Random Stuffs: Part 7.5

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Third person's POV:

Seraphina was bored and decided to do an onslaught of pranks. More specifically, scaring the academy students. The excuse will be to expect the unexpected, saying that it's a lesson for them instead. The girl managed to get the anbus to help them after telling the hokage what she planned to do and to her surprise, the man agreed. "It's not a bad way to train them. They'll learn to stay on guard during missions. The anbus who are available will help you." He nodded to the anbus in the shadows.

These anbus were more than happy to help. After all, they need a break and something to do and what's better than to prank people? It's for the greater good! We'll be teaching academy students to always be wary as a shinobi! That's what they were thinking and so was Seraphina. Itachi didn't participate since he didn't want to anger his little brother and wanted to spend the time to train. Unfortunately, Shisui dragged him along, saying he needs to do something other than training for his life. And so they began, starting with Sasuke since he was the closest. They put a small bucket of water and set it to spill the moment Sasuke opens the door then messed up his school bag. Then left it like that. Shisui wanted to put in some pink dye in his shampoo but Itachi screwed him off.

They watched in the shadows along with Mikoto. Sasuke opened the door drowsily and stepped out before being greeted with a splash of cold water which resulted with Sasuke shrieking. "God dammit Shisui!!" Seraphina snickered while Shisui's eyes widened, "How'd he know?" He mumbled. Then Itachi pushed the boy out which made him land on his butt in front of Sasuke who was glaring at him.

"A-Ahem... it's not my fault, it's Himeko-chan's fault." Shisui tried to reason with the younger boy but he wasn't buying it. What resounded though the house was Shisui's screams of mercy with Sasuke drawing all over his face. Mikoto, Itachi and Seraphina cackling at Shisui's misery. Next was the other students. The anbus knew what would freak girls out so, a few of them got some huge cockroaches, hid in the classroom and stealthily dropped them into their hair. When they were discovered, the girls started screaming. "AHHH!!!! GET IT OFF OF ME!!!"

Some girls never came to the academy because the anbus also put some hair dye in their shampoo bottles. They had put the dye that doesn't suit them at all and since they want to impress Sasuke, they all stay home to try to fix their hair and look good instead of looking like a fool. Next were the boys. Itachi, Shisui and Seraphina decided to use a genjutsu on them making them think Seraphina likes them but the moment they're out, Seraphina will be ignoring them and rolling her eyes at them or scowl, making them heartbroken. Sure, it was cruel but they couldn't really care since fangirls and boys had been annoying them since they first met.

The teachers didn't like it but they didn't care, they just wanted their money and go home where they could sleep. Iruka was the only one concerned for them but couldn't do anything since the hokage allowed it and these were all anbus, people he couldn't mess with. So the only thing he could do was try comforting his students. Although a few of the students that being Hinata got away with it. After all, Hinata is a cinnamon roll. The other students were quiet and reserved ones.

However the Lotus was still bored and wanted more fun.


Seraphina's POV:

This is so boring. I just got back from pranking the academy students but I was still bored. So boring! I rolled around on the grass, not caring about being elegant, I just want something fun to do! Shisui and Itachi who were watching clearly thought I was adorable or something because their eyes had a glint in them.

Itachi had scooped me up in a bridal style while I had a questioning look on my face. Itachi had pat the grass blades off of me while Shisui was glaring at him. As soon as Itachi pat the grass of me, Shisui swooped in and carried me, bridal style. I deadpanned as a wild goose chase had began. However what I never expected is that the hokage issued a mission for his amusement.

"Whoever brings Himeko to me gets the rest of the month off!" How did he issue this? Well, he announced it during Itachi and Shisui's goose chase. So now, I'm being chased. With Shisui still carrying me. He was spamming his body flicker technique to my relief. I wanted to get this over with quickly but that just couldn't happen. "All transportation jutsus cannot be used!" The old man announced while sipping tea and watched the chaos enfold. "Lord Hokage! WHY?!!!" I shrieked while the old man merely plastered an evil grin.

I suddenly found myself in the arms of another person. Now it was Shiranui Genma carrying me. "Oi! Get back here Genma!" Genma ignored him and sped up. "Uwahhh! Slow down!" I clutched onto Genma's vest while looking back to see all the anbu and jounins on his tail. Now I'm in the hands of another person. I saw familiar silver hair defying gravity above me. "Oop. Hey Kakashi-san, how's the path of life?" He was about to respond when kunais were rained on us from above. I looked at Kakashi to see he had his sharingan out. I snuck in a butterfly to see what he was thinking, just for fun.

'I need this break! If it means overusing my sharingan, I'll gladly do it if it means a whole month of being able to read in peace!' Eh, nothing entertaining, how unfortunate. I sighed as Kakashi dodged all the kunais but now I got snatched by someone else. "Dammit!" Kakashi shouted as he bolted after whoever got me. I looked up to see curly black hair and black onyx eyes. "Ara, hi Shisui." He gave me a grin but that was enough time to for me to be snatched again. This time, I was in the hands of a random anbu. However I sensed a lot of dark chakra and malicious intent in them. Then they started going the complete opposite direction of the hokage tower which made me widen my eyes.

Whoever this is, they're not a leaf shinobi! I tried to punch them but they dodged it immediately and managed to slap a chakra seal on both of my arms. Are you signing a death wish?! "Whoever this is, they're not a leaf shinobi!" I shouted to alert all the jounins and anbu. I sent a punch towards his neck since it's the most vital part that I could reach. This made him stumble a bit but that gave enough time for me to elbow him and use him as a springboard to kick him down the roof. I was about to land when Itachi caught me swiftly. But was forced to let go when the mysterious shinobi threw his sword at him. My eyes widened at the blade. Is that not the Kusanagi sword?! Then this is-

I was pulled into someone's arms again to see shining yellow eyes staring down at me. I grit my teeth at the person carrying me. Orochimaru! He opened his mouth and his neck extended while I tried pushing him away but it proved fruitless as he was too strong for me since my arms were sealed. So instead, I punched his neck again which made him gag again and I was now in someone else's arms. "Genma, get her out of here!" At this point everyone was watching us. They clearly knew that Orochimaru was an enemy so they quickly ran away, emptying the streets. "Everyone, be careful! That's Orochimaru you're dealing with!" Everyone's eyes widened before getting serious, they knew what to do and that is to dispose Orochimaru.

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