16- First Mission: Part 2

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Seraphina POV:

A few minutes prior...

I was peacefully playing my keyboard until a messenger bird that came from Itachi-san and Shisui-san's direction flew in and perched onto one of the rogue nin's shoulder with a piece of paper, I narrowed my eyes at the sight while watching them from one of my butterflies' eyes. Time to seal my keyboard away... that message is probably about their fellow rogue nin being attacked. I got up, took out one of my scrolls and sealed my keyboard inside and just as I finished sealing it, a kunai with an explosion tag attached to it came hurling at me.

I jumped away from it immediately and stopped suppressng my chakra. Welp... hope Itachi-san and Shisui-san got the scroll because killing all the rogue nin here by myself is going to be a challenge with only half my chakra with me. All rogue nin jumped at me while I started weaving hand signs.

"Water style: Evil Windmill Water Shuriken!"

"Water style: Water Chains jutsu!"

"Fire style: Dragon Flame jutsu!"

"Wind style: Wind Sword!"

"Lightning style: Lightning Blast jutsu!"

"Ice style: Dome of the Arctic" A ice sphere encased me, protecting me from the attacks then I weaved some hand signs again while the rogue nin were still attacking my ice sphere. "Ice style: Entangling Shivervine Thorn Roots" Huge ice vines covered in thorns rose from the ground and killed about 5 rogue nin. That took a bit too much chakra... but at least heir numbers are cut in half. I heard some cracks and look at the source of it to see my ice sphere had cracks in it. God dammit.... I narrowed my eyes and was about to use Shadow Step.

"Fire Style: Phoenix Flower jutsu!" It made the rogue nin jump away to avoid the attack and I whirled my head at the voice while my ice sphere shattered. Itachi-san landed beside me while weaving hand signs and I started weaving hand signs as well. Might as well combine our attacks.

"Fire Style: Fireball jutsu" we both said in unison. I took out my senbon needles and pinned the ninjas that jumped away from the fireball to a nearby tree or to the ground. We took this opportunity to knock them out to bring to the T&I while Shisui-san came. He looked around seeing dead bodies and unconscious shinobis. He scratched the back of his head while asking a very dumb question that can easily be answered in front of him.

"Am I late?" he chuckled. I ignored his question and kept a blank look on my face while Itachi-san did the same. I finished sealing the unconscious shinobis in a spare storage scroll and got up. I looked up at the sky to see the sun setting. I need to replenish my chakra. We started tree hopping back to the leaf before Shisui-san stopped after tree hopping for about 20 minutes.

"We might as well rest for the night, we need to recover our chakra after all... Himeko-chan is nearly chakra exhausted" Shisui-san pointed out

"Well, I don't have a lot of chakra to begin with" I said.

"Then it's settled, we're resting"

We nodded and took a stop in a small empty field. I unsealed some bentos before Shisui-san went off to find food.

"Well, I never knew the benefits of having a fuinjutsu user on the team would make things so much easier" Shisui-san said thoughtfully while Itachi-san nodded in agreement. I handed them a bento and ate in silence. Then we went to sleep for the night.

The next day...

We woke up at dawn and started tree hopping immediately after eating breakfast. After about 2 hours, my legs were aching. My legs are going to give out soon... might as well have the butterflies carry me back to the leaf again. My butterflies responded by appearing under me while I was in the air and started flying with Shisui-san and Itachi-san. Of course, the boys wanted to hitch a ride as well. Due to this, we reached Konoha earlier than we thought.

We reached to the gates of Konoha, checked in with the guards and went directly to the hokage's office. We knocked on the door and was granted entry. We went in and got on one knee, "How's the mission?" the hokage asked without looking up from his paperwork.

"It went well, we managed to bring back some of them alive and successfully retrieved the scroll." said Shisui-san while he took out the scroll and put it on the hokage's desk. The hokage nodded in approval, "Nicely done, bring the rogue nin to the T&I and you're free from missions for the day" We got up and body flickered to the T&I building, unsealed the rogue nin and left them to the T&I's care. We went back to change out of our anbu outfits and went to the dango shop.

Ordered some dangos and tea and sighed in relief. "Feels nice to be back from a mission" I slouched on my chair while Shisui-san and Itachi-san agreed until an anbu showed up in front of us out of nowhere the moment I said that. You've got to be kidding me... "Emergency mission from the hokage, please report to the hokage's office immediately"

I sighed while Itachi-san paid for our dangos and tea and we packed the remaining dangos in a bag before body flickering to the hokage building. Itachi-san and Shisui-san changed into their anbu uniforms while I went directly to the hokage's office. After a few minutes, Itachi-san and Shisui-san arrived, there were lots of anbus and jounins in the room. Must be a serious issue if there's so many of us here.

"Thanks for coming everyone, there has been an ambush at the daimyo's and feudal lords' places from the stone village. They've killed many of our guards and many are severely injured. All of you except for Himeko, go fend off the stone ninjas." Everyone but me nodded and they body flickered or used a transportation jutsu. I turned to the hokage when we were alone.

"Himeko, I heard about your medical ninjutsu so go to the hospital and tend to the wounded" I nodded and used both Luminous and Shadow Step to get to the hospital immediately. This is frustrating.... I entered the hospital and was greeted by a nearby nurse. "You must the medical ninja Lord 3rd sent right? Please come with me!" I still don't know the hokage's name.... I followed the nurse through the halls and went in room 311.

1085 words

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