Chapter 56

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Adeline's POV

" What do we know " asked Grayson . I looked around the room hoping someone would have something , anything .

" They took her East , we followed the trail but eventually it just stops. We have a camp set up there , they search the area everyday to make sure there's not something we're missing .

" How— How will we find her then.... " I whispered . But I knew everyone heard me because they all looked at me .

" Adeline I will find her , if it's the last thing I do I promise you " said Aiden standing up .

I just gave him a nod , feeling the need to cry for my baby , they just continued to talk on what the next move would be but I just spaced out as I started to get flashbacks of me and Grayson, memories I didn't even know existed . I missed him ... even if I couldn't remember him I missed him. I unfortunately fell in love with him instantly . I grew up alone , and knowing that we were made for each other brought me confort , until I actually got to meet him and he crushed everything I believed in .

But then he changed and started actually showing me love and affection, I fell hard . And the day I saw Lindsey in that place ... seeing she was still alive I knew he would choose her , or at least I thought he would . He wouldn't look at me when we first met , and he was the worst. He took out the " passing " of Lindsey on me, as if I had killed her so I could have her spot.

I don't know what happened, or why me and him came to be . Lindsey was still very much alive and pregnant. I hope Grayson is telling the truth when he says the baby in her stomach isn't his.

And the fact that it might not even be his and he's done all these pregnancy stuff with her , and I didn't get to experience my pregnancy with him makes me so sad and then mad for leaving that day.

" Ok it's settled then " said Grayson as everyone stood up. The door was slammed open causing me to jump , I hadn't been paying attention and this scared me.

" ADDIE " I heard a voice say as I was tackled by two bodies .

If it weren't for the chair I was currently sitting in I would have been down on the ground , worst part was my body is still in a lot of pain and this made the pain go up 100x .

I tensed up unable to move hoping someone would get these people off me . And finally they were pulled off of me .

" Her body is still in pain " growled out Grayson.

" Oh we're sorry Addie we didn't know " said Valeria .

" Oh my god . Valeria, Emerald! " i said as I spread my arms for them to come into them but this time they were careful and hugged me softly .

" we missed you Addie " said Emerald .

" dinner is ready " said a Pack member coming into the room.

" thank you! We will be right there " said my mom.

" Will you guys stay and join us? " asked my mom looking at Grayson and his people .

" Yes , we'd love to " said Valeria .

" I'll go get Colby " said Valeria walking out .

Oh god , I have to apologize to him. I did stick a needle into his neck ...

My dad picked me up and brought me to the dinning room not even giving me the chance to try and see if I could stand.

I looked at everyone around me , and everything just felt so wrong. We're all sitting here about to eat all content while hope is out there... I don't even know If she's ate today. My poor baby. She should not be going through this at all.

Everyone around me just talked about who knows what , everything just kind of became a blur I couldn't eat. Grayson had sat in front of me and I could feel him starring at me , his eyes burning a hole right through me.

I looked up as everyone laughed , I don't know what they were laughing at and I could care less I tried to get up but failed miserably . Grayson saw this and got up and came to my side and picked me up , we walked out without saying anything.

I just let myself give in and laid my head on him, this was the only thing keeping me so calm. He walked up the stairs and back into my room, he opened the door walked in and laid me on the bed . He went to leave but I called him back.

" stay ... please " I said .

He just gave me a nod and came and laid with me , he pulled me into his arms and soon enough my eyes started shutting on their own. I hadn't slept in days and this was the most comfortable I've been in a long time.

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