36- It'S MAh BiRThdaY: Part 2

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Seraphina's POV:

After eating breakfast, I changed out of my nightgown.

(Pretend her hair is white and tied in a bun and has yellow eyes)

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(Pretend her hair is white and tied in a bun and has yellow eyes)

I looked at myself in the bathroom mirror and looked down on my kimono. Might as well wear the kimonos I was gifted. I shouldn't have them collect dust. Janelle and Synder tucked themselves in my hair while I scooped up Seviper and put him around my neck.

I walked out to the living room to see Mikoto going through her wallet. I almost forgot to get my wallet... I went back to Itachi's room to get my wallet before noticing that it's kind of old and dirty. I should buy a new wallet or make a new one, I went back to the living room to meet up with Mikoto while going through my wallet.

I have a bit too much ryo.... Yeah, I did a lot of missions after I invented that clone and didn't spend any of the money other than buying a new house. Might as well go on a shopping spree... not. I don't know what I want to buy. I had everything any women would want, power, fame, a lot of beautiful accessories, dresses, jewelry, and money.

"Are you ready, Himeko-chan?" Mikoto asked. "Yes" I answered while putting on my heels. "Then let's go," Mikoto said with a smile and walked out the door while I followed her from behind. We walked to village and roamed around. It was mainly Mikoto buying things since I was following her while filling out paperwork and having butterflies send them back.

After following Mikoto for a bit, she snatched my paperwork away from me. "Today's the only day we get time for ourselves! So no paperwork young lady!" She said while smacking my head with my papers. I sighed then nodded while commanding my butterflies to bring my paperwork back to the compound.

After seeing my butterflies fly off with a pile of paperwork, Mikoto grinned before grabbing my hand and started dragging me around the shops. She was mainly trying on floral themed kimonos but none of them satisfied her. Then I noticed the shops mainly had floral themed kimonos and some were on sale or limited edition. Is there a spring festival of some sort?

"Mikoto-sama, why are you trying so many floral themed kimonos?" I asked, she answered, "The Spring Festival is coming up! So I'm looking for a kimono for it but I can't seem to find one that suits me," she frowned. I see, I smiled, "In that case, why don't I make you one then?" Mikoto looked at me with shock evident on her face, "You can sew?"

"Yes I can, Mikoto-sama, you never knew I'm quite famous in both men and women's fashion?" I chuckled. "Although, I stopped sewing after I became the head of every hospital. Most of my kimonos are sewn by me." Mikoto sighed, "No need to sew a kimono for me Himeko-chan! You already have enough work to do!" she chirped.

Always the concerned and caring one, although that's to be expected of mothers. "It's fine Mikoto-sama, I can always have my butterflies help me fill out paperwork." Wait, what did I just say? Oh Kami, I could've had my butterflies help me with my paperwork! I smiled at Mikoto while I was scolding myself for not realizing this brilliant idea earlier. "Besides, you and Fugaku-sama are letting me stay at your compound. At least let me do something even if it's small to repay you." I said with a smile.

Then I see a little boy with yellow hair running by and holding a bucket of orange paint? Then some ninjas running by and shouting at the boy. What are you doing Naruto? I had a butterfly go to the direction they came from to see what Naruto did to see orange graffiti on the walls. Well if Naruto isn't pranking on a daily basis then I'd think he's an imposter. So was this fine? Yeah, as long as Naruto didn't get beaten up then it's fine. After all, we need some amusement in life! There's no laptops, computers and such in this world since it's not very advanced.

The moment those ninjas try to beat up the boy, I will whip out the sandal and send them to Jesus. No one can stop me anyways! The ninjas had caught up with Naruto and started yelling at him. I didn't bother to step in since he needs to soak in the lecture to not paint walls. After that, I decided to buy him some clothes since I figured that he didn't have much clothes. Every time I see him, he's wearing the same black shirt and same light brown shorts.

I turned to Mikoto who was watching Naruto, "Mikoto-sama, can you help me buy some clothes for Naruto? His size should be similar to Sasuke's," I said. Mikoto turned to me, "Sure." I smiled and walked off to some clothing shops while Mikoto followed. We ended up buying 2 bags of clothes for Naruto while I paid for all of it despite Mikoto protesting so much.

"Mou~ Himeko-chan, I could've paid for the clothes!" Mikoto shouted, "Mikoto-sama, don't worry about it! I still have lots of ryo! Speaking of ryo, I need to sort out the currency in the hospitals' treasury." I said thoughtfully. I heard Mikoto sigh behind me, "Your head is still in work even though it's a day off." I chuckled, "I guess I became a workaholic." It was true though, every time I'm not working, I would be training. I meditate whenever I take breaks during work.

Every time I had time for myself, I end up using it to train. I never spend time with Itachi and Shisui due to their duties. However it gave me time to think of solutions to the coup d'etat. We went to Naruto's apartment, scribbled a note for him and left the clothes at his doorstep and knocked on his door then jumped onto a nearby rooftop to see his reaction.

We watched him open the door slowly and had caution evident on his face. While I see Kushina and Minato phasing through the wall and see the bags. He turned to the bags and saw the note. He took it and started reading it.


Dear Uzumaki Naruto,

Enjoy the new clothes! Also keep your apartment clean! Otherwise I will have to lecture you!

From Masaki Himeko 🦋 and Uchiha Mikoto💙

P.S. Come visit the biggest hospital, I could use some company! Or come over to the Uchiha district and have dinner with us!


Naruto started to tear up while I see Minato and Kushina looking up towards me and Mikoto. "Himeko-chan, thank you!" Kushina yelled while Minato was smiling. I nodded to them in response while Mikoto who noticed asked, "Who are you nodding to?" Quickly coming up with a answer, I replied, "To myself, I plan to give more gifts to the boy in the future. I kind of regret not doing this earlier..." I smiled sadly.

Mikoto patted me back, "I feel the same, even though he keeps smiling, it's nothing more than a cover to hide his loneliness. Truthfully, I wanted to adopt Naruto but it wasn't in the best interest to adopt Naruto since the clan wasn't in the best state and there was a certain incident when he was born. I should've done this earlier, to let him know that he's not alone anymore." I nodded as I watched Kushina and Mikoto jump to the same rooftop we were on. They caught the last 2 sentences that Mikoto uttered which made them smile sadly.

"It's okay Mikoto, you have your own children to worry about. Adopting Naruto would give more problems to your clan due to the Nine Tails Attack you know.", said Kushina. Even though Mikoto couldn't hear her, I told her in Kushina's place. "Adopting Naruto would've lead to more problems to your clan. Besides I highly doubt the council would allow you to adopt him into the Uchiha clan."

Mikoto looked at me with shock evident on her face before it left after a few moments. "I should've expected you to figure out Naruto's a jinchuriki." She looked back at Naruto who was dragging the bags into his apartment while glancing at the note with a smile on his face.

I may have not celebrate my birthday but I wouldn't mind doing something like this for others. My lips curled up into a smile, knowing that I made someone's day better.

1446 words

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