Chapter 31

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Adeline's POV

It's been 4 hours since I chose to run into the woods and never look back , and it's been 4 hours since I watched Grayson and Lindsey see each other again and cry , hug and kiss each other. It's also been 4 hours since my heart was torn from my chest .

And I was tired , my feet were swelling up and I stopped running because  i started throwing up and I just couldn't anymore . And once again the tears started , and I could not stop them so I just cried .

I cried because once again I was alone in the woods , but this time I'd have to protect me and a baby whenever it's born. And I cried because I'd never see Grayson again , but that's okay because I know he's happy and he'll be okay.

I leaned against the tree as I started feeling lightheaded , moon goddess please not here. I can't pass out here in the middle of the woods something could happen to u——.


I opened my eyes and looked around , I noticed it was now pitch black I got up from the ground where I was currently laying down and sat against the tree .

At least we're okay .

" we are fine " I heard in my head

" Emory!! Oh thank the moon goddess you're okay , I don't know what that bitch was injecting us with . " i told her .

" I'm okay Adeline , and once again we will be okay . We have each other and now we also have a pup to protect . We have to figure something
Out we cant stay in these woods forever . " said Emory .

" I know —Emory I'm sorry for runni—-" I started but was cut off by Emory .

"You don't have to apologize for anything , we are both going through this . And he had her again, no room for us . He would have chosen her just like I know his wolf would have chosen hers. " was all she said .

At that we both stayed quiet as I continued to walk , I need to find a town . There has to be something near by .

"We should rest" I heard in my head .

" but—-" I started

" But nothing ,you're pregnant remember? You need to rest " said Emory

Deciding not to argue with her I found a spot on the ground and just laid there starring up at the stars that were peaking through the leaves of the trees .

And once again here I was back in the woods having to start from 0 again . Because I had no clothes no money , nothing!

And here I was alone again, having to hunt and fight to survive . Only thing is now I'd have to be protecting a baby as well.

I miss you mom ....

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