31- Danzo decides to sign himself a death wish

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Seraphina's POV:

I was sleeping in Itachi's room alone while Itachi was away for a mission. I was sleeping soundly when I felt some KI nearby, I shot up with a kunai in hand and threw it at the KI's direction while activating stellargan. Someone in a mask, wearing a long black cloak dodged it. They took out what seems to be a katana and rushed at me with it directed at my neck. I dodged and as the katana like weapon came in contact with the moonlight that shone from the window.

A tip-less tanto? They're not anbu for sure, Itachi wouldn't pull something like this, Shisui probably would but he wouldn't spew his KI and wouldn't let his presence be known to the adversary. That only leaves a ROOT member or a rogue nin but this is the Uchiha district furthermore it's the main house so I'm quite sure rogue nin wouldn't want to sign themselves a death wish which only leaves ROOT.

I backflipped away from their tanto. I only have the senbon needles in my bun to fight with. I don't really have anything to arm myself with in close combat since senbon needles are for long ranged. I mentally sighed, I'll have to fight with taijutsu but first we need to get into some place with more space.

I dodged another slash from their tanto and jumped out through the window, breaking the glass in the process. Only to see a bunch of kunais with explosion tags attached to them hurled at me with some jutsus as well. Danzo, are you trying to kill me?!

I used Shadow Step to get out of the way while weaving hand signs. "Ice style: Shivervine Thorn Capture," the ice vines encased the explosion tags and jutsus, causing the tags to explode in the ice. I seriously don't want to have a fire starting in the Uchiha district especially not the main house.

I started weaving more hand signs while dodging the ROOT members. "Wind style: Blowing Gale," it knocked most of the ROOT members away while some of them endured it. In the process, I snatched 2 of the airborne tantos and chopped someone's neck with it. That's when Fugaku and Mikoto emerged from the compound with both of their sharingans activated while Sasuke appeared beside them.

Then about 20 Uchihas appeared beside them. A ROOT member started weaving some hand signs and after about 25 hand signs, they slammed their hands together. 4 beams shot up and formed a box that trapped me and the ROOT members in them. They certainly know how to make my life more difficult. I'll have to take back some chakra from the seal if I want to get through this. The Uchihas eyes widened, "Himeko/Himeko-sama!" they shouted in worry. 

"Start trying to break the barrier! We need to get Himeko out of there now!" Fugaku shouted orders at his clansmen. All of them unleashed some jutsus at the barrier, causing an explosion and smoke covered the barrier. One of them used a jutsu to get rid of the smoke to see that the barrier is still intact. "Get more people over here! We need to rescue Himeko!" 

I don't have any intentions of playing damsel in distress, god dammit!

"Water Style: Raging Cephadrome's Deep Seas" I took a huge breath while unfurling my wings and started blowing out water. I flew up and made sure to not touch the water while the water covered in area and raised up to about a meter which engulfed the unexpected ROOT. I started weaving some more hand signs. 

"Lightning Style: Shockwave Currents." I held out both hands as lightning in a wave-like form came out and resonated from my hands. The first shockwave hit the waters which sent some of ROOT to fall limp and into the water. I sent out some more shockwaves when I felt some heat from behind. 

I flew up on instinct while fire in a spiral-like form shot past then some kunais were getting hurled at me. I dodged most of them while blocking them as well, more kunais were getting hurled but they were mainly targeting my wings. How annoying. I looked down to see the remaining ROOT on the walls while the unconscious ones were in the water. 

They all hurled more jutsus and kunais at me while I dodged or blocked all of them. I can't keep this up all the time... I'll get hit sooner or later.... Why don't I do that? While trying to dodge all of them, a water jutsu hit one of my wings which resulted with me plummeting to the waters. Then it sounded like someone breaking glass. The barrier must be breaking, I need to wrap this up quickly!

I felt myself hitting the water as I heard screaming or rather Sasuke screaming. I held my breath and secretly weaved some hand signs before stopping at the last one while watching the ROOT members get closer and closer. Not yet... 

30 feet...

25 feet...

20 feet...

15 feet...

Now! I weaved the last hand sign while fixing my damaged wing at the same time and shot up, out of the water. I focused chakra on my feet while landing on the water, "Ice style: Glaciers' Meadow." Ice spread throughout the area at a rapid speed and covered the waters, trapping the ROOT under the ice. I bent down to channel more chakra into the jutsu and to prevent the ROOT from blasting through it.

First time trying to drown people and it does not feel good whatsoever. I heard more cracking as I channeled more chakra. If this keeps up, the barrier will break which will result with the water flowing and they'll be able to escape. I closed my eyes and started focusing more chakra, I can't let them escape! I started imagining ice walls on the edges of the ice jutsu growing under it that soon led to ice covering the ground from the ice walls. 

I don't know if this will succeed or not but I have to try.... Without knowing, ice walls grew at a rapid pace under the edges of the ice area and soon it grew the ground as well. Then it started rising, giving the ROOT members less and less space to move. After about 3 minutes, I stopped. I exhausted almost all of my chakra, I don't know if I can even stand anymore. I laid down on the ice, closed my eyes and took some deep but slow breaths. I heard more cracking then a very loud shatter while the Uchihas started running towards me.

Danzo, you old disgusting fogey, you got yourself a death wish! I will return what you've given me by a tenfold! Mark my words!

I opened my eyes to see Fugaku, Mikoto, Sasuke and more looking at me. What was the most shocking part was that Sasuke had blood red eyes with a tomoe in it! Sasuke awakened the sharingan?!

 1165 words

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