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School ended, leaving me feeling blissfully lighthearted. Every time I thought of Chase, I felt a little lighter.
I basked in the glow of our exchange throughout the day.

Between the hustle of the fall ball, Chase, and looking forward to shopping with my best friends, I couldn't feel any better. But that was until Della walked up to me, smiling and calling out, "Lu, wait up!" while I stood at the school gates with Kacey.

I pulled her into a hug, something that felt familiar and foreign at the same time, but I could get used to it. "Ready to head out?" I asked, nervously. It was so good to see her smiling.

"Sorry I'm late," she said with a nervous chuckle, glancing at Kacey and me.

"You're not late. My brother is. He's going to take us to the shop. Were you able to call off your Monday shift at Sweet Tooth?"

"Oh yeah," Della nodded, "And if we wanna get some ice cream, I can get it for an employee's discount for the three of us."

Kacey grinned. "I'm glad Lucy invited you," she added with a chuckle.

I noticed Liam strolling out of the school building, chatting with a few others. He spotted me and gestured for me to join him. We walked behind  Liam and his friends, along the schools gravel path, drifting into our own conversations.

"What song are you performing this Friday?" Della asked, with her eyes mischievously squinting at me. I'm not a fan of small talk, but with Della, I found myself enjoying it. She was finally warming up to me.

"Shh, it's a secret," I smirked. "Miss Trudy wants us to keep it under wraps for the element of surprise."

"It's strange how nobody knows the song. Do you guys even practice it? We only ever hear the choir doing warm-ups," Kacey said with a chuckle.

"Exactly," Della chimed in. "Give us a hint, will you?"

"Fine," I shrugged. "Glee."

"That doesn't help!" Della playfully bumped my shoulder again. "Tell me which episode. At least that will narrow it down."

"Hell no!" I laughed. "You'll instantly guess it. Miss Trudy's a big fan of Glee–"

"You ladies coming or what?" Suddenly, Liam called out, gesturing ahead. He was standing by our car at a distance, already having said goodbye to his friends. The three of was hurried over to the car.


"It's been an hour! What do you mean you still didn't find a dress?" Liam complained as he walked over to the department store we were at. He had stayed outside, pacing around, keeping his distance.

"I found a few, and I haven't tried them yet," I said, lifting the wad of dresses on hangers. Della was checking out dresses in the distance while I waited for Kacey to come out with the dress I picked for her. The store we were at only had six dressing rooms and the others were already occupied.

Liam sighed, crossing his arms. "I have a student body meeting at six. Hurry up," he reminded me. Clearly, he was eager to get this shopping trip over with as quickly as possible. Why did he even agree to take us out anyway. My mom probably intimidated him into it.

As much as I was annoyed at his impatience, I was also grateful he agreed to take us shopping and for being quiet the entire ride, so I kept my tone down.

"Why don't you buy something for yourself as well?"

"Gee, why didn't I think of that?" Liam snorted. "This is a ladies' department store, wormbrain."

I rolled my eyes. "I know! You can go to another store."

"Not encouraging you to take more time," he retorted.

"Fine, suit yourself."

"Lu!" I heard Della call out, I walked over to her leaving Liam behind, by the dressing rooms.

Della held out a long, sleeveless elegant blue dress with pretty silvery design running along its frills and a long black dress with a blue floral print.

"So, what do you think?" Della asked. I blinked. Surprised she was asking for my opinion. It warmed my heart.

"I like the blue and silver one better." I say with a smile. "You'd look gorgeous in it with your hair down, and maybe with some silvery eye shadow?"

Della let out a soft chuckle, "Silver eyeshadow huh?"

"You don't agree?"

"With the silver eyeshadow? I don't know, I'll think about it." She said, with a smirk.

"Come on, lets try both on and see," I took her hand in mine and walked back to the dressing rooms.

Liam was milling about on his phone. Kacey was nowhere to be seen, then I see her restroom cubicle still closed,

I knock on the door, "Kace? You okay there?"

"Um yeah, I tried the maroon dress on."

"And? Can I see?"

She gently pushed the door open and stepped out, and both Della and I gasped in amazement. Kacey's ponytail fell elegantly over one shoulder, adding to her charm. The frills of the dress cascaded down from her waist, hugging her figure neatly.

"You look stunning in it!" I cooed, "Tell me you agree?"

Della nodded beside me, "Yeah, that is way better than the green dress you tried on before." 

"Absolutely!" I cried. "I don't know know how to explain it but it just-"

"It brings out the color in her cheeks." Liam said softly behind me.

He was absolutely right! Why didn't I notice that first!

Kacey blushed at the compliment. "Okay I'm getting this one then." She murmured as she rushed back into the changing room.

"I–um, Lu I'm going to wait outside. Make it quick okay?" Liam said before walking away.

Della nudged my arm. "Did you not see that?" She asked in a hushed voice, pursing her lips in a coy smile.

"See what?" I squinted.

She shook her head amusedly, "Nothing."

"You know,"  I nudge her with a grin. "I bet the blue dress will look best on you."

"And the lavender one for you." Della smiled warmly.

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