Chapter 48

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Adeline's POV

" Give it back " I told my brother Aiden.

" Come get it " he said as he took off running .

I handed Hope to Avery as I took off after him , I chased him through the halls of the pack house until we ended up outside , I finally caught him and threw myself at him causing us to both go straight to the ground .

" Thank you " i said taking my phone back from him , I quickly got up and started to make my way back inside but I was tripped .

" Oh you bitch! " I yelled out as he ran back inside.

I sat up laughing just looking out into the beautiful back yard . There was flowers everywhere Hope loved being out here, she had just started to stand and was slowly walking around.

It has been 10 months since I woke up and discovered I was with my family again. My mom had taken a piece of my hair when I was in pain and being rushed to the pack doctor because she felt a connection to me and I supposedly looked familiar .

And I really did , me and my mom looked so alike. We had the same eyes , same hair color her dimples .

My brothers Aiden and Dalton looked more like my dad , he was the best father any girl could ask for . My sister Remi looked like a mixture of both my mom and dad.

Everyone now knew my story and Avery's , and how our time was spent out there alone and how we found each other , and then ended up here .
And we finally knew the story on how me and her ended up out there alone.

My pack was attacked , my dad was the alpha and when we realized we were being attacked I was outside with my mom while my siblings were inside so they were rushed into the shelters while my mom heard people coming our way and told me to run. She now has a big scar on her face from being attacked that day . She almost didn't make it but here she is .

Avery turned out to be Aiden's mate , and they were doing wonderful. Everyone around me was happy and had their mates . And part of me felt very jealous, although I don't remember my supposed mate and from what Avery told me we were complicated . But I will forever be grateful for meeting him because he gave me the best gift ever , Hope .

My beautiful baby hope , she grows more and more as each day passes by , if she weren't with me I would really feel alone. I could feel a emptiness in my heart , like something was missing . I just felt empty . But I just push through it and make it out everyday , all thanks to my beautiful Hope .

Part of me misses something I can't remember.

I heard Hope laughing and I walked back inside to where everyone was , everyone was sitting around in the family room as they watched Dalton make faces at her causing her to laugh , making everyone else in the room laugh with her.

" Ma Ma Ma " she said standing up and wobbling to me .

" Hi baby " I said picking her up and kissing her cheek . She snuggled into my neck hugging me , I went and sat down on the empty sofa and made myself comfortable with her on top of me .

" What movie are we putting on today? " asked Dalton as he scrolled through the long list of movies .

" Pitch perfect " said Remi causing Dalton to give her a look of disgust.

" Anyways, anyone else? " he asked putting his attention back on the tv.

" Ooo madea! " said Avery .

" There we go , now that's a good suggestion " said Dalton as he side eyed Remi who just rolled her eyes.

We were thirty minutes in and hope had already fell asleep on top of me , to be fair once she got on top of me and laid her head on my chest I started playing with her hair. So she was fighting a battle that was already lost.

Everyone around me was slowly starting to fall asleep , everyone fighting that same battle. I let out a sigh feeling like something was missing in this picture . Hope moved causing me to look down at her as she just got more comfortable on my chest.

I could slowly feel myself start to fall asleep so I leaned towards the couch making sure Hope wouldn't move and fall from my arms .


I looked around trying to figure out where I was but I was in a unknown house , it was a beautiful home though . Everything about it just screamed rich.

I kept walking around until I bumped into something or someone .. my eyes followed the length of the body until it reached  these beautiful gray eyes .

They were Hope's eyes.

But this wasn't hope , he was beautiful though. And he has the cutest smile.

He picked me up in his arms and took me to the garage he helped me into a SUV and he got into the drivers seat. He looked at me giving me the biggest most heart felt smile, and he drove .

I don't know where he was driving but I know I never wanted to leave this place , where ever he was going I wanted to be there. I felt whole again.

" Mommy music " i heard behind me causing me to look back and there was my beautiful baby. But she was grown up and in a big girl car seat.

I quickly put on the music for her and the guy leaned over and started rubbing my belly and then leaned over to kiss the side of my head.

I looked to where his hand was and I had a big growing belly .

" I love you Adeline " he said .

And that was the last thing that happened before I woke up.

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