11- Evaluation: Part 2

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Itachi's POV:

I was there watching Himeko's evaluation matches. As expected, she took down the genin with pretty much no effort but during her match against the chunin, she was very fast. I even subconsciously activated my sharingan to try to follow her movements but it was too fast for my eyes to keep up.

I already know she's at least jounin level but now I think she's definitely at least anbu or possibly higher. She's probably, no definitely stronger than me.

"The jounin evaluation shall start when I say begin" the proctor announced. Then Asuma-san stepped up. Well, Asuma you just signed up for a death wish. I glanced at my father to see his reaction to Himeko's strength to end up seeing him with his eyes as wide as saucers. He returned to his stoic face after then turned to my direction.

"She's powerful, perhaps around your level or higher" he said. I could tell he was thinking of something and it definitely involved Himeko. We turned to our attention back to the match, "Begin!" the proctor shouted.


Seraphina's POV:

The man came at me with his chakra blades while I readied myself with a kunai in both hands. We both ended up in a taijutsu battle with me having the advantage since I'm faster, I didn't have any trouble dodging his attacks. After a few more moments, he jumped back while doing some hand signs. 

"Fire style: Ash Pile Burning" and blew out smoke that was coming at me pretty fast. I did some hand signs as well, "Ice style: Dome of the Arctic". The smoke surrounded me in seconds after I used my Dome of the Arctic but I wasn't worried. The jutsu encased me in a sphere made of ice and protected me from the smoke, I I left a substitute in my place in the form of a clone and appeared in the shadows of a nearby tree and waited for the smoke to let up and my ice dome came into view. 

I heard a bunch of gasps but I could care less, it's time to end this. The man launched a wind jutsu at the sphere while I weaved a few more hand signs and slammed my hands on the ground. "Ice style: Freezing Confinement" Ice rose from the ground freezing the man in place while I stepped out of the shadows. I looked at the proctor and waiting for him to announce me as the winner which he did. Then I turned to the hokage while walking towards him. 

"I believe my evaluation is over also can someone burn the ice?" a random anbu stepped up and burned the ice for the man while the hokage said, "I planned to have you fight against one of my best anbu but seeing this battle is enough to prove that you're around anbu level or perhaps stronger. So I have a proposal for you, do you want to become an anbu member?" he asked. People looked at me in anticipation while I had a blank look on my face. 

"No" I replied. People dropped their jaws and it was literally on the ground. Why would I refuse such a good offer? Well, it's simple really. Anbus probably get a lot of missions since they're the elite ninjas. They're going to be entrusted with a lot of important missions seeing how there's a lot of them. Sure, anbus are a higher rank than jounin but I'm pretty sure they're more busy than jounins also being part of the anbu would mean less time for myself.

"I only planned to be jounin, nothing more, nothing less" I said. I might as well keep my ranting to myself since I already attracted enough attention adding the fact that I sensed an anbu following me would be troublesome although, I get the feeling the hokage knows that I sensed them monitoring me.

"Well then, you're now a jounin of the leaf. Someone get her the headband and the flak jacket" said the hokage. "Normally, I'd have you graduate from the academy but I can tell you'll pass with flying colors so you're jounin pf the leaf starting now" he smiled.

"Thank you, Lord Hokage" I said while doing a curtsy and a anbu arrived with a flak jacket and the leaf headband. I took it from the anbu and wore my headband around my forehead while the flak jacket was draped over my arm, "I shall take my leave now" while doing a curtsy and walked away. Then Itachi-san and Shisui-san appeared by my side, "Let's go get dangos to celebrate your new jounin rank!" Shisui-san chirped. I smiled at the thought of dangos. 

"By the way Himeko, can I ask you something? You don't have to accept if you don't want to" said Itachi-san. I looked up to him with our eyes locked to each others, I nodded. "My father wanted me to ask if you could possibly train my little brother" I blinked my eyes then after a few moments I nodded.

"I don't mind" I replied, "The boy is a bundle of joy and since you're in the anbu and so is Shisui that would mean no one could train him since I'm assuming your parents are people who are too busy to train your brother themselves" I smiled sweetly.

"Now that I think about it, how old are you Himeko-chan?" Shisui-san asked, "You look really young but not younger than Sasuke but younger than us" he continued.

"I probably am, I'm 8 years old" I responded with a closed eye smile. 

"Oh? You're 6 years younger than me" Shisui-san said. "I was expecting you to be at least 10 years old" he said bluntly. 

"Are you both 14?" I asked. Itachi-san shook his head in response, "Shisui is 14 and I'm 11" We continued walking and after spending about 30 minutes in the dango shop and doing some training together, we went to the academy to pick up Sasuke-san. We all stood outside waiting while students were scrambling out of the front doors of the school to their guardians. After a few moments, Sasuke-san emerged from the school and after looking around for a few moments, he finally spotted us and ran over to us and by us I mean towards Itachi-san.

"Nii-san!" he greeted Itachi-san before greeting Shisui-san. Then he looked over in my direction then looked back to Itachi-san's direction, "Nii-san, why's Himeko-san here?" 

Itachi-san smiled, "She's going to be your tutor so she's going to be at the compound teaching you" Shisui-san nodded. 

"But why can't you teach me, Nii-san?" he asked then Shisui-san said, "Itachi and I won't have time to teach you since we're busy with anbu missions so we asked Himeko-chan if she could teach you in our place" 

"But..." Sasuke trailed off.

"But?" Itachi-san asked.

"She doesn't look so strong" said Sasuke. I turned to Itachi-san and Shisui-san with my eyebrow raised with a face that said 'Seriously?' and grinned in amusement.

"Then that's good, if I look weak then people would underestimate me also, this weak-looking-girl is a jounin now and was also offered to become an anbu" I said with a closed eye smile. I'm pretty sure Sasuke dropped his jaw because Shisui-san was laughing. 

Itachi-san cleared his throat to get our attention, "Himeko, would you like to have dinner with my family? My father would like to know your response" and just like that, the attention was on me.


1243 words

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