2- Goodbye

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I woke up at 10:30 am which was surprising considering the fact that I usually wake up at 6 or 7. I suppose it made sense though, I did perform a jutsu that was probably or rather definitely higher than a normal S rank, used a teleportation jutsu more than once and creating 7 shadow clones. I really should work on my chakra storage, it's so small. But it hit me, the moment I run out of chakra, the  8 Luminous Pillar Formation and the genjutsu barrier would probably  disappear. Not only that it takes half my chakra so I'll need to do something about that.

After thinking about it for a while, I decided to also have my honkai energy and spiritual butterflies connected to the barrier. So I wouldn't have to worry if I become chakra exhausted, doing this would take half my honkai energy as well but my spiritual butterflies as infinite as long as I maintain a good relationship with butterflies and nature in general. Should I just have my spiritual butterflies linked to the 8 Luminous Pillar Formation and the genjutsu barrier?

But I dismissed the idea immediately, these butterflies are connected to my mentality and consciousness meaning the moment I feel mentally weak or when I'm unconscious the barrier and formation will be weakened. There's no way for others to harness Honkai energy unless they're a heressher, the butterflies will only be there to strengthen the barrier. It also can't be helped since keeping the barrier and formation active takes half my chakra.

Seeing no way out of this, I settled with linking my honkai energy and spiritual butterflies to the barrier and formation. Doing this took half my honkai energy reserves which means at most I can probably or definitely last less than a genin can without my spiritual butterflies. I'd be no better than an assassin who can't accept failure as the consequences would be death.

I pondered over it for who knows how long but
















Oh well, I'll figure something out! But now, I have a world to explore! Onwards! But first... I should shower.

I jumped into the shower literally, and came out literally 5 minutes later, which reminded me to pack toiletries, my toothbrush, soap and shampoo. Not wanting to end up forgetting anything else, I made 2 shadow clones and had them look around to see if there's anything missing while I went to eat breakfast.


Clone 1 POV:
I walked outside the house looking if there was something I was forgetting until I met with Seviper (Pokémon Sinnoh, anyone?). "Greetings Ohime-sama, how are you?", Seviper asked even though it came out in hisses. I leaned forward to pet the snake, "Good morning, Seviper-chan", I coolly responded, "I'm doing well, thank you for asking".

"Oh that reminds me, I must ask if you can gather everyone and meet me at the garden. I have an important announcement to make, everyone must be present." 

"As you wish, Ohime-sama".

"Drop the formalities and just call me Seraphina, if you don't feel comfortable with it then call me Lady Seraphina or Seraphina-sama".

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