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With early morning choir rehearsals on my schedule I drove to school with my brother and his friend Max, who also picked up his girlfriend, Giana. 

Mom and Dad had called us to let us know that they were on their way home. They'd probably be home while Liam and I were still in school. Liam's bruise had healed a bit, and the slit on his lip was dried. I didn't bother asking, but I knew he had a makeshift lie ready just in case our parents asked why he was bruised.

"If our parents found out, we'd be as good as dead," Liam said. "Lu, don't tell Mom that you accidentally drank a spiked drink, even if she finds out about the party. Whatever happens, let me do the talking," he said, glancing at me as he handled the wheel. Today, it was Liam's turn to chauffeur. My brother and his best friend Max took turns driving each other to school as we live close by.

"SHE DRANK WHAT?" Giana gasped beside me.

"We took care of the guy." Liam said proudly glancing at Max through the rear view mirror. Max sat in the backseat with his girlfriend. "He thought he could get away after trying to trash my party." My brother adds, smugly.

"The idiots usually stash edibles and call the cops for the fun of it." Max snorted. "Remember we ran for the hills the last time someone called the cops at a party?"

"Oh yeah I remember how you ran leaving me, the second you heard the sirens." Giana asked deadpanning at Max. They were both sitting at the back while I rode shot gun next to my brother who was behind the wheels.

"I thought you'd follow me out." Max groaned, seemingly offended. They they descended into their own banter. My brother would chuckle, siding with Max. 

"By the way guys," Liam said clearing his throat. "That's the last time I'm ever throwing a rager at my place."

"Next time we keep the numbers small and party more exclusive" Max suggested.

I nod in agreement. Silently, grateful these 12th graders had something better to discuss other than my embarrassing display of emotion.


After heading to the music room, I started practicing on the piano, trying to forget about my stupid conundrum.

I couldn't help it though. My mind would always take me back to the party.

Yesterday, Kacey had helped me politely ask some people to take down their Instagram stories of my embarrassing display of emotion. If my parents somehow get their eyes on it, it's going to spell out trouble to me and my brother. Mom and Dad were not very keen about social media but I wasn't going to risk a chance knowing my chaotic luck.

I wasn't unaware of the rumor mill.
I've also stumbled upon several comments on reels with my drunkard self in it.


"I feel sorry for the guy."

"He was totally pressured."

I knew he was pressured. I hadn't meant to pressure him. I was drunk. But it was bugging me big time. And soon I will have to face the indifferent stares of the people in the hallway and-worse, Chase.

I hadn't talked to him since Saturday. He hadn't texted me. Even if he had I wouldn't have replied. Kacey told me that he had in fact asked about me and she had lied as promised.

But it wouldn't help. There was no denying my feelings now. I drunkenly served them on a friking silver platter.

I groaned as I hit an off tune note on the piano. An irritating E minor blared in my ears. I hate it when that happens. It makes me start playing the piano piece from the beginning.

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