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"Yup, she's totally avoiding me," I said, clicking my tongue as I glanced at the text from Lucy.

"You're to blame," Tyler laughed without looking up, frantically copying the homework from Kacey's book beside me. Was I really to blame?

"That's not true," Kacey came to my rescue. "Hey, you two can sort it out with one single conversation."

"Anyway, can we all discuss the fall ball date situation?" Tyler asked. "Finding a partner, romantic or platonic, is important because the ticket price is lower for two."

"Can I call dibs on you if you-know-who doesn't ask you out?" Kacey asked Tyler. 

I squinted at the two of them. "Who's you-know-who?"

"Nobody," Tyler said quickly. "I'll go with you, but what if He-who-must-not-be-named asks you out?" he asked Kacey.

Kacey shook her head, "Trust me, he won't."

"What? Who are these people?" I stare at them in disbelief. "I'm sitting right in front of you two, and you have the guts to speak in code."

Kacey and Tyler shared a glance and laughed at my expense.  

"It's not funny guys." I narrow my eyes at them. If only Lucy was here to be side with me as these two conspired behind our backs.

"We just don't want to jinx our chances of Fall Ball dates," Kacey said, swatting me off like a fly. "Not everyone's lucky to get their date two weeks before the Fall Ball."

"Yeah, well, my date is avoiding me and probably rethinking her choices," I scoffed. 

Not to mention both my Fall Ball dates. Della didn't hesitate to dump me the second I made a mistake. Not that I can blame her, but I was definitely not the lucky one here.

"Lucy probably thinks her confession inflated your big fat ego," Tyler laughed.

Did it? I was definitely flattered she liked me. I was intrigued by her interest in me. Confused even. Maybe a little hurt after my last exchange with Della.

I knew it would hurt Lucy if she knew.

Shit. I wonder if she had feelings for me when I was dating Della during the summer.

Looking back, she barely spoke with me then. I had assumed it was because she was busy spending time with her family on her vacation. We never discussed me and Della anyway, so I guess I wasn't able to tell if she was uneasy with the idea. Not as uneasy as she is now with me.

How ironic.


I waited at the school gates alone after school. Kacey was working late on the student newspaper, and Tyler was off to afterschool baseball practice. Just as I was about to leave, I spotted Lucy talking to some girls by the entrance of the courtyard. I thought I'd wait until she was done with her conversation. I don't know if she was just busy with school or purposely avoiding me. Probably the latter, but I couldn't blame her.

The two girls she was talking to stepped back, still chattering. Their conversation was seemingly over. I didn't have anything to lose, so I didn't hesitate.

"Lucy, wait up!" I jogged over to her, throwing her off guard. Her head snapped sideways, eyes widened and visibly startled.

"Hey," she smiled. Finally.

"Do you have any plans after school?"

"Not really," Lucy shrugged, her demeanor seemingly casual.

A grin spread across my face, though I tried my best to keep it cool. "Would you like to go out with me? Just you and me. Get some ice cream or something."

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