28- How to scare a snake

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Seraphina's POV:

I was staying with the hokage for night since Orochimaru (who I learned was the 3rd sanin) was lurking around my room while Shisui and Itachi stayed with me as well since it's their mission to protect me. Not only, that it would be safer for them because apparently Orochimaru has been looking for hosts with powerful kekkei genkais and bodies.

But what if we scare the snake?

I turned to the hokage and said, "I saw Jiraiya-sama and Tsunade-sama in the village." The hokage's eyes widened, "Really?" I nodded, "I was thinking that we could try luring Orochimaru to one of them to have them fight each other."

The hokage frowned, "Not that I like the idea but none of my anbu here could stand a chance against him. I suppose it's the best idea for now... I'm sure Orochimaru wouldn't dare to make any move if Tsunade or Jiraiya and I are expecting him."

He looked at me in the eye, "I'm assuming you know where to find those two?" He questioned while I nodded again in response. Jiraiya should be staying at one of the inns tonight while Tsunade's somewhere in the village, gambling or drinking her life away with Shizune trying to get her to stop.

I had the butterflies that were following Orochimaru split up into 3 smaller hordes. 1 horde to continue following Orochimaru, another to find Tsunade and the last one to find Jiraiya. It took a while but Jiraiya and Tsunade was found and the hokage told them about my situation. This led to Jiraiya luring Orochimaru out to the outskirts of the village, transformed as me with Tsunade waiting. A huge fight broke out between the three broke out between the 3 sanins with Tsunade and Jiraiya coming out victorious while Orochimaru got away with big injuries. 

But right after the battle, Jiraiya started ogling at Tsunade's breasts. Tsunade noticed this and proceeded in beating the crap out of him and now he got a black eye. Moving on, despite the fact that the 2 sanins is a pervert and a gambler, they definitely live up to their title. Tsunade's super strength and Jiraiya's ninjutsu is something to be feared, that's for sure. 

I thanked them for their assistance while Jiraiya ogled at my body. I proceeded to take out a senbon needle and throw it at his family jewels. He started howling in pain again while the others sweat dropped and the males paled in horror as Tsunade turned to me. She patted my head, "Good job, that's what you're suppose to do to perverts like that old man," while glaring at Jiraiya.

I nodded in response, so true. Without a doubt, Tsunade's my favorite sanin. There's no way a pervert or a man who sounds like a pedophile is going to be my favorite sanin. Tsunade has my respect, no doubt. Jiraiya and Orochimaru can go in Hasirama's emo corner for all I care. 

"Well then, it's time to go back. It's very late right now" said the hokage as he looked up to the night sky before turning to me. "Himeko, remember that you won't be going on any missions for a while." I nodded while mentally retorting, You rarely give me any missions, this doesn't make any difference.

We all headed back to our respective inns (with Jiraiya silently groaning). As I entered my room, I found the bed collapsed. The legs supporting the bed broke down. I sighed in frustration, just great... I might as well ask if there's another room available. I walked towards the registration and told the lady at the front that my bed broke down but unfortunately, all the workers sleeping so they couldn't fix it and they didn't have any spare rooms either. 

I walked back to my room while contemplating where I should sleep until Shisui and Itachi suddenly appeared beside me. I was about to question why they were here until I remembered that the hokage told them to watch over me for the next few days which I find unnecessary since Orochimaru wouldn't be coming back anytime soon with those nasty injuries. 

"Why don't you sleep in our room Himeko-chan?" Shisui asked. 

"I might as well, my bed is unusable for the time being anyway." I replied while picking up my scrolls and the key to the room. We walked to the boys' room and slept. But that only happened when we decided the sleeping arrangements since both Shisui and Itachi wanted me to sleep in their bed. So I suggested that we would push both beds together and with much reluctance, they agreed.

While we climbed in bed, I was mentally questioning myself, why I agreed to sleep in their room. When we got in bed, the boys got a bit too close for comfort but I waved it off. Itachi's too much of a gentleman to do anything and Shisui's not only an idiot but he wouldn't do anything. Although, I could see little sparks of lightning between the 2. How they fell in love with me is a mystery and I don't like it since I have no interest in love right now. 


Shisui's POV:

Yup, it's official. I confirmed it myself during our trip to the sand village. I have a crush on Himeko-chan. I don't know when it started at all but who cares? Itachi has a crush on the girl as well! I'll admit, I was shipping them both back then during Himeko-chan's first visit to the Uchiha compound but at that time, I don't think I saw her more than a friend yet.

Me and Itachi were having a staredown until we noticed Himeko-chan sleeping so peacefully right now. Calling it a truce for the time being, I proceeded to try to cuddle her but Itachi intercepted. After much silent fighting, we decided to leave it and just sleep. Being able to sleep beside her was enough anyway. We soon dozed off (with one of our hands holding one of her hands) and slept through the night with no interruptions while I was dreaming about dangos and having a date with Himeko-chan! 


Itachi's POV:

I absolutely didn't like the fact that Shisui was so close to Himeko but couldn't do anything about with Himeko sleeping. I didn't think Shisui would also have a crush on Himeko since he tried to help Oka-sama set me up with her but turned out he did. But I don't intend to back down. So after calling a truce, we fell asleep with my hand entwined with Himeko's while Shisui's hand held Himeko's other hand. We fell asleep after that since we were going back to the leaf tomorrow, early in the morning. 

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