Character Info

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A/n: Female Lead is an OP character and somewhat of a Mary Sue character. So if you don't like it, please click off. Also this is my first story and there's going to be more chakra natures than just the 5 chakra natures and the yin and yang releases

Name: Lotus Seraphina (meaning: Pure Heavenly, Winged Angel)

Age: 8 (When she joins the village)

Personality: She's a quiet, chill, elegant, intelligent and nice person. She's always ladylike, and nice to others regardless of who they are and she rarely gets angry. She can be very sarcastic and unladylike whenever she feels like it. But on the inside, she's always questioning them and usually criticize them. Whenever she's alone, she would either train and create jutsus, sing, play her instruments or play with her animal friends

Likes: Family, friends, sweet and spicy foods, nice and honest people, dangos, sakura mochi, tea

Dislikes: Egotistic people, rude people, meat

Hobbies: Reading, sewing, knitting, training, cooking, baking, playing instruments, and singing


Spiritual Elemental Butterflies: Just like it's name states, Seraphina can summon butterflies from every element such as lighting, fire, earth, wind and more and she can perform jutsus with them if she wants. Also they don't require any chakra to use, as long as she's still conscious, she can use them in any way she wants.

Mermaids' Harmonic Voice: Whenever Seraphina starts singing, her voice can double the strength of herself and others' jutsus, double their speed/strength, and heal and revive others. If she sings again it'll build up the buff if she sang for the first time so if it's already 2x stronger, another song would make it 4x then 8x, 16x and so on. She can also choose whoever she wants to buff and while she's singing, flowers and many other living nature will grow around her.

Sirens' Intoxicating Voice: It's the same as the previous ability except instead of strengthening and healing, it does the opposite. So instead of strengthening, it will weaken, instead of healing, it will make the injuries/illnesses worse and instead of reviving, it will bring people from the dead but as servants and can only obey the castor. So it's literally the reanimation jutsu but better.

Luscinigan: It's the clan's dojutsu, that consists of colors of the rainbow, white and black. However that's the true luscinigan, only the Lotus child of the prophecy can possess it in other words only Seraphina possess the true luscinigan. A normal luscinigan on daily occurrences would consist of 3-5 colors of the dojutsu. Also every color is a dojutsu by itself sooo Seraphina has 9 dojutsus (including the Lusinigan). Not only that depending on what colors of the luscinigan the possessor can change their eye color to any of them. Not only that the Lotus is born with the luscinigan and their natural eye color is the colors of the luscinigan together (Not mixed). The Lotus clan is always born with the luscinigan which consists of 5 stages with different and more powerful techniques in store. Here's the dojutsus that Seraphina possesses:

Red (Sharingan): A dojutsu that only the Uchiha clan can awaken through trauma. There are 3 (or 4 stages if you count the mangekyo) stages of the sharingan. (I'm not gonna bother to explain what it does because whoever's reading this probably watched Naruto before). The only difference is that Seraphina will be born with the sharingan.

Orange (Phrosphrine): A dojutsu that can alter with the human body of the wielder and other bodies as well. In other words it can mess with the nervous system, chakra pathways, bones, kidneys and more. However in order use this dojutsu, the wielder must know how the body operates in order to work. There are 5 stages:

The 1st stage can slow the body's systems' so it'll make the body weaker.

The 2nd stage can move bones around a little, the most it can do is dislocating a bone.

The 3rd stage is the starting point of messing around with the body and it's systems however it won't do much to the victim as they will not even notice it until later on. The most it can do is start destroying a system or body part bit by bit although it will only last by the amount of chakra the wielder has left (It won't last forever it'll stop when the wielder decides to cancel it or they lose more than half of their chakra reserves).

The 4th stage can move chakra in others, it may sound dumb but it can change the chakra flow and move it somewhere else on the body like when the victim is trying to focus chakra on the feet but with the 4th stage, it can get focused elsewhere.

The 5th stage is the most powerful stage as it can steal chakra from others and damage the chakra pathways of the chosen victim however it requires a physical contact, skin to skin contact to work. The last stage can only be activated as long as the wielder maintains physical contact with the victim.

The requirements to awaken the stages are: 1st stage: Born with it, 2nd stage: Learning at least 30 medical ninjutsus, 3rd stage: Learning how to detoxify many poisons, 4th stage: Performing a surgery and saving the patient from a near death situation, 5th stage: Save 10 people at once

Yellow (Stellargan): A dojutsu that can control the direction of where light goes (or shines on). They can use the light in any way they want meaning they will have control over moonlight, sunlight, and starlight (Which means Seraphina can use starlight, moonlight and sunlight release). Not only that, it's true extent to its power are herreshers (I'm adding in Honkai Impact stuff in here). Seraphina is the herresher of ice and void. (I'm planning to make up my own herreshers but tell me in the comments if you like the idea or not) Which means Seraphina not only has chakra but honkai energy as well. There's no stages, just one

Green (Nactu Druid): A dojutsu that has the closest relationship with Earth. It allows the wielder to talk to animals, speed up growth processes, grow whatever plant you want, healing processes, extract any harmful bacteria, change the weather at will and the ability to cause natural disasters such as a earthquakes, blizzards, etc. and alter the earth in any way the wielder wants. The wielder can also revive people, talk to spirits/ghosts and use natural energy at will without turning into stone. There are a total of 3 stages:

1st stage: Can change the weather, talk to animals and use all chakra natures including yin and yang and use natural energy

2nd stage: Speed up healing and growth processes, talk to spirits/ghosts and make them visible (credits to @SeenaJ, I loved the idea of being able to talk to ghosts)

3rd stage: Can cause natural disasters or stop it and revive people.

The requirements to awaken the stages are: 1st stage: born with it, 2nd stage: Learning 30 fuinjutsus (including the ones the wielder created) 3rd stage: Learning senjutsu in harsh weathers

Blue (Niciel Caste): A dojutsu allows you to dimension jump (Yup, I'll be adding in some crossovers but that'll come in different books) and it takes no chakra but the magic word: 'Zaphkiel'

Purple (Rinnegan): Y'all know what this is so I'm not going to bother explaining

White (Byakugan (Do you guys want Seraphina to get the Tenseigan? Let me know)): Again, I'm not going to bother explaining what this is also Seraphina is going to be born with the Byakugan

Black (Jougan): I'm pretty sure you guys know this

(Edit: I forgot to mention her chakra natures, she has all of them) 

Appearance: Long white hair that is waist length but is always tied in a bun with a braid crown and below is her outfit (Feel free to change the colors if you want) when she goes to the leaf.

Appearance: Long white hair that is waist length but is always tied in a bun with a braid crown and below is her outfit (Feel free to change the colors if you want) when she goes to the leaf

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