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With every gentle and eager press of his lips, tingles ran down to my knees. His hands moved from my waist to cup my face, warm fingertips touching the base of my neck. If my heartbeat got any faster I was certain it would spring out straight out of my chest.

I was kissing Chase. Chase.

Kissing him was like stumbling upon a musical piece that made my heart flutter. Each time our lips met, it felt like the chiming of sweet and gentle keys of a piano. His touch, like the steady hum of held bass chords, sent a warm and comforting vibration through my body. I felt the subtle dance of knots and releases in my stomach, yet it wasn't the unsettling kind.

Occasionally our teeth would clank together, which made us both smile. We found ourselves instinctively adjusting, a nonverbal agreement to continue.

Chase shifted, leaning forward until he accidentally moved the hand brake.

We pulled away, my mouth tasting of harmony. Chase immediately adjusted the brake, turned to me, flashing a wide grin. He lay back in his seat. We both looked away, grinning for a moment.
We were both breathless as if he had just resurfaced from the water.

I can't remember being this flustered, this blissful.

For a moment we sat there, our heads resting sideways on the seat, facing each other, beaming each other. I couldn't form a coherent thought anyway. Not when he was studying me with that sweet smile that stretched across his face.

He reached out to lace my hand with his. "So..." He said breaking the silence, his voice in a low murmur before he cleared his throat.

The gentle warmth of his hand in mine making my heart flutter even more.

I mustered a soft chuckle, "So, what now?"

I knew I had to get home. My mom had texted me and I had told her I was on my way when I had left Della's apartment. I totally forgot to tell her about my little detour to Chase'. But I wanted to stall a little longer. I urge Chase to continue, raising my brows.

Chase's eyes met mine, and he seemed lost in thought for a moment, his thumb absentmindedly tracing circles on the back of my hand. The quiet hum of the car and the warmth between us created a cocoon of comfort.

"Well," Chase began, his gaze still locked with mine, "we could head to that little café around the corner. Get some coffee or whatever you fancy. Just spend a bit more time together."

"Don't you have to get home soon to unpack the groceries?" I poke him in the arm playfully.

He clicked his tongue, "Tsk the groceries can wait..." His eyes flickered to my lips which were pursed, stifling a coy smile as he leaned forward to kiss me again, but my phone buzzed in my pocket.

I shot Chase an apologetic look as I reached for my buzzing phone, momentarily breaking the charged atmosphere between us. "Hey, Mom," I answered, trying to sound casual despite the warmth lingering on my lips.

"Lu where are you sweetie? You said you were on your way," my mom asked in concern.

"I- ugh took a little detour because it was raining. I got a ride now, I'm with Chase. I'm on the way." I mentioned Chase so I can explain the detour better. Too much lies would be too obvious to my Mom.

Chase, sensing the shift in the mood, leaned back in his seat, giving me some privacy. I couldn't help but steal glances at him. The warmth of his smile, even in this moment of interruption, made my heart flutter.

Mom sighed on the other end, "Where are you at the moment?"

"Ugh- Renver street. Just by the bridge." I looked at Chase to confirm, and he swiftly nodded. I was barely a mile away from home and I hoped Mom would be consoled with that.

"Alright, I'll be waiting for you, get home soon."

After ending the call, I turned to Chase, a wistful smile on my lips. "I should probably head home. Mom's worried."

Chase nodded understandingly, his gaze softening. "No problem. Another time, maybe?"

"Definitely," I replied, giving his hand a reassuring squeeze. We have all the time in the world after all.

The rain stopped, the sun's glow seeped as we drove in silence, over the rain-kissed streets with puddles and fallen leaves. Occasionally we'd glance at each other, breaking into smiles.

Chase likes me back. I bask in the glow of the revelation. And in that moment, I realized that I didn't care if he was going to break my heart or not, or if he actually liked me back. Why kill the joy? Accepting his affection and giving it back, I was willingly taking the risk of anything that would follow.

Taking a risk has never felt this beautiful.

Chases' hand found mine again, giving it a squeeze. We came to a slow halt near my gate. I hesitated a moment before turning to face Chase, "Call me?" we both asked at the same time. We chuckled, the tension replaced by a familiar and comfortable feeling.

"I guess that's settled then," Chase grinned.

I nodded, a playful smile on my lips. "Yeah, settled."

"Bye Lu," Chase leaned over, placing a soft kiss on my forehead, making my heart flutter high. The sweetness of the gesture lingered even after he pulled away.

"Bye," I stepped outside, my backpack in my hand, flashing a smile. "See you." With that, I closed the car door, and watched Chase drive away with flashing a knowing look my way.

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