30- Disgusting Old Fogey

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Seraphina's POV:

After a week after returning to the leaf, I finally perfected my special clone! Now I'm literally free from working at the hospital! So I've been able to take missions with Shisui, Itachi and some other jounins. On rare occasions, I sometimes get missions with anbus apart from Shisui and Itachi.

I've never went on missions on my own since Orochimaru is after me but now seems like there's another person after me. What's worse is that this person is part of the council. That's right, Shimura Danzo, a powerful and power hungry old fogey. I realized that this man was the one drilling holes in my head during that emergency mission. He had an armful of sharingans, I checked it myself by activating Byakugan.

He personally came to my office to meet with me, asking me to join his organization which was known as ROOT. I turned it down, with the excuse of saying I have too much work to do which is very true. He knows I'm the head of the biggest hospital so luckily he understood and left after making me swear to not tell the hokage. But I obviously did because I sent a butterfly to the hokage to act as a recorder of that conversation when I told that Danzo wanted to see me. Now the hokage knows Danzo has ROOT operating under the previous ROOT Headquarters. 

Whatever the hell he does with ROOT doesn't concern me. As long as Danzo leaves me alone, I could care less about what happens. Unless he decides to become an enemy, I'll find some way to turn him into a good and respectful person. After all, I'm not a fan of killing people unless they to try to kill me or if they do something heinous and terrible that deserves death then I wouldn't hesitate to kill them.

After Danzo left, I thought of following him in secret to see how ROOT operates and what the ROOT Headquarters looked like but I decided to not do so. Invading someone's place without permission would be rude also I thought Danzo just wanted his own organization to have his own ninjas that also takes orders from him and the hokage. A second leader in command. But my instincts thought otherwise since he had an armful of sharingans. Not only that, I heard from some jounins and anbus that he's a power hungry man who's after the title of hokage.

I'll have to ask Fugaku-sama about it but how? He'll definitely ask how I found out and saying I saw it with the Byakugan is out of the question.... I'll have to make him reveal those sharingans in public or seeing the sharingans out in the open myself then have Inoichi-sama himself check my memories as proof.

That was the plan. But I don't know how I'm suppose to get the sharingans out in the open and seeing them in person myself or getting them out in public eyes. So essentially, I had a plan but no idea how to formulate it. This is just great... I settled with asking Itachi and Shisui in private during a mission with them. 

"Danzo? That man is dangerous, he's been using ROOT for his own needs just to get the hokage title. He's someone who must be avoided at all times." Shisui stated while we were taking a break during a mission. 

"Shisui's right, he goes after young prodigies to try to either  manipulate or force them into joining. Himeko, it's safe to say that Danzo will try to force you to join. After all if he gets you under his control, then he'll get a huge power boost considering how much power you hold," said Itachi. "Your reputation as a shinobi, being the head of the biggest hospital, being well respected and liked by all of the clan leaders, clans and civilians will give Danzo the boost to overthrow the current hokage and become the next hokage."

I never thought of it that way... if that's so then it's very likely that Danzo will exhaust as many forces as he can to get me on his side, getting me in ROOT would just be a bonus for him. The old fogey is going to be a pest and unfortunately, I can't kill him if he has ROOT under his command. 

"Himeko-chan, I think it's best to live at the Uchiha district for the time being. Not that I'm underestimating your skills or anything but this is Danzo were talking about. He could send ROOT after you in your sleep," said Shisui. I sighed, knowing this is true. "Sure, I'll live at the Uchiha district for now." I replied. It doesn't hurt to be careful.

The mission went on and we returned to the leaf, successfully completing the mission. I head back to my new house to pack up again and unfurled my butterfly wings when I went outside. I had my butterflies carry all the animals who couldn't fly and took off. As we flew, civilians and some passing ninjas stopped what they were doing to watch me fly, surprised to see butterfly wings on my back.

I ignored their gazes and kept flying towards the Uchiha district. After flying for a few minutes, the district came into view with Itachi, Shisui, Mikoto and surprisingly Fugaku at the gates waiting. I saw their eyes widen like saucers, I chuckled at the sight as I started gliding down towards them. 

My wings disappeared when I landed in front of them, "Greetings everyone." I chirped, my animal friends landed behind me while my butterflies disappeared as well. Fugaku nodded while Mikoto came over with sparkles in her eyes and started to poke my cheeks and squeezing them. 

"Wahhh, Mikotoo-samaaa pwease stawp." I pleaded while Mikoto was stretching my cheeks out. "Hmmm, no thank you! Your cheeks are so squishy!" Mikoto exclaimed with sparkles around her. Soon Fugaku pulled her off saying that I was getting uncomfortable which is so true. I rubbed my cheeks while pouting. I saw both Shisui and Itachi blush while Mikoto squealed. I could tell what they were thinking.

They probably think I'm adorable or something. We started walking towards the compound while the Uchihas greeted us left and right. We soon reached to the compound while I was forced to sleep in Itachi's room again. Not that I minded it though, his bed is very comfy. 

Without knowing Itachi sent Shisui a peace sign while Shisui stuck his tongue out at him while Fugaku was reading newspaper and I was helping Mikoto with her house chores. Later on, Itachi and Shisui went out to the backyard to spar but in reality the spar was a bit too much. They took things a bit more seriously and went quite far to injuring each other. They both had cuts on their arms and had a lot of sweat on their faces.

It was quite surprising when they came back in the house but they said that they took things a bit too far by accident. So we waved it off without realizing that it was actually intentional. Damn Uchihas and their deep love. 

1194 words

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