44. Lucy

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It was barely a quarter past five and yet the school was bustling with the festivities. The music coming from the school's assembly hall, the party area was loud. There were some limousines lined up for parking, students in formal attire were swarming the school grounds taking pictures and some and fussing over each other.

The four of us walked towards the entrance. Chase's hand in mine. We went through the ticket stand and through to the hallway.

Passing one class room I saw a familiar face and I excused myself, "You guys go ahead. I'll meet you in the assembly hall." Chase nodded and let go of my hand. The three of them walked along the hall and I slipped into the classroom where I spotted Della sitting with Maya, the two of them lost in their own conversation.

Della wore the blue dress she had bought earlier that day, her dark hair cascading elegantly over one shoulder, matching the waves of her dress adorned with silver lining.

"You look gorgeous!" I exclaimed as I approached her. Startled, Della stood up and tucked her phone away before enveloping me in a warm hug. "So do you!"

"What are you doing here?" she asked with curiosity.

"We were just waiting for Janice and her date," Della replied, offering a reassuring smile.

"Are you here with someone?"

"You stole my date, remember?" Della responded, her tone faltering slightly and her expression becoming unreadable.

"I-ugh, is it too late to plead the fifth?" I stammered nervously.

To my relief, Della burst into laughter. "Nice one. But I'm just kidding." She pulled me into another hug. "Consider it water under the bridge, Lu. Let's just enjoy the night."

I return the hug, tighter this time. She and Maya wished me good luck on the performance and I stepped out of the classroom. Feeling even more ready for the night. I walked through the hallways, passing some familiar faces who I shared greetings and compliments with. Then a familiar face walked right up to me.

"Lucy! I'm so relieved to find you." Jordan heaved a sigh, running a hand through his hair. I was surprised he knew my name since we hadn't shared formal introductions. What was Jordan doing here anyway? He was also in a tuxedo so he's probably here for the Fall Ball. I wonder if Tyler was aware

"Have you seen Tyler? Do you know where he is?"

"Ugh-No he must be in the assembly hall."

"I tried to call him but he wouldn't pick up." He said. "I couldn't find him in the assembly hall."

"LUCY!" I heard Chase's voice from behind me. "There you are. Miss Trudy-"

I turned around to see Chase, Tyler and Kacey walking towards me. Tyler's face fell the second he sighted the person next to me. I walked over to join Chase's side. Tyler exchanged a glance with us and turned to Jordan. Taking a deep breath and squaring his shoulders with his hands in his pockets he stepped forward.

"Why are you here?" He asked Jordan.

Jordan scoffed, "Passive aggressive much?"

"Are you here with someone?"

"I came to see you." He said, looking at tyler pleadingly.

"We'll see you two at the assembly hall?" Chase asked and Tyler shook his head. "No wait."

"Why?" Tyler asked Jordan again.

"To ask you if you'd let me be your date to the fall ball tonight."

"You can't come in without a ticket, how did you-"

"I got one. Kacey got it for me."

Tyler shot a glare at Kacey, beside me. She shrugged with a bemused smile.

"Don't you get it?" Jordan tried again, stepping closer to Tyler. His gaze flickering from us to Tyler, nervously. "I'm not afraid to be seen with you, Ty. Are you?"

After a brief moment of silence, Tyler shook his head. "But I promised Kacey I'd go with her"

"Ty! It's not a big deal, don't worry about me." Kacey stepped forward.

"Yeah, don't worry about her, I'll keep her company," a new voice chimed in from behind us. I turned around to see Liam pushing through the group to reach Kacey's side. His white shirt sleeves were rolled up, and he held his blazer in one hand.

"Where did you fall from?" I asked, narrowing my eyes at him disapprovingly. Chase gave my hand a reassuring squeeze.

"The sky. Why?" Liam shot me a playful glance over his shoulder, rolling his eyes. Then he turned to Kacey with a subtle smile. Even Tyler and Jordan exchanged amused glances.

"Kacey, can I talk to you? In private, without my sisters' prying ears," Liam asked gently, his eyes flickering towards me.

"What! No matter what you have to say, you can say it in front of her friends." I said.

"You don't get to make that decision for her, Lu." Liam said annoyed. I turned to Kacey who had looked uncertain and yet so hopeful. She smiled "It's okay. I got this"

"And Miss Trudy is waiting for you in the music room." Liam added. Reaching out to hold Kacey's hand in his, ready to walk her out.

How convenient for him! But I couldn't believe I almost forgot about how I had to perform tonight.

"I'll walk you to the music room." Chase offered, "We'll see you guys in the hall!" He turned to everyone else.

"Good Luck, Lu!" Kacey chimed. "Good luck!" Liam, Tyler and Jordan echoed.

"You're gonna do great." Chase gives my arm a squeeze. "Can't wait to watch you play."

"I'm not too nervous about it." I was honestly more nervous about Kacey and Liam. And for Tyler. And maybe even us. "I'm just playing the piano, the ones who are singing does most of the wonders" I said

Chase laughed, "I highly disagree! You're doing the hardest and the most important part of the performance . If anyone sings the wrong note, people might not even notice. But if you hit the wrong note on the piano, the whole thing could fall apart."

I nudge him playfully. "Way to make me actually nervous about it!"

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