Chapter 16

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Adeline's POV

" OH MY GOD !! " yelled Val out of nowhere causing me to jump .

" What ! " both me and Emerald asked .

" WE SHOULD HAVE A PARTY " said Val causing me and Eme to automatically shake our heads disagreeing with her .

" That's a horrible idea " we said at the same time.

" But why , it's been a while let's just have one " said Val trying to convince us but it was a big fat no for me .

" And exactly where did you want to have this party? " asked Emerald.

" Here " said Val causing my head to whip in her direction .

" Absolutely not " I said .

" Yea I agree with Adeline on this one , this sounds like a horrible idea Val " said emerald as she shook her head no

" But why ... it will be fun " said Val

" I'm not ready to die " said Emerald I shook my head agreeing with her as I pointed at her.

" Yup I agree with her " I said .

" Grayson will be fine , what's the worst that could happen " said Val giving us a smirk.


It was now 8pm and we were at the store buying a couple more things , apparently Val had already let everyone know and everyone would be here by 10 , I don't know how I ended up in this position but ... if I die at least I know I was able to piss him off one last time .

" Hurry up we still need to go back and get ready " said Emerald .

" Bitch I'm coming we need the alcohol " said Val as she added another box of beers to the third cart we had .

" Do we really need this much alcohol? " I asked looking down at the cart I had. 

" Yes " they both said at the same time. 

" This is a big pack , We might not even have enough alcohol " said Val looking down as she added another box .

After 20 minutes of them adding more and more alcohol we were finally out and on the way to the house , as soon as we parked some people came and started taking out the alcohol and taking it to the back yard.  

It was now 10:20 and we were about to head down , from what we could hear the party had started at 10:00 on the dot.

I had decided on wearing a silver sparkly dress and let me tell you this dress was gorgeous it was a little short and showed a little more then I'd like but fuck it .

Me and the girls closed my bedroom door and started heading downstairs and Jesus there was already so many people in here all I could hear was goosebumps by Travis Scott .

" Y'all are in so much trouble " said Colby as he came and hugged Val and started whispering stuff in her ear causing her to giggle

I looked up and my eyes automatically connected with Grayson's and god damn he looked so fine in that T-shirt he was wearing you could see his muscles and everything . God he should just take me in one of these bathrooms at this point .
He continued to eye me up and down as he licked his lips .

" Let's take shots " yelled Val over the music she grabbed both my hand and Emeralds and dragged us to a table full of alcohol , the boys following behind us .

She started pouring each of us a shot and then we all just chugged them and they just kept coming the whole time me and Grayson had eye contact none of us looking away . Kind of like letting each other know we were like this because of the other .

" OMG WOOOOO GO ADELINE " Yelled Val as she picked up the whole bottle just pouring it straight into my mouth . Not going to lie i could feel the alcohol and I felt so good right now .

" Enough ! " said Grayson snatching the bottle from Val . Val just made a face and rolled her eyes once again dragging me and Emerald but this time it was to the dance floor .

We started dancing to some song that was on I was moving my hips to the beat of the music , i had my hands up in the air . I felt so relaxed and so free.... And I knew it was the alcohol . But if this is how alcohol makes you feel then I love it and I never want to come off of it .

I hadn't even noticed Emerald had disappeared but she came back with a bottle of Henny she started with pouring some in Val's mouth and then she moved to me and started pouring it in mine .

" ADDIE , ADDIE ,ADDIE " started yelling val and Emerald .

I looked to my right and I could see Grayson watching me as he drank a bottle as well , not shots but drinking straight from the bottle . Jesus what are we doing to each other .

I decided to just take the bottle as they continued dancing and I just continued chugging it , just like Grayson was currently doing as he watched me .

FUCKKK , this shit felt so good I could not feel shit and I was forgetting why I was drinking In the first place HAHHAA .

And there it was I could not stop laughing I was going side ways and everything , my whole world was spinning and it was just too funny .


I just kept laughing and almost fell on my face causing me to laugh even harder , and soon I felt someone pick me up and take me upstairs .

I should be fine if I just lay my head down ....

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