38- Everyday life with Itachi and Shisui

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Shisui's POV:

After the meeting ended, I picked up Himeko-chan (bridal style). But not without Itachi staring daggers at the back of my head. I signaled him to follow me as I walked beside him. I jumped from tree to tree and landed in a meadow near the Uchiha hideout. I put down Himeko-chan and laid her against a tree and sat down beside her while Itachi sat beside Himeko-chan as well.

I took out the note that Himeko-chan slipped in my pocket which caught Itachi's attention immediately. I unfolded it and read the contents.


I'm not poisoning the hokage. I don't need a bunch of anbus after me. I'll drug him instead. I'll have him unconscious for 10 hours while the drug will make his skin very pale to make it look like he's dead, it'll put him in a temporary death state. So don't worry, I've already knew about the coup for a while and I'm against it as well.


Itachi got up and sat beside me to read the note as well. We looked at each other with a relieved look on our faces. At least Himeko-chan isn't trying to kill the hokage. We heard some movement from Himeko-chan, we turned to her to see her yawning. She opened her eyes and closed them again. She got in a more comfortable position. She laid down on the grass and said, "Good morning and good night." She fell asleep again. Itachi and I looked at each other then back at Himeko-chan before we started chuckling. Absolutely adorable.

"She definitely somehow used her butterflies to tail us." Itachi stated while I nodded in agreement. "So what should we do? Seems like Himeko-chan doesn't have a solution to this mess either." Itachi frowned, "We might have to do as you say. Using Kotoamatsukami on the clan and rewriting their memories."

We hated the idea, to manipulate and change someone's memories. Changing one person's memories would eat me up until I die but changing hundreds? I don't know if I can possibly live with the guilt but if it means that there will be no war then I'm more than willing to do so. Not only that, it was the only solution we could think of.


Seraphina's POV:

Using the Kotoamatsukami? It's not a bad idea, in fact it's probably the most peaceful way to end the coup. I was actually sleeping well, 70% of me was while 30% was alert and awake. It's something my parents trained me in. To always be alert of our surroundings even when asleep.

It was one of the reasons why I created the jutsu which I called, "Cloudpillow". I created a jutsu that lets me walk on clouds, I named it Cloudpillow because I use it solely for sleeping. In this world, there's no hostile animals that can fly above clouds so I can freely fly up there, and sleep on a cloud whenever I want.

I got up which resulted with the boys looking at me, "Welp, I couldn't sleep. Also is rewriting memories what the K-Kotoamasukami does? Correct me if I'm saying it wrong." I said sheepishly while I was patting my kimono for dirt. "It's pronounced as Kotoamatsukami, Himeko-chan." Shisui corrected.

"Also, Kotoamatsukami is a powerful genjutsu. So powerful that whoever the victims are, they wouldn't even realize it's a genjutsu and it can influence their memories depending how I make the genjutsu. I can control everything in that genjutsu since it's my sharigan's ability." Shisui continued.

I sighed, "That genjutsu is very powerful, many people would go after it so I suggest you don't tell people so carelessly." Shisui grinned, "Himeko-chan is worried for me? My heart!" Shisui exclaimed dramatically with a hand over his chest. Itachi and I chuckled which I found surprising since Itachi also loves me. It was possible that he was only chuckling at Shisui's antics but he's been with him longer than me and I don't recall seeing him like this at all.

Did they both decide to share me or something? Well, Sasuke has been developing a crush on me during our training sessions not only that Naruto seems to also be developing a crush on me as well. I have no need for a harem!

I laid Itachi down on the grass and laid on his chest. I may not want a harem but that doesn't mean I would leave one of my favorite pillows. This made Shisui pout which resulted with me chuckling. Itachi wrapped his arms around me while I pulled out a scroll. I unsealed it and dangos, mochi, cake pops and boba popped out.

Handmade dangos, mochi, cake pops and boba. People didn't have cake pops and boba in this world which made me somewhat depressed since boba didn't exist in this world. So I made them for myself. Although it did result with Itachi who has a massive sweet tooth to also love my boba and cake pops. Every time we're together, he'd ask for a boba or dango since I know how to make them.

Shisui also loved my handmade desserts. He'd give puppy eyes to get a boba or some other dessert whenever I run out. This resulted with me carrying almost a dozen of every dessert since Itachi has a massive sweet tooth and Shisui loves my desserts although he's more of a BBQ lover.

It didn't surprise me whatsoever when the boys immediately snatched a boba for themselves and some dessert. It's a regular routine during missions. They don't carry food pills nor do they hunt since I'm the one who always have food with me.

Whenever we have a break they both turn to me for snacks. It's sometimes pizza (which they questioned what it was), cookies, crackers, pizza rolls, or something else. They both don't eat a lot but if it's my food then they'll be drooling already if Uchihas aren't a prideful clan.

Any normal day with them is always peaceful. Shisui usually starting the conversations while Itachi and I would listen and make a few comments here and there. We would train or go to a dango shop (whenever I have no more dangos) or a BBQ shop. I always tag along on their missions whenever I have the time. I must say, I think it's safe to say I've become best friends with them. That was before I became the head of every hospital and after I perfected my new clone.

We don't hang out much but we're still best friends. For once in my life, I have genuine human friends. Even though they love me, they both clearly know about the fact that they like the same girl so they probably decided to share me. Not that I minded, they'll ward off boys for me. I already know the coup coming near but I believe Shisui will handle it.










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