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It was Saturday, the 6th of October in a blink. It felt as if the whole week had just flown by. Time really flies by fast when you are happy. I was waiting for Kacey to come so we could dress up for the Fall Ball together. I glanced at my dress, which was hanging from my wardrobe. I couldn't wait to put it on this evening. Della was right. The lavender dress fit me perfectly.

Thinking about Della used to be like forcing down bitter medicine, but now it feels like I've swallowed it and am starting to heal. Life had a way of drifting us apart. Letting us grow and burn. I'm glad we found each other again.

Things were different, of course.

I still see a stranger in her but oddly enough I also see someone I know.

With Chase still in the equation we had to compromise but luckily it didn't seem impossible.

It seems like she's moving on, or at least trying to. Just yesterday, we ran into Chase after class. She said her casual goodbye to me and gave him a little nod of acknowledgment before walking away. I knew she was trying really hard.

During the few classes we had together, she chose to sit beside me, when we got to talk, we'd talk of our favorite movies, singers, pop culture references. We had also turned in our book report. Miss Harvely was quite impressed but honestly it was more Della than me. She didn't seem to mind. Writing essays wasn't my thing but Della seemed to be great at it. Its amazing how there's still a lot to learn about her. Still a lot to explore.

I knew who'd be the muse for my next song.

"Lu, Kacey's here!" My mom announced.

I pushed myself off the bed and headed downstairs. I heard my Mom chatting with Kacey's, complimenting her outfit and informing her that I'm in my room. Moments later, I heard Kacey's footsteps approaching, and as she reached me, she was carrying a duffel bag and her dress draped over a covered hanger.

"You're staying for the night right?" I asked as I hugged her.

Kacey nodded eagerly, returning the hug. I couldn't help but wonder if her excitement stemmed from spending time with me or from the prospect of meeting Liam. Leading her to my room, I closed the door behind us

"Is Della also coming?" Kacey asked.

I shook my head. "She had already promised Maya she'll dress up at hers." I said, taking Kacey's dress and hanging it next to mine.

Kacey silently sat on the edge of my bed, chewing on her lip nervously.

"Liam's not at home by the way. He left for the student body organizing stuff just a while ago." I said

Kacey looked at me, brows knitted, "Why are you telling me that?" She asked, swallowing nervously. For a split second she looked vulnerable, a foreign sight. She'd always been the sure one. The one I confide in and go for advice.

I shrugged. I'd been thinking about it since Wednesday. Kacey confided in me about her feelings for my brother, and I can't just brush them aside. I have to respect her emotions, just as she respected mine when I told her about my crush on Chase. As strange as it may seem, I'm not entirely opposed to the idea of Liam and Kacey being together.

Wonder what made Kacey even like Liam. I've never seen them speak. Liam would often avoid us when she was over. He also wasn't exactly known for his romantic gestures. Sure, he'd had girlfriends in the past, but he'd never been one to invite them over for dinner. I think all his dates were just double dating with Max. I couldn't help but wonder if Kacey deserved that. But then again, who was I to decide what she deserved?

I had promised Kacey that I'd be okay if things didn't work out between them, but the thought of losing her, like I had lost Della once before, was a thought I couldn't bear.

"You didn't tell him anything. Did you?" Kacey asked, moving to sit on my bed.

I shook my head, "No, but I wanted to."

Before Kacey could respond, there was a knock on the door. I hurried to open it. Mom walked in, "At what time will the boys come to pick you up?" she chirped, her eyes twinkling with excitement as she glanced between Kacey and me.

I glanced at the clock on my wall. It read 3:00 PM. Fall Ball was supposed to start at 6:00 PM, but I had to be at school by around five to rally with the choir for our performance. So Chase said he and Tyler would come pick us up at four or four-thirty, allowing us to arrive at school by five.

"In about an hour or two, Mom." I replied.

"Let's get you girls ready then!" Mom exclaimed, clapping her hands in delight.

Mom fussed over every detail, making sure we looked our absolute best. And I have to admit, I loved every minute of it. There's something special about the way she carefully irons our hair and delicately touches up our faces with just the right amount of makeup. With one more check in the mirror, Kacey and I both stepped back, grabbing our things, ready to head downstairs.

"You look like you stepped right out of a teen magazine!" Mom gasped, smiling widely. "Thank you, Mom." I give a hug and I peck her cheek.

"Thank you so much, Mrs. Harper!" Kacey said, giving her a quick hug. "You're the best!"

"Don't hug me and ruin your makeup." Mom chuckled, returning the hug.

My phone started to ring. "It must be Chase."


By the time the boys arrived, Kacey and I were both downstairs, our side bags and phones in hand. Mom greeted the boys, and they entered, both dressed handsomely in black and white. She was talking with Tyler, looking at the freshly made corsages and boutonnieres in his hands. He had gotten a purple hyacinth one for Chase and me, and some small red dahlias for himself and Kacey. Both corsages were woven with stems of baby's breath.

"Your mom outdid herself with these! Such lovely work," my mom complimented, inspecting the accessories.

Chase's gaze met mine, and he straightened his coat with a little nervous shrug before walking up to me.

"Did I miss the whole walk down the stairs spectacle?" he joked, kissing me on the cheek.

Kacey snorted beside me."You sure did! But she can climb up the stairs again if she wants to, right, Lu?" She teased

"We'll save it for prom," I laughed.

After pinning the buttonettes on the boys' coats and securing the corsages on our wrists, we gathered near the door. Mom insisted on capturing the moment, so we stopped to smile for a photo in my living room, the four of us together.

"Dad would love to see these," she murmured softly to me, as she showed me the pictures she took. Dad had to work with a client this evening.

"Don't worry, I'll send more pictures. We'd probably be photographed all night," I give a final hug to my mom. Chase Tyler and Kacey take turns doing so as well.

"Alright, darlings, make the most of the Fall Ball, and you better come home before the flowers you're wearing die!" Mom added with a playful wink.

"But Mrs. Harper!" Tyler interjected with a smirk, "My mom worked her magic on these. Those flowers will outlast us all!" We shared a laugh, and even Mom joined in.

Stepping outside, Chase caught my eye and opened the passenger door for me with a knowing look, a silent promise of an unforgettable evening ahead.

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