Chapter 9

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Grayson's POV

We all stared at Adeline as she walked out of the door , we just sat there quietly processing what just happened .

" Well then " said Colby as he scratched the back of his neck .

" Look at what you guys fucking did " said Val getting up and walking out the door as well .

" She's been alone since she was 8 ... what could that mean? " I said looking at Colby .

" Shit if I knew " he said .

" You see , maybe she is telling the truth like we've been telling you all along " he said .


Adeline's POV

I slammed the door behind me as I paced around ignoring the pain on my hip and on my head , the audacity those two have , how the fuck did I end up here . I need to get away as soon as possible...

I turned towards the door as I heard someone knock , there's no way it would be him . As I opened the door I tried not to seem disappointed at the fact that it was Val and not Grayson.

" I'm so sorry about those two Adeline , Are you ok? ". She said coming to hug me . I quickly backed up because I knew If she hugged me I'd start crying in front of her . She looked hurt as I backed up causing me to feel even more shitty and I just couldn't hold it back anymore .

" Cry it's okay , I'm here for you . Even if you don't want to talk about it I'll still stay with you , come on " she said pulling me towards my bed as she laid down beside .

I just cried on her shoulder feeling like I could really trust this girl beside me , after a while of crying and her just hugging me I decided to speak.

" I don't remember much of my childhood , when I was 8 something happened In our pack and my mom took me to the edge of the woods and told me to run . I don't know for what and I guess I won't ever really know , because I have no idea where I come from or if my parents are even alive . If I had siblings . I don't know anything .... " I said .

"You've been alone in those dark and dangerous woods all by yourself since you were 8?" She asked tearing up .

" Yes " was all I said .

" H—How did you survive all on your own.. at the age of 8? " she said now sitting up looking at me .

" I—I don't know .. I wish I knew . My wolf definitely helped me out a lot , I wouldn't have been able to do it without  her." I said wiping my face .

" You are such a strong person Adeline and I'm so sorry you had to go through that , especially at such a young age . But you are not alone anymore I'm here for you and I promise you that you can count on me . " she said looking at me with tears In her eyes .

" thank you " I said hugging her

After that we watched movies for the rest of the day and just stayed in my room and eventually we both fell asleep . Yea I know I could trust her and maybe , just maybe I would be okay here.

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