38. Lucy

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By the time Della's car pulled up onto our lawn, the food Mom had ordered had already arrived, and we had finished tidying up the house. I was quite uneasy with the idea of Della coming over, but still, a part of me urged me to see if things were still able to be fixed, or I'd regret it for the rest of my life. Probably why Mom was doing it. 

I stayed behind the kitchen counter while Mom went to stand by Dad at the door, greeting and smiling at our guests like they were family friends we hadn't seen in a while. 

I heard Nessa, Della's Mom's cheery voice first, "It's so nice to see you!"

"Yes it is." My mom said softly. "And I'm glad to finally meet you little guy." Her voice went up by an octave.

I realized she might be cooing at Della's baby brother. I watched as Nessa stepped in with baby Eli wrapped around her neck, who recoiled shyly when my mom spoke to him with a twinkle in her eye. Della following her inside, with her long hair down, over her sweater and jeans.

A dark haired tall man stepped forward with a friendly smile, greeting and shaking hands with my Dad.

I heard Nessa introduce, "This is Michael, my husband." Michael then shook hands with my Mom. So, Della's mom had married him. I remembered him well.

He was the one Nessa left us with when she had to take an urgent trip to the hospital because Della's aunt had gotten into an accident. I remembered that day so well. It had been a normal Saturday; my mom had dropped me off at Nessa's request. Then Michael had surprised her with a visit. He had gotten Della a bad of skittles and nerds. I remembered how Della had run to him when she heard his voice from where we sat in her room, how we had shared the sweets Michael had brought for her, and how Nessa had gotten a call while she was preparing lunch for us while we were watching TV. Michael had offered to make us lunch.

I perfectly remembered how confused my parents had been when Michael had answered the door. My dad had been certain they were in the wrong apartment before Mom had double-checked and asked if Nessa was there. She hadn't bothered listening to Michael's explanation before dragging me out of her apartment, never to set foot there again.

Even after everything, I watched as the adults exchanged smiles and greeted each other like old friends. They made it seem so effortless and genuine, while Della and I were suddenly cold-blooded sworn enemies.

I forced myself to walk over before my mom could call out for me. Nessa met my gaze with a warm smile, and so did Michael. When I turned to Della, her expression was unreadable. It was clear that she was as uncomfortable as I was.

"Lunch is ready, but we can start with some appetizers," my dad said, gesturing for everyone to move to the living room and sit around the coffee table with some snacks on it. Just mini corn dogs, fries and some soft drinks.

"Thank you for having us over," Nessa said, offering a tentative smile, bouncing Baby Eli on her hip. "Been wanting to catch up with you and see how you're doing. I've been telling Michael about how you've helped me when Della was in elementary school."

"It's our pleasure. We're glad you could join us," Mom replied, reaching for a plate of snacks and passing it around the table. I sat on the arm of my Dad's chair facing Della and her family who took a seat at the long sofa.

Baby Eli leaned forward to grasp at the fries on the table, making everyone coo and laugh at his adorable antics. "Hey, young man, that's not for you," Michael joked.

"Does he eat solids?" My mom asked.
Nessa nodded, "Don't worry about it. He had a full bowl of his baby cereal with diced fruit this morning. I also brought some baby rusks with me."

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