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Lucy could be anywhere! Hell, this place was huge and there were tons of people! It was her house, but still, it did not help the case.

"Are you sure she's not drunk? I mean you guys were playing beer pong." I asked Kacey as I eyed everyone on the patio searching for Lucy.

"I hope not." Kacey said. "Although she had to chug down seven cups of beer because she was losing the game."

That amount of liquor would have her puking her guts out anywhere. "Come on, let's ask around and find her." I tell Kacey, walking across the patio with her. She stopped to wave at someone.

I saw Brent and his friends on the other side, and followed Kacey as she approached them.

"Hey what's popping?" Codie greeted, "You look great Kacey, want a sip?" He extended his cup of punch.

Kacey shook her head before I could slap his hand away. 

"You look great too, Chase. Dude, you can have my punch," Damon laughed nudging me. 

I shook my head, "We're looking for Lucy." I said. 

"Have you seen her?" 

Kacey and I looked at them for answers. The three boys shrugged and when we turned to the girls they shook their heads as well.

"You lost someone here?" Brent asked, straightening himself on the railing he was sitting..

"This is her house, man." I squinted.

"I heard a rumor that some drinks were spiked. We're drinking the stuff we got ourselves," He said, clicking his tongue sympathetically.

Codie and Damon nodded, confirming the piece of information Brent spat.

"Spiked drinks? Are you serious?" Kacey exclaimed, her eyes wide with alarm.

Brent nodded grimly. "Yeah, I overheard some guys talking about it. They said it's been happening at parties around here lately. People slipping stuff into drinks. You guys should be careful."

"We need to find Lucy, now!" I tugged at Kacey's sleeve, dragging her along the patio.

"We'll split up, I'll go upstairs," Kacey suggested.

I agreed and headed to the foyer, through the anteroom. The thought of Lucy puking somewhere got me worried and the thought of her drunkenly making out with someone made me sick to the stomach.

I called Lucy, but she wouldn't pick up her phone, nor did I hear it ringing. It was impossible with the ruckus and music blaring anyway.

I moved around, asking everyone around if they saw her as I walked over to the foyer where the action was wild. The lights from the DJ gear were flashing consistently and everyone was dancing to the blaring music.

Lively laughter like the twinkling of a wind chime made my head turn. There she was.

She was in the corner of the room. She wasn't alone though. Her hands were wrapped around some guys' neck while he held her close by the waist. Her head was tipped back, laughing hysterically at something the stranger said. There she was, with a stranger, drunkenly swaying to a fast song.

I felt my blood boil at the sight. 

He could take advantage of her drunken stupor and she could fall prey to unwanted attention.

I strode fast, and approached them. Lucy's back was facing me. I'd intended to strip the guy off of her and onto the floor but I didn't want to humiliate her.

"Mind If I steal her from you?" I asked, standing closer to the two.

Lucy's head turned around, locking eyes with me. With a glint in her eye she turned to face the guy again. Her hands released his neck.

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