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I stood by the school locker hallway, waiting for Lucy to walk out from her last Civics period. When the stampede of kids started to walk out I felt quite nervous. She and I barely had a moment to ourselves during lunch, just enough time for me to hastily brief her on my plans for after school. Afterwards, I found myself sneakily checking my watch, eagerly counting down the hours until our date. I can't help but wonder if she's feeling as thrilled as I am.

Tyler had said girls like gestures and reassurance. I wonder what gestures and reassurances Lucy would like. Should I have gotten flowers? Maybe a better date idea? I hadn't really put a lot of thought into it before. I just want to spend time alone with her. I realised that I was not prepared as I thought I was. What am I even doing?. Just be yourself. I willed my inner voice to shut up.

She walked out of the class with a backpack hanging down one shoulder, shutting out the voice in my head with her broad smile. I

"You look lovely lu." I say walking towards her and taking her hand in mine, giving it a gentle squeeze.

Lucy snorted beside me, "I'm wearing the same clothes you saw me wearing in the morning.'' She said leaning a little closer.

"Who said anything about the clothes?" I laughed. We walked out of the school and made our way to the parking lot along the gravel path hand in hand.

Her hand felt warm in mine. This is nice. We'd been great friends for two years but I don't think I've ever held her hand tight in mine. I realised I should have. I glanced at Lucy to notice a slight change in her expression. It's subtle, but I can't help but wonder if she's overthinking things. A slight doubt creeps into my mind. Is it too soon for her? Or is she just a little nervous about us having a date? I can't quite tell.

Was she thinking of Della? Why was I thinking of Della...

It's not that I'd want to date her anymore. But it was rather the guilt. I know I had hurt Della and am I hurting her more by taking out Lucy? I've forgiven her for dumping me for the second time and the first, I can't blame her. But with hers and Lucy's friendship still hanging on a string.

I like Lucy. I like her a lot.

She wouldn't hurt me as much as I'm certain I wouldn't hurt her.And I know for sure she wouldn't play with my feelings. I pushed away the lingering doubt and gave her hand a gentle squeeze, feeling the steady warmth of it. It feels good to be here with her and I'll hold on to that.

We got to the car park and I opened the door for her. She surprised me with a quick kiss on the cheek, pushing up on her toes. Her kiss takes me by surprise, but a pleasant one at that. I feel my face grow hot as I smile, taking in the sensation of her soft lips on my cheek.

"Was it bad that I was dying to do that?" She asks.

"If that's bad, I can do worse." I say pulling her closer to kiss her lips. My hand holding her shoulders firmly. Her arms went around me as she came back. Not bothering any passers by. There were barely any in the gravel path to the parking lot anyway or at least in that moment I didn't care.

"I'd say you could do 'worse' anytime." Lucy said with a coy smile and climbed into the car. I smiled to myself as I walked around the hood of the car to climb into the driver's seat.

"What are we going to do in Swinton?" Lucy asked buckling up beside me. I had told her my plans vaguely during lunch. My mom had gotten a word of an event in Swinton and she had even given me extra pocket money to buy her something nice.

"You'll see."

"Isn't Swinton a bit far?"

I shake my head. "It'll take about 40 minutes to get there and don't worry I told your brother I drive very safely and I'll get you home before the sun sets. Don't want to be out too late on a school night."

"You spoke to Liam?"

"Yeah we met at the art lab and he was fine with it." I forgot to tell Lucy that I had been too busy thinking about what we were going to do during our little date. I was also relieved Liam hadn't brought up the incident at Sweet Tooth even though he was aware of it. I was happy he trusted Lucy's judgement.

"I had even called your Mom earlier today." I said with a grin.

"You did not." Lucy chuckled.

"I was trying to do it right..."

"I know, I know I'm really glad. What did my mom say?"

I let out a chuckle recalling the conversation. "She was very good humoured about it actually. When I popped the question she chuckled and said I knew you were the boy Lu had eyes for."

"She said what..." Lucy laughed.

"She also told me you wouldn't stop talking about me over the years and that you had pictures of me all over your room and you'd hide them all in a secret compartment when I would come over."

Realising that part was totally made up, Lucy snorted, punching me in the arm playfully. "Oh, you wish! What did she actually say?"

"When I told her where I was taking you she was pretty happy with my choice. She hoped I helped you have a good time and she even said the lava cakes were really scrumptious."

"I knew my mom would like you." She said softly. Even with a subtle smile on her face she looked a little conflicted.

"Something wrong?"

"Nothing at all." She shook her head immediately, looking at me. "But I'm still a bit suspicious. My brother definitely has some spies lurking in Swinton." Lucy laughed. I know all about how Liam and his friend Max crashed her date in ninth grade.

"Well then. I guess we should behave ourselves." I say with a wink. I didn't want this day to end. I took another shot at flirting with her as we sang out the songs in the car, just enjoying the music and her company. I felt so free. So happy with the way things were going between us. It made me feel so good that I stopped the car abruptly to the side of the road just so I could steal a kiss.

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