fifty Seven

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A certain young lioness was in awe at the scenery around her, Mother was wrong Dorne isn't some sand wasteland it's beautiful and to think this would be her home one day.

The young princess was quite happy that Martell's has accepted her offer and was excited to meet her bethroal Prince Trystane.

It had been a few weeks since she left King's Landing and sailed to Dorne leaving behind her family through the only family she missed was her uncle Tryion and her sweet brother Tommen, but not her mother.

How she wished she could've taken him with her, but her mother refused claiming she didn't want those poisonous snakes taking another one of her golden cubs from her.

Her mother wasn't happy about her bethroal and was quite angry that she had left home to be married to a Martell.

House Lannister and House Martell had a tense relationship, since the death of Princess Elia's children.

She had no other regrets other than that, the young princess always felt quite lost in King's Landing and wanted more for her life than to stay in the capital with her mad king of a brother.

“I hope and pray to the Seven that Sansa and Arya are safe. I also hope to correspond with Kamakura again, using my alliance with Dorne. I can't stand my brother as king. " she told herself.

The carriage soon came to a stop, the young lioness started to feel herself and began to sweat about meeting The Martell's especially her betrothal and wanted nothing more to make a good impression on them.

Fixing her golden hair last-minute ahe took her first step into the sands, her head looking down due to the blinding sunlight.  She stepped into the entrance of Sunspear, finally meeting the Martell's in their orange garbs.

“May i present Princess Myrcella of the Houses Baratheon and Lannister, the “Golden Diplomat" as the small folk of King's Landing called her. " spoke Areo Hotah, the Ruling Prince 'a personal guard.

Myrcella curried, and looked around. The castle was magnificent, and the air was fresh. She could feel that someone was watching over her, but she did not mind.

“Welcome to Sunspear, Your Highness. We are honored to have you here. May the alliance you forged last through time. spoke Prince Trystane.

“I feel the same, Prince Trystane. You may call me Myrcella."

Three girls in light armor giggled softly, watching the blonde girl try to hide her blush. It seemed like their trueborn cousin had charmed the little scheming cub.

“Let me introduce you to my house. I am Doran Martell, the incumbent Prince of Dorne. To my left is my daughter and heir, Princess Arianne. My son, Quentyn is currently fostering with the Ironwood, and my second son, Trystane, is betrothed. To my right is my brother Oberyn and his paramour Ellaria Sand. Their daughters; Obara, Nymeria, Tyene, Sarella, Elia Obella, Dorea and Loreza Sand. They are collectively known as the Sand Snakes. . " he explained.

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