40- Uchiha Massacre: Part 1

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Seraphina's POV:

"So it wasn't a dream?" Itachi asked with his voice cracking. His eyes were about to spill while I rubbed circles on his back. "I afraid it's not..." I trailed off, his eyes started spilling immediately. He cried silently while he buried his face in my neck while I continued rubbing circles on his back. "Please... promise me this..." Itachi said with his eyes red from crying, "Don't leave me..." he trailed off while looking at me in the eyes.

I nodded in response. I didn't make any promises.

"Where's Shisui's eye?" he asked. I pointed at one of my scrolls. "I sealed his eye in the scroll" I responded. "What are you going to do with it?" I asked. Then Itachi corrected me, "It's what are 'we' going to do with it." I nodded, "That may be true but I don't know how to use the sharingan. So I can't really do anything with it and I don't have any intention to replace my left eye with his." He blinked, "I guess you're right..." he said sheepishly. I internally smiled. "Well what are you going to do with it?" I asked.

"I haven't really thought about it..." he trailed off while looking at the scroll I sealed Shisui's eye in. Right, I don't know if he knows about the Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan. He can use Shisui's eye to get it although he'll only have it in one eye. However, it would be awfully suspicious if I bring up a topic like this since clans never tell any of their secrets although, knowing Itachi, he probably or rather definitely wouldn't use Shisui's eye to get the Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan. He just won't, he'll probably feel guilty for using someone else's eye.

I internally frowned. Every time the user uses a mangekyo sharingan ability, the user loses their sight bit by bit. That's where another sharingan comes in. The user can replace their old eyes with a different pair of sharingans to get the Eternal Mangekyo. It'll let the user use their mangekyo abilites without having to fear about the backlash and side effects. If Itachi doesn't replace his eyes soon, then he'll eventually go blind. I could always heal his eyes to bring back his sight but I can't always be there with him.

"Also apparently, Shisui left a suicide note. Seems like he planned this the moment his right eye was taken from him. It says that he commit suicide because he couldn't go through with the coup d'etat." I stated. Itachi's eyes widened before they reverted back to their normal forms. He nodded while I continued, "This must've been his last attempt to stop the coup. The hidden message in the note is to hope that the clan realizes his desire for peace." I looked at him in the eyes.

"However, it seems that the clan doesn't realize this and they're still pushing for the coup d'etat." I finished solemnly. Itachi grit his teeth, "What are we going to do?" I asked. Itachi sighed, "I don't know anymore." he stated. Then the atmosphere darkened by a lot, "The only option we have... would be to slaughter the clan." I bit my lip. Is there really no way around this?

"You should go to the hokage and ask for some advice." I said. "As much as I don't like how soft hearted he is, he might have an idea and means well." I stated. Itachi sighed. "Might as well..." he trailed off. "I almost forgot, the clan thinks you killed Shisui... they believe the note is fake since the sharingan can be used to copy one's movements." I said, "They think you killed Shisui with my help." I finished with a frown.


Itachi's POV:

The clan thinks Himeko and I killed Shisui? They seriously think I'd do that? "I don't like false accusation either, they actually planned to detain us but I got them to leave us alone to look for evidence of killing Shisui." This means Otou-san suspects me as well. We're probably being monitored.... "Don't worry, I don't sense anyone in the compound right now. I have butterflies surrounding the perimeter."

I looked at Himeko, "What are you, a mind reader?" I joked. "Definitely" Himeko boasted jokingly while rolling her eyes playfully. I smiled at her antics. Even though I don't know anything about her background, I'm willing to wait until she tells me. Love can certainly change others for either the better or worse. I kept my eyes on Himeko, admiring her features as she played with my hair. But I don't mind, if it means I can be by her side, I don't mind.

After a few minutes, she got up to shower. I stared at the space where Himeko used to be before I got lost in my thoughts. There's no point in asking Lord Third for help, he won't be able to do anything. I heard the sound of the door opening, I got out of bed and went in the shower right after. There's no point...
















I'll still have to annihilate the clan...

I came out of the shower, dressed in my anbu uniform. Himeko was there petting her cat which I believe is Casper. She looked up and gave me a weak smile, "I already know Itachi, I'll get off work earlier to keep Sasuke away from the district." I broke down immediately. Himeko pulled me into a hug while her animals gave me understanding looks. I've never felt this vulnerable before but I could care less right now.

I felt Himeko patting my back, "There's no other choice Itachi. Right now, it's June 24th. Tell me the date when you figured it out" she said, knowing I'd want to spend time with them. I gave a nod while she pat my head in response. "Moving on! If only I found out how soft your hair is earlier, I'd have you laid down with your head on my lap and play with your hair!" She squealed. Note to self, wash hair everyday. Make it as soft as possible.

We soon part ways after eating breakfast Oka-san left for us. She went straight to the hospital while I went to the hokage for a mission.


1 and a half year later...

I'm now 13 years old, and Himeko's 10. The day of the massacre is approaching quite fast. I decided to massacre the clan on the New Years. Right now, it's a week before the massacre. I've spent as much time as I could with my family knowing that I won't be able to soon. Himeko and I stalled for time by doing many wild things.

Such as Himeko needing rare herbs for her poisons and having to travel far for it, deliberately injuring herself and such. As for me, I lied to the clan that the village is acting up when in reality, it's not and since I'm the only one undercover in the anbu, no one can rat me out. All of them are undercover as normal jounins or jounin senseis. Of course, I change up the lies by saying the hokage is suspicious of the clan's actions and such. This resulted with the clan freaking out and staying still for almost a month. It was quite ridiculous but this lie has proven to be a success.

Right now, I'm meeting up with Danzo privately at one of the abandoned building that used to belong to the Hyugas. I stood face to face with him at the evening, none of our eyes wavered from the other.

"So, have you decided?" Danzo asked.

"Yes, I accept the mission. I will annihilate the clan one week from now in exchange for my brother's survival." I stated.

1285 words

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