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I was relieved to have vented to someone, and Chase was the last person I ever thought I'd vent to about Della and I. He's the first person I ever opened up to about what happened, though. 

Life is as weird as it can get, but I have to admit there's beauty to it. It's like when two incoherent tunes come together to complement each other in harmony.

We both stayed in a comfortable silence, with the warmth of our conversation lingering in the air. I listened to the steady and low hums of his breath through the phone, wondering what was running through his mind. 

Then he sighed softly and cleared his throat. I was suddenly very aware and nervous. 

"A penny for your thoughts?" He asks humorously, easing the tension.

I chuckle. "I'll sell them for a dollar." 

 "Ouch." He says feigning offence "Not even a discount for me?" 

"They're valuable commodity and these are tough times good sir." 

"Well I'll give you my thoughts for free." He says with his voice in a low hum that made my breath hitch. 

"Hmm?" I swallowed. "What were you thinking about?" 

"Kissing you again." 

I feel a rush of warmth flood through me at the mention. Blushing profusely I let out a nervous chuckle. "Boys. They only want one thing." 

Chase laughs, "Guilty as charged. But can we talk about the serious matter at hand?" 

"What serious matter?" I raise an eyebrow.

"You're at the risk of getting Salmonella."

"Salmonella?" I sounded, amusedly.

"Because you kissed me. I'm a toad am I not?"

We both laugh at our own antics. I did remember calling him a toad last Saturday at the party. I cant believe he remembered that. 

"Haha well..." I say softly. My heart pounding louder with every word. "I think kissing you was worth the risk." 

"You'd kiss me even if I was a stinky toad dripping with salmonella?"

"Hmm even if you were the nastiest, stinkiest toad in the world."

"So you admit that my charm isn't a mild case of delusion?" I just know he's smirking like a dork right now.

I laugh out loud, feeling a warmth spread through me. "Fine I'll admit but I did say mild."

"Well, I'll take what I can get." Chase says softly. His voice so infectious.

We lapse into a comfortable silence again, the tension from earlier dissipating into the air. There's something about us, the ease with which we can tease each other one moment and share sincere moments the next, that makes me grateful for him. 

"Well I know what we're going to be for Halloween." I sang coyly, breaking the silence.

"Let me guess? Princess and the frog." Chase snorts. 

"You read my mind!" 

"But I was planning on going as a classic vampire instead. I just got the idea today." He says reminding me of our little intimate moment today. I had forgotten about the small cut on my finger tip. 

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