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It's so amazing when you don't know what you felt and you get startled by the sudden realizations bit by bit until you can no longer deny it.

I could no longer deny it.

I was falling for Lucy, and my wall of reason for ruining our friendship was thinning every second. With every accidental touch, every glance, and every word she spoke.

I didn't know what came over me when I placed her finger in my mouth. The action wasn't wildly arousing, but the realization certainly was. I had managed to make things awkward between us. Again.

But surprisingly, it was a good kind of awkwardness. It's hard to explain, but having her by my side, being close to her, felt like the release of a gust of wind rather than holding my breath. Yet, I found myself holding my breath, only because I wanted to be alone with her again, to feel the gust of air leaving my chest.

We had left the cake to cool for a few minutes and quickly tidied up the kitchen without exchanging any words. The sweet aroma of chocolate in the air distracted me from the lingering tension. After the kitchen was spotless, I plated four lava cakes, and we joined my sisters on the couch, Evie's small foot resting on the coffee table in front of her. Surprisingly, as they ate the chocolate, they got calmer.

"Is it yummy?" I asked them, taking a seat on the couch next to Lucy. They nodded vigorously, their faces already smeared with chocolate. As adorable as they are, I guess I could forgive them for throwing a big tantrum earlier.

"This is so good!" Lucy hummed beside me, munching on her piece of cake. "I didn't know you could bake!" She kept her eyes on the cake.

"First time, actually, but I didn't know it was something a person couldn't do. I just followed the instructions on a YouTube tutorial and mixed the right amount of ingredients," I answered nonchalantly, trying not to look at her for too long. It gets harder not to completely stare with every passing second, but Lucy doesn't glance my way at all. Pity.

"It's not that easy for everyone," Lucy chuckled between bites, her eyes still fixated on the cake. "If this is what happens on your first attempt, I can't wait for your hundredth."

"I'm glad you like it," I smiled in response. I was also glad she decided to stay longer. She was about to head out, but I had convinced her to stay for a ride home after my mom returns. I couldn't just hand her an umbrella and let her walk in the rain, and I also had to keep an eye on my sisters. And man, I prayed for the rain to keep falling.

After finishing the cakes, I stood up to collect the plates. Lucy insisted she'd wash hers, walking over with me. We shared another glance; I saw her gulp. I was unsure what to do with us being alone again. I had so many things I needed to tell her, so many things I was struggling to word. And then she says,

"So I made up with Della."

Della? Why was she bringing up Della now?


"At her place. We talked, and we sort of made up. I think we're on good terms now, after two years."

I wanted her to stop talking about Della. Why couldn't she bring up our almost kiss? Why couldn't she ask about how I felt again?

I knew I was an idiot, selfish even, for associating with Della when I knew she and Lucy had history. How was Lucy able to overlook that? Forgive me for driving the wedge between them even further.

I found it extremely difficult to verbalize everything that crossed my mind, so I blurted out, "I'm glad," instead.

"Me too," Lucy replied, stepping back from the sink. She turned to face me, running her eyes over my face.

God I want to kiss her now.

I stopped breathing when she stepped closer lifting a hand to my face. I thought she was going to cup my face and pull me into a kiss. I would have let her. But her thumb only brushed against the side of my mouth.

"You had chocolate on your face." She let out a soft chuckle, then she put the thumb into her mouth, licking off the chocolate.

All I could do was amusedly stare at her as a coy smile danced on her face. I was taken back to Saturday night. When we had swayed on the dance floor. When she had been too close.

Now I want her to be.

The sound of my mom's car pulling into the garage ruined the moment.

"Be right back. Mom's here." I tell Lucy as I groan inwardly and head towards the garage to help mom with the groceries.

The fact that Mom had more on her plate than just groceries was laughable. Lucy's presence, the twins' accident, and the lingering scent of chocolate lava cake on the counter.

Lucy being here didn't faze Mom. She was more aghast at the twins. The moment I told her about their accident, Mom strode inside, muttering a quick hello to Lucy as she hurried over to find Evie and Katie sitting on the couch, smiling sheepishly with their mouths smeared with chocolate.

"Not giving Mommy a break now, huh?" Mom knelt down, inspecting Evie's band-aid. Her face relaxed with relief upon realizing it was a minor injury. "Chase, we're switching to plastic containers. Remind me to tell Dad." She called out to me.

Mom strolled around the kitchen, cradling a cup of chocolate lava cake and inspecting the floor for any stray glass shards. "Impressive for his first time, isn't it?" she remarked to Lucy, savoring a spoonful of lava cake and offering appreciative hums.

Lucy grinned and nodded. "That's what I told him."

"Mom..." I interjected, "Lucy was actually waiting for you to arrive so I could drop her home. I'll handle the groceries when I return."

I was aching to be alone with her. It was like an unscratchable itch that drove me crazy.

"Oh, yes. Can't let her walk in this weather or leave empty-handed. Lucy, here, take some cake with you." Mom hastily packed a portion of the cake into a box along with some plastic spoons. Lucy tried to refuse, but my Mom's insistence made her give in. "Tell your mom I said hi!" My mom added.

"Thank you! And I will!" Lucy chimed. Before she could leave, Katie came running and hugged Lucy, who warmly returned the gesture. "Are you feeling better?"

Katie nodded, looking up at Lucy.

"Be careful, okay? Go easy on your brother," she added humorously. 

"Will you come again?" Katie asked.

"Of course, if you want me to."


I found it adorable how Katie had taken a liking to Lucy, but I really needed her to leave with me.

"I'll bring her over another time," I said as I playfully tousled Katie's hair. Without any more delay, I grasped Lucy's hand and guided her towards the car in the garage.

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