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We had, in fact, signed up for a fully blown rager. 

Lucy's house was soon filled with tipsy teenagers, casually singing loudly and incoherently along with the upbeat music that played. 

Beer cans, plastic cups, and empty bags of chips were scattered all over the place. Everything was clearly out of Lucy's control. It wasn't a surprise that they had found a way to bring booze illegally, although it was most likely hard beer mixed with Mountain Dew.

I wouldn't know for sure, as I decided to avoid it for the time being. Besides, booze tastes terrible anyway; the fruit punch was much better.

Lucy winced as she heard someone yell hysterically from the beer pong table across the house. "Hopefully Mom and Dad comes home Monday morning as per plan," she gulped. It was no secret that a tipsy crowd will leave one heck of a mess behind.

Lucy's older brother, Liam, seemed pretty cool about all of it, although Lucy was nervous.

"If things get messy, we'll come over tomorrow and help you out." Tyler came over balancing four cups of punch for each one of us. The four of us sat in Lucy's tv room, drinking punch. Me and Lucy were on one couch while Tyler and Kacey sat on bean bags, facing us. We found a private corner to escape the raucous atmosphere. 

Good thing the house was spacious enough to fit in most of the people from school. Lucy's house was one of the finest in the neighborhood. Large Patio, reserved for BBQs and gatherings, adjourning Pool,  white washed walls, tall glass windows, spotlessly polished marble kitchen island and an enormous foyer with a flight of wide stairs that lead up to the second storey.

Her parents worked in the Law suit of Tronant Tech, a famous local Tech company in the country. It was no secret that they were loaded. Lucky her. No one would ever miss a chance to hang about in the Harper's House. 

The word had gone around fast. Almost everyone was here.

Everyone except Della.

I saw her friends, Janice and Maya by the punch bowl. Della probably knew about the party. I hope she's not upset that I didn't invite her myself. I would have, if she didn't have plans today.

"Liam invited kids from Bradley High?" Kacey asked suddenly, sipping her punch. 

Bradley High was our rival school. I did notice unfamiliar faces in the house. Our town, Pierson, was so ridiculously small that everyone knew everyone. Same applies to school. The unfamiliar faces must have been from Bradley.

"He has friends in Bradley too, so I guess," Lucy shrugged.

"That's Bradley's star batter," Kacey glanced at a guy in a black hoodie across the house. "Isn't it, Ty?" She turned to Tyler, who was a varsity baseball player.

"Jordan Henderson," Tyler followed her gaze and nodded. "Looks like we'll be fraternizing with our enemies tonight," he sighed dramatically.

Baseball rivalry with Bradley was intense after we lost the last game. I shrugged with bemused resignation. 

"He's cute," Lucy complimented, taking a quick glance at Jordon. I took a glimpse of the guy. His back was turned to us now.

"He's very cute alright," Kacey remarked, "Bradley boys are so easy to look at, unlike the toads we have in our school."

Lucy laughed, "That is so true!"

I shook my head in dramatic dismay, "As the quote goes, you value what's out of reach more than what's right in front of you."

"Toad," Lucy poked me. I made a comical disgusted face at her.

"And who said Bradley boys were out of reach?!" Kacey snorted.

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