20- Visiting the academy

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Seraphina's POV:

I stood in front of the academy with Casper-chan and Cindrix-chan, contemplating my life choices. Why did I come here again? I shouldn't have agreed. Taking in a deep breath, I walked through the doors of the academy and was greeted by another teacher immediately.

"Greetings Himeko-sama, my name is Misuki and I'm here to guide you to your respective room." He bowed then walked away while I followed him. We stopped in front of a door and heard a lot of chattering inside while Mizuki knocked on the door. Iruka opened the door, "Mizuki, thanks for bringing Himeko-sama here." Mizuki nodded, "When I heard of your request, I thought f having my class meet Himeko-sama as well. That is if you're fine with it." Iruka smiled, "No problem, the more the merrier."

Mizuki walked away to his class while Iruka turned to me. "Please excuse my students, they're usually very chatty." I smiled in response, "I don't mind." He then sighed, "Well, I'll tell you when to come in." I nodded in response. I wonder if Sasuke or Naruto have any friends here.... I was brought out of my thoughts when I heard Iruka call me in. Well, here goes nothing....

I opened the door and walked in with everyone's eyes on me immediately. "She's the special guest?", "She's really pretty", "She looks really young", "She better not fall for Sasuke-kun". Sasuke-kun? Sasuke's popular? That's something. Somehow, Iruka made his head go big. Literally, it was quite big that his neck looked quite thin. Amazing.... "Settle down everyone, show respect for our guest!"Iruka shouted. "Be grateful that she agreed to my request to come here." Clap, clap.

I cleared my throat and curtsied, "Greetings, my name is Masaki Himeko, and I'm a jounin of the leaf." Everyone's eyes except for Naruto, Sasuke and Iruka widened.

"I don't believe it, you look so weak!"


"You probably can't even beat Sasuke-kun!" I'm his tutor idiots.

I clapped my hands, "Shall a demonstrate my power?" I'll enjoy pummeling Sasuke or Iruka for not telling me their class were filled with immature brats.... I gave a very fake closed eye smile but the class didn't seem phased except for Naruto, Sasuke and Iruka who had faces of horror. Which made sense since Naruto and Sasuke experienced the consequences first hand while Iruka knew when to keep his mouth shut and step down.

"Yes!" The classroom chorused. Great, who shall be my unfortunate victim? Hmmm.... I turned to Iruka, "Alright, Iruka-san shall we have a spar?" I gave him a sinister closed eye smile. Iruka, saying no isn't an option besides, right now the best way to prove that I'm a jounin by defeating a chunin. Iruka was starting to sweat so hard with his face mixed with shock and horror. Fu, fu, fu~

"V-Very well, Himeko-sama" he said with a face that says "Please show mercy". That's absolutely impossible. Anyways let's go! I haven't fought someone apart from Sasuke for a while! We all walked outside to the hallways while Mizuki's class came out as well and followed us to the training grounds.

After explaining to Mizuki about what was going to unfold, I stood at one side of the field while Iruka stood on the other side with Mizuki as the referee with Sasuke, Naruto and Mizuki glancing at Iruka with pity.


Iruka came at me with a punch but I caught it and brought my knee up and kneed him in the stomach. He grunted before trying to hit me with a roundhouse kick but I ducked under it and swept his other leg which resulted in him falling before catching himself with his arm and pushing himself back up to fight back. While he was pushing himself back up, I raised my leg up and smashed the heel of my shinobi sandal heels on his face. He backflipped 3 times away from me quickly while he had blood running down his nose and panting. He wiped the blood off his nose never keeping his eyes off my bored yellow ones then I narrowed my eyes then widened them a bit which resulted with Iruka falling with a blank expression on his face.

I smiled, have fun in the genjutsu Iruka! I looked at Mizuki to announce me as the winner while the students had dropped their jaws to the ground excluding Sasuke and Naruto. Mizuki cleared his throat, "Winner, Masaki Himeko-sama!" I released the genjutsu on Iruka and he woke up immediately before realizing what happened earlier. He got up while I walked over to him and healed his wounds with the students watching closely.

I looked to the students' direction, "Well then, that should be enough proof that I'm stronger than Iruka-san, don't you all think so?" I asked with another sinister closed eye smile while my aura turned from calm, elegant and innocent to a threatening and sinister one. Everyone backed off immediately with sweat dropping down their heads, I chuckled at their expressions before reverting my aura back to it's original form.

"Anyways, seems like it's time for Kunoichi training and Shinobi training." Iruka says after looking at the clock from one of the classroom windows before turning to me, "Himeko-sama, may I ask if you can assist the teacher for the Kunoichi class?" I nodded, "I don't mind." I followed the girls to their class to find us in a room with pillows on the ground, teacups, kettles and more. A standard room for training in etiquette but where's the space for dancing?

A older woman emerged from one of the closets in the room, she was wearing a floor length white kimono that had red carps and a fade of blue on it with a white obi with blue trims. She held a stoic face while her eyes landed on me. She bowed immediately, "Greetings Himeko-sama, I'm Sachi Masayoshi, a teacher of Kunoichi class." I mentally sighed before smiling at her, "Masayoshi-san, please stand."

Sachi got up from her bowing position and motioned the students to sit. They all went to sit on a pillow while I stood at the back, watching. Sachi walked around examining their postures and correcting them until she found a civilian girl who had a perfect posture, "Look here everyone, Aimi here has a perfect posture, try following what she does" said Sachi while Aimi had a smug look.

Later on, Sachi started teaching how to brew tea and serve it and asked me to demonstrate which I did with the future kunoichis watching me. "There are many ways to brew tea, this is one of them. You don't have to be familiar with all of them but it's good to know more than 1 way to brew tea." One of the girls' hand shot up, I called on her. "Himeko-san, why do we need to know more than one way to brew tea?" I smiled at her response, "The answer is quite simple, not everyone do things the same way as others do. What if someone doesn't like how you're brewing the tea? What's worse is, what if that someone is one of your targets? You need to please them in some way if you want information from them or to lure them into a trap."

The girl nodded in understanding, "I'm assuming it's the same for other things?" she asked again while I replied, "Yes, it is although how you sit probably wouldn't change at all since you'll either sit in a chair, on your knees, or with your legs crossed." Later on the lectures continued on until the bell rang signaling that it was time for lunch. I got up from my sitting position, walked out of the classroom and went outside to see Sasuke crowded with his admirers.

Should I help him? Sasuke caught sight of me and looked at me with pleading eyes. Might as well. I walked over to him and called out to him, "Sasuke, Iruka-san is calling you." The girls stopped immediately and let him pass since a teacher called on him when in reality, he never did. He walked towards me with a grateful look, "Now then, we should go eat. Do you know any good spots to eat at?" I asked. "In the classroom, people never go in there. Only Hinata stays in there for lunch." He replied. Hinata? Is he perhaps talking about Hyuga Hinata?

We walked inside Iruka's classroom to see a girl with lavender eyes and short violet hair eating her lunch. So I was right. That is Hyuga Hinata. Sasuke went to his seat while I followed him and sat beside him. I unsealed a scroll about a S-rank medical seal and started reading it while starting to eat lunch before realizing that Sasuke would be bored after eating lunch. I didn't know how long lunch lasted so I unsealed a scroll I borrowed from the library and gave it to him. "I don't want you staring off into space while waiting for lunch to end if you finish eating early." He looked at it and was interested immediately, it was a lightning jutsu at genin level.

1526 words

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