19- Daily life as the head of the hospital

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Seraphina POV:

It's been about a month since I started working as the head of the hospital and it's been hell, that's literally it. I got an office of my own and a lab for myself which is probably the only good thing. However, every time I go to my office, it's filled with paperwork. Not only that there's sometimes emergencies that require my attention while I'm in the middle of doing paperwork. Fun. Although I finish all my paperwork within 2 hours with the help of clones, I also have to create medications for patients since practically all of the ones the hospital have are so bitter and some people couldn't swallow it. So I had to create medications that were consumable, making it taste better was just a bonus. 

Later on, I also have to order many herbs for the medications' making. Whenever I finish my paperwork, I tend to get more but while waiting for them to come in, I create medications or take care of patients. I end up having to work from dawn to dusk not only that I have to work approximately everyday excluding Wednesdays and Thursdays because I wanted to work on creating a clone that can heal and train Sasuke. Due to my busy schedule, I had approximately no time for myself at all. This was my life now, I practically don't get any missions now since the hokage was kind enough to not give me more work.

Due to my efforts, the hospital's rate went up drastically. The rates of patients surviving increased and the rates of deaths decreased. This resulted with me becoming very well respected in the village to the point that I was as well respected as the council and being called with sama. 

Right now, I just finished another surgery and went back to my office to see a mountain of papers on my desk. I sighed, before turning to my assistant and massaging my temples. "Uehara-san, can you make me some tea and help me organize my papers after?" She smiled and nodded before telling me something in sign language, "I've already organized your papers, Himeko-sama" then she walked away to brew some tea while I started looking through the papers. She really did organize them in advance, she knows me so well.

I started going through my paperwork with my clones helping me while Uehara sent the finished paperwork away. Eventually after I finished my paperwork in an hour, I looked at the clock to see that it was lunch time. I sighed in relief and walked to the new garden of the hospital where many patients were with their families. I decided to have this garden built for patients to let them have a breather since they're usually stuck in their rooms with nothing to do also... there was a bit too much money piled up in the hospital's accounting room and there was practically nothing to do with it. Since I was the head of the hospital, I also had to worry about the hospital money so I decided to use the extra money to build a garden. Which led to the rates of the hospital increasing again since it became more... lively I suppose. 

I unsealed one of my bentos and walked to my favorite spot while being greeted by people. What I didn't expect to see was a man with brown hair wearing a green flak jacket with a dark blue jacket underneath with dark blue pants and ninja sandals and had the headband around his forehead with tan skin and a scar on his nose. Who is he? He looked around for a few moments as if searching for something until his eyes laid on me and started walking towards me.

"Umm... do you need something, Shinobi-san?" I asked. He looked down to me and asked, "You're Himeko-sama right?" I nodded. He bowed, "I'm Umino Iruka, a teacher of the academy." I nodded again, "Nice to meet you, Umino-san. May I ask what you're here for?" He scratched his head while chuckling, "I'd like to ask if you can come to the academy to give some tips and some guidance as a shinobi to the students."

Oh? Going to the academy and provide some guidance to the students? It's... not a bad idea, in fact I can go tomorrow since it's going to be Wednesday. "Sure, I'm free tomorrow anyway" Iruka straightened up and beamed, "Thank you very much, Himeko-sama! Also feel free to call me Iruka-san." I nodded. If I remember correctly, Sasuke and Naruto are in his class. I might as well take this opportunity to see how well they're doing in the academy.

Iruka walked away while I started eating my lunch and was rudely interrupted by one of the nurses running towards me saying there's an emergency. Let me eat in peace dammit! I groaned before following the nurse to the room. I see the same man from the Hyuga clan who was Hiashi Hyuga, the leader of the Hyugas in panic while his clan elders was trying to calm him down. 

I walked in the room to see his wife lying down, groaning in pain with a bucket beside her filled with vomit. I took her pulse immediately to see her heartbeat was normal. She probably got a disorder or a disease that just bloomed. Nothing life threatening. I placed a genjutus barrier over my eyes and activated both nactu druid and byakugan with my hand hovering over her body to see nothing out of the ordinary until my eyes hovered over her uterus. There's something out of the ordinary here... I took a look at the report of her current wellbeing. Longer periods, severe abnormal cramps, worse pain during a period and vomiting. These symptoms sounds familiar but I can't remember. Well, I might as well create a medication for it right now.

"It's not very serious right now but it'll lead to problems in the future if it's not treated. Please watch over her in case something happens, I'm going to create a medication for it" I said to the nurse.

"Yes Himeko-sama."

"Please stop calling me with sama."

I walked out of the room and was immediately approached by Hiashi. "Himeko-sama, how's my wife?" he asked. "She'll be fine, I'm on my way to make a cure. Feel free to go inside." I responded while walking towards a nearby lab room. After about 25 minutes, I returned to the room and fed his wife the medication. I wrote down some instructions and health advice and handed them to Hiashi, "Feel free to bring her home, just make sure she doesn't move around too much" I said. "Thanks again for your help." He said, "No problem."

I looked at the time to see that lunch time was over. Seems like I'm continuing the day with no lunch, great. I walked back to my office to see mountains of paperwork on the desk and some on the floor. I hate this.

1168 words

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