Chapter 57

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Adeline's POV

It has been 10 days since they took Hope and we still have no clues , I'm getting restless and so is my wolf . I barely see Grayson because he spends his whole day and night out there looking for her , I have not been able to sleep or eat . My family and friends have tried to get me to eat and sleep but I don't want to talk to anyone .

" Adeline " I heard behind me .

I turned around to see Grayson standing there looking more tired then ever , I felt bad . I haven't been out there to look for her and he's been out there this whole time.

" Have you ate today? " he asked .

" Yes " I said lying to him.

" No you haven't , you need to eat . " he said with a sigh as he came and laid on my bed . I limped my way to the bed and sat down beside him , ignoring the pain I sat on his butt and massaged his back .

He let out a sigh as soon as he felt my hands on his back , I closed my eyes as the sparks ran from my hands and through my whole body . I continued this until he decided to quickly flip around almost causing me to fall on the ground , but he quickly caught me.

He just looked up at me squeezing my hips tighter as I could feel his friend right under me causing me to suck in a breath.

" I missed you " he whispered out. I just continued to stare at him , finally letting my intrusive thoughts win I leaned down and kissed him .

He kissed me back with no hesitation , pulling me closer towards him . He moved causing me to let out a groan as he rubbed against me . Liking the feeling I did it again causing both of us to groan. He tugged one more time on my lips before stopping. I laid my head on his chest just listening to his heart , soon enough I felt myself drifting off to sleep .


" WE FOUND HER " someone said slamming the door open causing me to sit up from where I was laying on Grayson .

" where is she? " asked Grayson as he sat me down beside him . He quickly gave me a kiss and looked me in the eyes .

" I will bring her back to you , I promise Adeline."  He said before walking out .

I just sat there after he left , 5 minutes went by until I finally came to my senses and I limped out the door and down to where I knew they would be preparing. I hid around the corner listening to what they were saying.

"She's in a house , 50 miles North from where the scent disappeared. That house was not there before so I definitely think they are working with witches " said Colby.

"Fuck " I heard Grayson whisper.

" We are leaving in 5 we will meet at the training field" said Grayson and everyone walked out to say goodbye to there families.

" Are you going to hide there the whole time? " said Grayson shocking me I stayed quiet , trying not to move .

" Adeline " he said again with a sigh .

" Hi " I said coming out from around the corner , just standing there like that one emoji .

" Go back to your room , I know what you're going to try and do and I will not allow it. I'm going to get our daughter you will just distract me . I need to be able to protect our daughter and I won't be able to do that if you're there" . He said

" Grayson .. you know I won't be able to do that " I said looking up at him now as he had walked closer .

" I knew you'd say that " he said reaching for my hands grabbing them with one hand and with the other he quickly flipped me and handcuffed me .

" GRAYSON YOU CAN'T FUCKING DO THIS TO ME " I said as he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder . I continued to beat his back as he carried me out the building back into the house , up the stairs and into my room . He looked around before he nodded , threw me on the bed and took out some handcuffs.

I just starred at him flabbergasted because why was he carrying those around .

" I knew you would try this " he said tightening his hold on my wrists so he could put them around them.

" GRAYSON IS THIS REALLY NECESSARY " I yelled about to cry because who does he think he is???

" I told you Adeline , you will just be a distraction and I can't focus on protecting you and Hope. " he said kissing my forehead then walking out .

" GRAYSONN" I yelled .

" GRAYSONN" I yelled again. I heard the door slam shut meaning he was gone .

" FUCKKKK " I yelled Out.

What am I supposed to do now.

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