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I realized I was nervous this time as I dialed up Lucy's number. We hadn't spoken on the phone much before, usually sticking to texting as friends. My heart beat like a jackhammer as the dial tone rang through for some time. Every time I thought about Lucy, I couldn't help but recall our kiss. Was it weird that I couldn't wait to kiss her again?

The dial tone stops. "Lucy, Hi um Hey," I blurt out.

"Hey," she says, amusedly. The relief floods over me as Lucy's voice comes through the phone, instantly easing my nerves.

"I promised I'd call. I would have waited for you to call, but I figured you'd be doing the same. Are you busy?"

"No-no, we can talk. How are the twins?"

"Oh! they're alright! They're actually whining right now. They're trying to convince mom that Evie's wound is a good reason to skip school tomorrow." I could hear the sound from my bedroom.

Lucy chuckles softly on the other end. "I'll visit with something in hand next time. I hate how I came to your place empty-handed today."

"Oh, please, you're already a handful," I tease.

"I can't argue with that," she laughs.

"So, I just unpacked the groceries, and guess what? You've left quite an impression on my mom," I chuckle, laying back on my pillow.

"I did?" She sounds surprised.

"Yeah, she wouldn't stop asking me if we had a thing going on."

"What did you say?"

"The truth," I say coyly.

Lucy goes silent on the other side.

"Lu? Are you okay?"


"That wasn't a good 'yeah.'"

I hear her muffle a sigh. "Can you tell me about Della?"


Why would she want to know about her? Was this a test? Does me having dated Della still bother her?

"Yes- I know that probably threw you off guard. I'm sorry, I just- I just. I don't know her anymore, and I thought you might."

"I guess? Lu- if this is about me and Della, I have moved on."

"Not really I just- I know I can fix things between us, but I don't know how to. I miss her, and today, seeing her again, it brought back all those memories."

Oh, I forgot that she had visited Della for a school project today.

"What would you like to know?" I asked reluctantly. Part of me hoped she'd change m\her mind and we could talk about something else.


I paused, trying to gather my thoughts. Talking about Della wasn't something I anticipated, especially not in this context with Lucy. But if it could help her reconcile with Della, I owed her that much.

"Well, Della... she's," I began, choosing my words carefully. "Actually, she didn't talk much with me at first." I admit with a chuckle, " But once I got to know her, she became quite friendly."

I recalled my first encounter with Della at the ice cream shop where we were working for the summer.

"A couple of kids had caused a ruckus and a mess at a table, and Della had volunteered to clean up. I went to help, telling her about my sisters. She told me about her baby brother and how he'd cause a scene even though he was barely a year old...and the rest was history."

Lucy remained quiet on the other end, and I couldn't help but wonder what was going through her mind. Was she regretting asking about Della? Or was she genuinely interested in hearing more?

"I didn't know she had a baby brother until today," Lucy said softly. I didn't know what to say. I felt a pang of sadness tugging at my chest. Lucy and Della had drifted away from each other's lives to the point of strangers. I could tell it bothered Lucy a lot.

"She had always wanted a sibling," She continued, after a moment of silence. "The two of us fancied having an older sister. I'm glad he gets to be the dream older sister to her brother now."

"If you don't mind me asking, what happened between you and Della?" I asked cautiously.

Lucy sighed heavily, the weight of her emotions palpable even through the phone line. "Back when we were in eighth grade, Della had overheard my mom speaking ill of her mother. You see, our moms had a disagreement, and... yeah, it went downhill from there."

"But it wasn't either of your faults. Why'd she hold you accountable for something she overheard your mom say?"

"My mom had spoken about something that Della had confided in me. She thought I betrayed her trust by sharing personal information with my mom, which I did, but not in the way she thought. So yes, she had every right to hold me accountable. I was at fault."

"I see..."

I could feel the pain in Lucy's words, the weight of unresolved conflict and fractured friendship. It was clear that this was something she had carried with her for a long time.

"It's been so long, and I thought maybe time would heal it, but seeing her today... it just brought it all back." Lucy's voice cracked slightly, betraying the emotions she was trying to contain.

"I'm sorry, Lu," I said softly, wishing I could do more to comfort her. "I suppose I only made it harder for the two of you."

Lucy lets out a soft chuckle, "Oh definitely."

It's a relief to hear her lighten up, even if just for a moment. I smile to myself.

"Just so you know, you're not responsible for what happened between Della and me," Lucy said, her tone softening. "Our friendship had its own issues long before you came into the picture. But... Thank you for being willing to talk about this with me. I know it's not easy, especially considering your history with Della."

I nod, even though she can't see me through the phone. "Of course, Lu. I want to be here for you, whatever you need."

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