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I stepped into my house, greeted by the lively sounds of applause and a cheering crowd coming from the TV room. It was undoubtedly Dad engrossed in the latest performances on "The Voice." There was a time he suggested I sign up for it, but with my unrelenting stage fright, I had refused.

"Lu?" my mom called out from the TV room. I peeked in.

"Yeah, Mom, I'm home," I responded. They were both comfortably seated on the couch, and my mom was perched under my dad's arm. "Hey, LuLu," my dad said, taking a sip from his can of soda.

"Hey Dad," I walked behind the couch to give both of them a peck on the cheek. Dad responded ruffling my head.

"What did the two of you do on your work free day?" I asked, stepping back.

"I was planning on taking you and Kacey shopping for a fall ball dress, but you were busy after school" Mom said, patting the seat next to her.

I was reluctant to go at first, nervous my mom would see through me or sense my flustered state. I was certain I was still blushing from the kisses. My face felt flushed. I walked over to sit on the arm of the chair.

"I- I was at Chase's-His mom sent some cakes too." I unzipped my bag, pulling out the lunchbox with the cakes, handing it to my mom.

My mom smiled, "Chase...Is that your friend who has twin sisters?" she asked, opening the box and pushing it my dad's way. He shook his head, eyes fixed on the screen.

"Yup." Although he wasn't just a friend anymore. I felt my face blush even more. "Ugh- I'll go get changed. I'm tired." I said, pushing off the arm of the chair.

"Was he the friend you had to work on a school project with?" Mom suddenly asked, making me stop in my tracks.

"No." I blurted out. What's the point of lying anyway?

"Oh?" Mom sounded suspicious. "Lu, I know you're hiding something from me. I'm your mother; I can tell. Why did you lie to me about having to do a school project with a friend?"

"It wasn't a lie. I did work on a school project with Della at her place, and then on my way home, I just stopped by at Chase's house. There was a little accident with the twins, so I stayed to help, and then Chase drove me home."

"Della?" Mom sounded surprised.

"Yes." I said bluntly. I knew it would bother her.

My mom sighed, "Invite her to our place if you have work to do. I don't want you going to theirs." She added coldly, making me turn on my heel to face her fully.

"There's nothing wrong with her place, Mom."

Mom shrugged, facing the TV, "I don't expect you to understand my reasons, but after what happened last time when I trusted Della's mom with you, it's hard for me to feel comfortable with you spending time there."

I couldn't believe she's still holding on to it. It's been three years since that happened. This time I rolled my eyes, grateful my mom wasn't facing me to get mad at that also. "Last time you overreacted is all."

Her head snapped back at me, "She left you and Della alone with a man she had just met. If anything had happened-

"But nothing happened, Mom. You just never liked her Mom."

"Maybe I didn't, especially after what she did. I've always had a bad feeling about Della. Children raised in compromised circumstances tend to be problematic. I can't forget how Della pushed you down the slide when I was watching. She looked straight into my eye and pushed you."

"Oh my god Mom," I groaned, "WE WERE SEVEN!"

I don't even remember the incident. I only 'remember' it because my mom would drag it along to warn me that Della was a bad influence. And-compromised circumstances?

What did she even mean by that? If it was about Della having a single mom, then she's utterly wrong.

Della's mom is one of the nicest women I had ever met. She may have issues like the long chain of lovers, my mom couldn't stand, especially after she left her then-boyfriend to babysit 13-year-old Della and me for a day. I remember that. My parents had come to pick me up, and they had been aghast when a strange man had answered the door. They had practically dragged me out.

"Can you two argue somewhere else?" My dad interjected, "I'm trying to watch the show over here."

My mom just shot a glare at him, just to glare at me again. These were times that I really hated her. I know she meant well and I loved her, but sometimes she was just too much.

"I just want what's best for you, Lucy. You should be careful about the company you keep," she said, in a firm tone. I deadpanned at her. Memories I suppressed all those years ago flooded back to me, making me wilt under their weight. I wasn't a child anymore. Younger me was stupid enough to believe her and push Della away.

"Della wasn't a bad influence. I lost a good friend thanks to you."

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