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The lights from my open blinds fell on my face making me pry open my eyes.

It was morning already? 

I tossed around to find Kacey sitting on the futon next to my bed, scrolling on her phone. 

"Hey," my voice came out rusty as I spoke.

Kacey turned to look at me then. "Morning!" she greeted, putting away her phone and moving to sit on the bed. "Got you some aspirins," she extended her hand with a card of pills. Kacey wore the same pair of jeans and top she wore last night, but still, she looked so refreshed. Very contradicting to what I look like right now.

I shook my head, sitting upright. "I need to clean up first," I said, rubbing my eyes. They felt sandy, and my throat tasted like puke. I was still wearing the same clothes I wore last night. Felt icky all over. I wonder what I missed. "You stayed?" I asked with a yawn nagging at my words.

"Someone had to keep an eye on you after you passed out," Kacey said, shrugging. She had carpooled with Tyler. Wonder where he is.

"Where's Tyler and Chase?" I ask absentmindedly, stretching my hands.

That was all it took. One name to throw open all the floodgates. Chase. The memories flooded back, flashing like lightning, each one intensifying the throbbing in my head.

"They left last night after helping your brother tidy up the house. The party ended a little too soon," Kacey went on.

All I could think of was how I had thrown myself at Chase. The feeling of his hands on my waist, my face buried in his neck. The look on his face when I had asked him out—I had crossed the line like it was no big deal. I had even—OH NO NO NO.

"You remember?" Kacey asked, probably noticing my face twisted in horror.

I turned away and screamed into my pillow, seemingly crying out loud.

"I'll take that as a yes," I just knew Kacey was smirking.

She was one of the few who knew I had feelings for Chase. Now everyone knows. Including Chase.

"I was all over him!" I cried, "I don't know what came over me!" It was crazy! I had wanted to do it. I was so presumptuous and so certain! And I had no control!

"Oh my god, I asked him out to the Fall Ball!?"

With a frigging song! I sang to him!? Can't believe I sang in front of everyone. A couple of drinks was all it took to overcome my stage fright!?

I had meant to ask out Chase. But not like that! I was going to take him to a side and stammer out my big question. It would have been something like—Hey Chase, since you don't have a date and I don't have a date, I was wondering if you'd like to go with me? As friends or whatever.

I was prepared for any friend zoning he was going to do. I was not prepared to clean up the mess my drunken self would leave behind. I screwed up. God! I screwed up badly!

"Do me a favor and kill me now," I beg. How can I face him—or anyone after that!?

"But you wouldn't be able to go to the Fall Ball with him. He did say yes."

Of course, he'd say yes. It was a frigging public proposal. He must have felt so embarrassed and pressured. How can I face him now?

"I don't wanna see him."

"He walked you to your room last night. Even held back your hair when you threw up in the bathroom."

I didn't remember that. I was probably feeling sick then. I couldn't focus on anything but the colors that flickered in my eyes.

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