13- Dinner with the Uchihas

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Fugaku's POV:

Masaki Himeko is the perfect tutor for Sasuke also her ice release kekkei genkai is something. Not only that she would be a perfect candidate for him.... I watched Himeko blow a huge fireball to demonstrate and even help Sasuke blow a huge fireball. As expected of a prodigy, even though she probably uses her ice release more often, she's probably well versed in fire release, seeing how she helped Sasuke blow a huge fireball.

We walked back to the compound just in time for Mikoto to announce that she just finished cooking dinner. We walked in and took a seat at the dining table. Mikoto and I on one side, Shisui sat on another side, Itachi and Sasuke on another and finally Himeko sat on another side. She has an elegant, innocent and yet calming aura. Not only that she has manners unlike 2 people. As I looked at Sasuke and Shisui who were bickering with each other.

We all started eating not minding the chaos Sasuke and Shisui were stirring. Until Mikoto asked, "Himeko-chan, how old are you?" Himeko looked up from her food and answered, "8". 8? She's younger than Itachi by 3 years and is older than Sasuke by 3 years, I guess it could work. It seemed like Mikoto had the same idea as me when she asked, "What do you think about marrying one of my sons?" Himeko hummed absently before choking on her food, grabbing her glass of water and chugged it down. Sasuke's reaction was different, his eyes were as wide as saucers, his jaw dropped to the floor and dropped his fork while Itachi's eyes widened and dropped his jaw to the floor as well. As for Shisui, he was watching in amusement while covering his mouth and stifling his laughter.

"Sorry, but what did you say?" she asked. "I said, what do you think about marrying one of my sons? After all, I can see white haired Uchihas in the house! Not only that, I won't be the only female in this household!" said Mikoto. "Isn't it too early to talk about marriage?" Himeko asked. If I wasn't observing her, I would've missed the girl's eye twitching.

"Nonsense! It's never too early to talk about marriage!"


Seraphina POV:

I was eating dinner peacefully while ignoring the bickering in the background. Who would've thought that having dinner at a different household isn't much different from home until Mikoto-sama brought up the topic of marriage.

"Nonsense! It's never too early to talk about marriage!" Woman, what are you talking about? You're literally discussing marriage with a 8 year old, aren't you suppose to talk about marriage when you're at least 14-15 years old? I'm 8 for god's sake! Seraphina, just quickly finish your dinner and get out of the compound immediately. Yup, good plan!

I started trying to finish my dinner quickly while Mikoto-sama started spewing some random things about marriage. "What about Itachi? He's quite the looker! Oh! What about Sasuke? He'll do nicely as well!" Then her next response made me bite my tongue hard.

"What about both? You can have both!" God damn, are you that desperate to have me as your daughter in law that you're willing to sell out both of your sons? Marriage isn't a shopping offer for god's sakes! Anyways I'd like to order the one way ticket of 'single for life'!

I recovered from biting my tongue and said, "Perhaps we can discuss marriage at another time since I've just met Itachi-san and Sasuke-san not too long ago" I covered my bitter face with a fake closed eye smile. On the outside, it looks like flowers are blooming around me and I had sparkles all over but on the inside it's got a gravestone that says 'RIP LOTUS SERAPHINA' with the caption that says 'died from the idea of marriage at the age of 8' I really don't want to end up on the Uchiha registry! I had invisible tears running down my cheeks.

Mikoto-sama sulked while saying "I suppose..." Score! I finished eating and was about to leave the household when Mikoto-sama said "It's quite late, why don't you stay here for the night?"

"That's not needed Mikoto-sama, I wouldn't want to be a burden" I said and turned my heel to leave but again Mikoto-sama said, "It's dangerous for a young lady like you to go out at night" Sure I'm young but I'm a jounin at anbu level, I can defend myself. "It's not needed Mikoto-sama, I can defend myself against enemies" I chirped.

"I insist!" Kami... you really want to set me up with one of your sons don't you? Don't you think we're too young?! Itachi-san's barely in double digits, Sasuke-san is still 5 and I'm only 8! Woman, why don't you try setting us up when we're older god dammit?! Not only that, you just had to pull the 'I insist' card. Now I really can't refuse since it would be rude of me!

"Very well, I shall take your offer" I better get a mattress to sleep on and please have me sleep in Sasuke-san's room. He's the only innocent one in this household!

"Unfortunately, all the spare mattresses are in the the laundry and will be dried tomorrow morning..." Are you saying I have to sleep with one of the boys tonight?! Either my luck is really bad or Mikoto-sama is trying to get me to sleep with one of the boys and I definitely think it's the latter. Otou-sama! Where are you when I need you to scare boys off?!

I sighed, "I guess it can't be helped... I'll sleep on the couch tonight" This is my last resort... please let me sleep on the couch and leave me alone! Of course, my hopes were crushed when Mikoto-sama said, "That won't do! A lady never sleeps on the couch!" I was internally crying at this point. A lady also sleeps alone when they're not married!

"Hmm... why don't you sleep with Itachi tonight?"

"Well, I thought Shisui-san was going to sleep in Itachi-san's room since they're both best friends" Please let this work, if I have to sleep with one of the boys then have me sleep with Sasuke-san since he's an innocent tomato!

"There's not enough space for you to sleep in Sasuke's room" Woman didn't you say I'm going to be sleeping with one of the boys in the same bed since you say there's no spare mattresses?! What do you mean by 'not enough space you to sleep in Sasuke's room'?! Are you trying to set me up with your eldest?

"Also Shisui will be leaving so there's enough space for you to sleep in Itachi's room" Shisui's face looked shocked before it turned into amusement. Shisui-san clearly wasn't expecting this either but he's on board with Mikoto-sama to set me up with Itachi-san as well?! I wonder how Itachi-san is faring with this... I glanced at Itachi-san to see him annoyed as well. At least I'm not the only one who's annoyed. But what I didn't see is the fact that Itachi-san had a tint of pink on his cheeks and red ears.

"Anyways time to go sleep!" Mikoto-sama chirped.

"Um... I don't have any sleepwear with me"

"Oh, you can always borrow one of Itachi's old pajamas or wear one of his shirts to bed!" Why.

I sighed then nodded. Itachi-san led me to his bedroom, he went to shower first and after coming out, he lent me a shirt and pants to change into. I went to shower and put on the shirt and pants then I came out. The shirt almost reached my knees and the pants were so long.

"As soon as everyone's asleep, I'll sleep on the couch" I said.

Then he sighed and said, "My mother won't allow that"

"Then I'll sleep on the floor"

"That's not acceptable either"

I sighed again trying to think of a way out of this mess while Itachi-san pulled me into his chest. I blinked while looking up at him with a blank face and tilted my head with the expression that said 'What are you doing?'

"Just sleep with me, I want to get this over with too" he said with a stoic face.

I sighed, "Fine"

He climbed under the sheets with me still in his chest. I closed my eyes and fell asleep in a heartbeat after being sleep deprived for a week. The hokage seemed to deem me as a trustworthy person and called off the anbu that was following me during the past week so I can finally get a good sleep.

1435 words

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