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"You're aware that the school locker room showers have unsanitary water, aren't you?" Kacey narrowed her eyes at Chase, who absentmindedly sat down next to us, tousling his wet hair and sending water flying all over.

We were seated at a round courtyard table, half an hour before the official start of school, copying homework from Kacey's notebook. Chase had just come from basketball practice, his hair still damp from the shower.

"You disgusting toad!" I chuckled, nudging him, even though I secretly liked him with damp hair. The tousled strands that fell over his forehead had a way of complimenting his features that made me swoon.

Chase turned to me, cocking an eyebrow. "Oh shut up, princess. I know you like my disgusting toadiness," he teased, ruffling his hair and leaning closer.

"HEY! What is wrong with you?" I groaned, playfully punching his arm. He laughed, exchanging a knowing glance with me. I recognized that look.

It was the kind of look he gave when his lips and eyes curled into a smile, and his gaze briefly flickered to my lips. Unsure if it was wishful thinking, it made me believe I wasn't the only one eager to share a kiss again. We hadn't been able to kiss since yesterday. When he arrived in the courtyard, I was already sitting with Kacey, telling her everything that happened, excluding my dilemma with Della, of course. I only felt comfortable with Chase knowing about it. He had come in, planting a kiss on my cheek.

There were a few others scattered around the courtyard, and we were clearly reluctant to kiss in front of an audience.

Kacey as an audience was enough to make us nervous as she was prone to stare at us in amusement as if she was going to burst into laughter any minute.

"TYLER! I'M SO GLAD YOU'RE HERE—" Kacey suddenly exclaimed. We turned to see Tyler jogging over to us, panting with a duffle bag over his shoulder, interrupting our moment.

"Hey- WHAT? WE HAD HOMEWORK?" He said as his eyes fell on the textbooks spread across the table.

"Yeah, the comprehension at the end of chapter eight- we also got a new couple in school." She sang in a teasing tone, glancing at me and Chase.

"No kidding," Tyler's jaw dropped. "Wow!"

"I was third-wheeling with them. IT WAS DREADFUL!" she exclaimed humorously.

"So what happened?" Tyler asked, wiggling his eyebrows at us. "Okay, never mind. Tell me later, I can't listen while writing," He adds, pulling Kacey's open book to his side and setting to write on his own.

"What do we do with them?" Kacey chuckled.

"I guess we'll have to deal with the unfortunate chaperoning that has fallen upon us," Tyler said dramatically, making us all shake our heads and chuckle.

"Very unfortunate I must say." Chase glanced at me sideways with a mischievous upside down smile that made my heart flutter.

"Anyway, guys, we're very happy for you, but keep it PG," Tyler narrowed his eyes.

"What if we don't want to keep it PG?" Chase said cheekily, throwing an arm around me. I leaned into him, laughing at Tyler's expense. "Yeah, what if we don't wanna?" I said, taking the opportunity to peck Chase's cheek.

Tyler and Kacey grimaced, feigning disgust. "Tsk Tsk, Kace, looks like we have to find ourselves some new friends," Tyler glanced at Kacey with his brows raised in a dramatic flair.

"Looks like it," Kacey laughed.

"Jokes aside, guys, you're coming to Friday's Baseball match, right?" Tyler asked.

The Fall Ballحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن