Chapter Fourty Two : Hear Me Roar

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The lioness was raging mad at many things, The wolf whore was nowhere to be founded

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The lioness was raging mad at many things, The wolf whore was nowhere to be founded... Ser Gregor had let her down and had been founded unconscious, Lord Stark has attacked her Jaime in the streets and her monster of a brother had been taken.

Through, she bared no love for her imp of a brother but Jaime on the other hand was her other half and she wouldn't let this go unpunished.

Now, as Cersei stood next to her fat oaf of a husband waiting for the Quiet Wolf to regain conscious again... How dare he attack my Jaime "

Ned opened his eyes slowly and saw Robert standing in front of him next to him The Queen stood who had a pissed look on her face.

" Your graces " He greeted softly.

" How's your wound " Robert asked staring at his old friend in concern.

" It's fine " Ned responded.

" How dare you lay hands on my blood " Cersei snarled.

"Quiet woman " Robert thundered staring at his wife giving her a look to keep quiet.

The lioness was not backing down... The Quiet Wolf soon spoke defending himself for his actions.

" Ser Jaime attacked me first and killed my men, all I was trying to do is leave peacefully " Ned repiled.

Cersei scoffed at that knowing she be damn if she let the Quiet Wolf make her brother the bad guy.

" Lord Stark here was coming from a brothel wasted and started a brawl with my brother for no reason " Cersei lied.

" Quiet " Robert commanded.

" Lord Baelish tells me you were trying take Lyarra away... Ned she's is Ser Jaime's wife now you can't just take her back to winterfell with you as you please " Robert scolded.

" That may be true but she's my daughter and I'm was not going to leave her behind " Ned exclaimed.

“Unfortunately, her duty lies with her husband now, not to you. " Cersei snarled, which earned her a glare from Ned.

" It won't for long " Ned mumbled knowing  there was he would allow for his baby girl to continued to be married to the kingslayer.

" He abducted my brother  " Cersei spoke up.

" My wife did that I had no knowledge of it until today " Ned responded.

" Really, who knew she had it in her " Robert commented.

" I will see justice this can't unpunished I won't have it " Cersei yelled.

The two started to agrue with one another neither back down until the stag king had enough.

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