17- The Healing Song Butterfly

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Seraphina POV:

I was brought to room 311 where there were a few nurses and doctors looking into the patient's condition. Apparently, the patient who's name is Tabana Kuroba was poisoned, the doctors never heard of the poison and didn't know the medication for it.

"Let me see his condition" I commanded. They moved out of the way while I stepped forward. I checked his pulse to see that the poison has spread throughout his body. Then scanned his body to see he had a dislocated shoulder, a shattered arm and a broken leg. He's not going to make it in a few minutes... I placed a genjutsu over my eyes and activated my Nactu Druid. I extracted as much of the poisonous bacteria to prolong his life while telling the nurses and doctors to get some empty jars and herbs.

I created a shadow clone to mix some herbs and created an antidote quickly while I kept extracting the poison. My clone finished creating the antidote after a little over 5 minutes and shoved the antidote down Kuroba's throat. Right after that, I snapped his shoulder back in place and healed his arm and leg. I wrote down some instructions for Kuroba to take his medication and some advice for his health then left.

I was brought to the next patient who was in room 401 to see that the patient was stabbed in the arteries. There were doctors who were about to announce her death with people wearing plain kimonos with pale purple eyes crying ay her bedside. "Please let me see her condition" the doctor was quite stubborn and insisted she's done for but I said, "She's never done for until her heart stops beating" I placed my hand over her arteries and started healing it. I sped up the healing process and managed to heal her arteries but she lost too much blood. "What's her blood type? We need to make a blood transfusion"

"A" an older man answered. I nodded, "Does anyone have type A blood?" A younger woman placed a hand over her chest and said "I do" I turned to her direction, "I need type A blood now, she's going to die of blood loss soon" Then the woman said, "I'll give my blood if it means my sister can live!" I nodded then turned to the doctor, "Do you have a syringe?" I asked. He shook his head. "I'll have to use a kunai then... there's no time to get a syringe" I said thoughtfully, I grabbed a clear plastic bag and turned to the woman while pulling out a clean kunai from my kunai holster.

"Tell me if you start feeling dizzy" I said while the woman extended her arm. I made a clean cut and caught the blood in the bag. "Tou-san? Is Mimi-nechan going to make it now?" I heard a childish male voice ask. "I believe so" the older man comforted the boy. "Can someone hold the bag? I need to check the patient's condition" the older man held the bag while I checked the woman's pulse. Her heartbeat is getting slower... I took the bag immediately and connected it to the woman's bloodstream then healed her stab wound before bandaging it.

I sighed, "There's nothing else I can do now, we can only hope that she lives long enough to get enough blood into her bloodstream to live" I wrote down some medications for her to take and health advice. The hospital should have the necessary medications for her. I took a look at the woman's info to read the name. Miyumi Hyuga? I heard someone running to the door and slamming it open, "Himeko-san! There's more patients with the same poison as Kuroba-san!"

I sighed in frustration and created a shadow clone to create more antidotes while I was led to the next patient and heard a woman screaming from the inside. Then I see a man pacing back and forth with some people trying to calm him down. They were all wearing a plain kimono and had pale purple eyes like the people from the previous patient. Are they all Hyugas? I went in the room to see the woman screaming with tears rolling down her eyes and the doctors screaming push.

I narrowed my eyes at the sight. Something's not right.... I examined the woman and checked her pulse. Her heartbeat is beating slower and slower... and she's quite pale. My eyes widened when I realized what the problem was. She's sick isn't she? I created a shadow clone and told it to get some painkillers while I examined her illness. I activated my byakugan in my right eye to see her bloodstream while putting a hand over her forehead and started using the mystic palm since she somehow got a fever. She's got klebsiella pneumoniae not only that there's more problems.... She has a comorbidity and to top it off, she's giving birth... if she's diagnosed with more diseases then saving her is going to be a challenge, the moment she finishes pushing out the baby, if she's diagnosed with diseases then it's very likely that she'll die right after. I created another shadow clone to create a medication for it while I continued examining her.

After about 5 minutes, I managed to identify her condition or rather diseases. How is she not dead yet?! liver cancer along with sarcoma cancer and they're both at stage 3! I had a lot of healing butterflies go in the woman to help me heal her. Half of my butterflies worked on her liver cancer, the other half worked on her sarcoma cancer while I worked with Klebsiella pneumoniae. After about 30 minutes, I heard a baby crying. Dammit!

"We're losing her!", I heard a doctor shout. I immediately moved some of my butterflies to her heart to keep it beating. My clone came back with a medication but that was only for the klebsiella pneumoniae. I fed her the medication while telling my clone to create medications for the liver cancer and sarcoma cancer. As soon as my clone disappeared, the door burst open, revealing the man pacing back and forth outside with the doctors bowing to him.

"Sir, please go back outside. I need full concentration to heal your wife" I said calmly without looking at him. The man then asked calmly but I could tell it was a demand. "How's my wife? I heard the doctors saying, 'We're losing her'." I responded, "That's what they think, they may not know the medications to her illnesses but I do, right now I need you to go out or stay quiet for me to concentrate."

The man's expression changed into a grim one but kept quiet. After about 45 minutes, my clone came back and gave me the medications. I fed the woman the medications and sped up the process then focused on getting rid of the cancer cells while telling a doctor to get some empty jars. After 5 minutes, I finished. I sighed then took the woman's pulse to see that her heartbeat was going back to normal and her skin was starting to go back to normal.

I turned to the man while writing down instructions and health advice for her. "Your wife is out of critical condition but I suggest to have her stay in the hospital for about a month before leaving" then I handed him my list of instructions and health advice to him. He scanned the paper while cracking a smile of relief on his face before the door slammed open again. "Himeko-san, a new batch of patients just came in!" the nurse guiding me says and ran off. Right after that, I released hordes of healing butterflies. I should've done this in the first place! I'm an idiot! I body flickered to the rooftop of the hospital while concealing my presence and started singing. Either I lost a huge amount of brain cells while hanging out with Shisui-san... or I'm just this dumb otherwise, I would've started singing earlier....

My voice could be heard from my butterflies as everyone's wounds started closing up and relaxed to my singing. People are so going to find out about my singing but people are dying, and I can't be everywhere at the same time. The next jutsu I should create is a clone that can heal others.

1408 words

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