Chapter 11

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Adeline's POV

" WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT " asked Val as we were now away from the boys and in her car on our way to the mall .

" Why does Grayson not believe im his mate , why does he have to have witches checking me " I asked her putting my full attention on her now .

I watched as she swallowed hard avoiding eye contact , she continued to drive and I just starred at her until she finally just let out a sigh.

" Look Adeline , it's really not my place to tell . I — I wish it were easy but honestly we are all surprised you are here . It really is impossible for you to be here now and be his mate . " she said .

" I know that already , that's all I've heard since I got here . Tell me something I don't already know Val . " was all I said .

" FUCK " was all she said

" Look Adeline just know that I'm basically a dead women " was all she said as she ran a frustrated hand down her face.

" Grayson... He already had a mate " was what came out her mouth and to say I was shook was an understatement.

I thought getting  thrown against the wall was painful , but this ... I felt like I was getting stabbed in the heart over and over again .

" Adeline " said Val but all I could do was sit there , How Is it possible that I'm here then?

" What happened to her ? " was all I could say .

" She was killed by Rouges " was what she said .

" That's why he despises them " I said .

" Yea ... Adeline —- " she started but I just got out of the car realizing we were here already.

" Let's go " I said cutting her off .

We walked around in silence none of us saying anything , and I just followed her around knowing I wouldn't be able to afford anything .

" Do you like anything ? " she asked me.

" No im ok " was all I said . Truth be told I saw some very cute dresses and then we walked by this jewelry store and from the window I saw this gorgeous bracelet but sadly I could not afford any of that . And now that I know I'm definitely not supposed to be here I will be leaving and hopefully getting some more money soon.

" Let's get some food " she said after 2 hours of just walking around .

" I'm fine , I'm not really hungry but if you wanna go we can sit down " I said knowing damn well I would not be eating for a while after this .

" Let's just go home " she said as she picked up some bags from stuff she had bought .

The drive back was silent , but what else could be said ...

After 30 minutes we pulled up in front of Grayson's house , I wonder if she lived here with him or if he had just gotten this place ......

" Thank you Val I had fun " I said as I got out and walked in through the door and I was half way up the stairs when I heard someone talk behind me.

" You didn't buy anything ?" And there it was , that voice that causes chills down my spine . The one that makes my heart speed up as soon as it feels him by .

" No " was all I said not looking back at him , I couldn't not knowing the situation now .

" Why not ? I gave Valeria my credit card " he said .

" That's your money not mine to spend , and I didn't like anything " I lied.

" Well your my —- " he started , but he himself couldn't even finish that sentence.

I just let out a small laugh and continued up the stairs mumbling a small " Good night " .

As soon as I shut the door behind me I slid down it as the tears started rolling down my face . I thought there was hope ... but how is he supposed to love me, if he already loves someone else .

There's no way he would be able to do that , it would always be her .

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