15. Lucy

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The cold autumn breeze sifted through my hair the second I stepped out of the car, feeling lighter. Chase came around and joined me by my side, flashing an encouraging smile before taking my hand in his. It was warm against the cold breeze, and I felt my cheeks warming as well. Who knew it would be this easy?

We walked along the sidewalk to where the ice cream parlor was perched under a large neon sign with the writing Sweet tooth with the shop's mascot: a smiley tooth with its blobby cartoon eyes and tongue stuck out. I had always found it cute.

Next to Sweet Tooth, a burger hut loomed in the distance. My eyes were drawn to Max's distinctive car, neatly parked in front of the burger joint. It didn't take me much time to spot him sitting with another girl, probably his girlfriend, through the glass windows of the hut.

"Is that Max?" Chase muttered as he followed my gaze. "Here to ruin our date." A hint of annoyance tainted his tone as he spotted my brother's friend. I let out a soft chuckle in response, shaking my head in dismay.

I had nothing for or against Max, really. 

Being my brother's best friend, he was more like another brother to me. He has also been happily dating Giana for a while. Still, it was entertaining to see a tinge of jealousy wash over Chase, who, despite being my date, had no reason to be envious. Especially after I announced my feelings for him.

We made our way through the glass door, decorated with plenty of adorable ice cream stickers around the hanging 'OPEN' signboard.

I felt a wave of jealousy wash over me as I did so. I was aware that this was the very spot where Chase had first met Della. This was probably where he fell in love with her over the summer. I had often dragged the bitter thought with me whenever I thought of Chase. 

I hated how Della was in the picture. No matter how much I wanted to forget her and our fractured friendship, she would always find a way to remind me of it. I decided to push back the bitter thoughts. The last thing I wanted was for anything to dampen the enjoyable mood we had going. 

We were here for ice cream, after all.

"So, your usual? Cookie cream?" Chase asked as we reached the counter. 

I stood looking at the menu but was actually distracted by my own thoughts. It took me a while to realize that he had remembered my usual. I found it sweet. So he has been paying attention to something. I smiled at him. 

"How about we try something new?" I asked, tapping the laminated menu on the counter.

 "Pumpkin spice is special these days." Chase peered at the menu over my shoulder. His face furrowed as he pointed at an unusual item. 

"Oyster ice cream?" He winced. "It wasn't there when I was working here."

"Salty, slimy, and sweet," We both snorted as we read the log line in the menu.

"Wanna try it though?" Chase asked with a mischievous grin.

"We're not going to waste our money on something we'll hurl." I scrunched my nose at him.

"I dare you Lu."

My humorous retort got stuck in my throat the second I glimpsed the person who had just walked over to stand behind the counter.


Her eyes widened with surprise as she recognized the two of us.

Suddenly the air was damp and unbearable. I exchanged a quick, awkward look with Chase and shook my head at Della before walking away, swishing through the glass doors.

"Lucy," Chase called after me, stepping outside. I didn't stop walking until I was by the car.

I felt my face twist into a frown as I halted to face him. "Was this all for her? Am I some kind of ploy to make her jealous?"

"No, no, of course not," he shook his head rapidly.

"You insisted on coming here."

"I didn't know she was still working here." He sighed."We came here last Thursday with Kacey and Tyler, and she wasn't there," he explained.

Maybe she takes the Monday shift. Maybe Chase had known and now he was just gaslighting me.

I turned away from him and tried to budge the car door open to get my bag out. The car door was locked.

"Lucy," Chase pleaded.

There was no way I'm going back in there, or anywhere with Chase in that case. I was so wrong to think he'd actually like me.

"Open the door, Chase," I hated how my voice wavered. I didn't want to cry, not in front of him, but I couldn't help it. The tears started prickling my eyes.

"I will if you listen to me. Look, if Della being here upsets you so much, let's go somewhere else, okay? You're clearly overreacting."

"I don't want to. I'm going home; just open the door."

Chase heaved a sigh and pulled out his car keys, unlocking the door with a beep.

"Thank you," I said flatly and snatched my bag from inside. "Lucy," he said, taking a step closer, reaching. "I can't let you walk for miles."

I scoffed and walked past him, slinging my bag over my shoulder.

"Lucy, just get in the car. I'll drop you home."

"No!" I said it a little louder this time. Watching him cautiously taking a step back. "Just leave me alone and drive yourself home!"

"Lucy?" A female voice sounded.

Chase and I turned around to find, Giana walking towards us with Max trailing behind. Had they heard me? I hadn't even noticed them coming outside.

"What's going on here?" Max asked, glancing between me and Chase.

He would definitely tell my brother about this. But that seemed like a situation I can handle instead of facing my feelings further and hurting them in the process.

That's what it feels like to be with Chase now.

"Nothing," I shook my head. "Can I get a ride with the two of you?"

"Of course," Giana said, glancing at Max. "We were just on our way."

I took one cold glimpse at Chase, who was staring at me in disbelief, before following Giana and Max to their car.

A/N: Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed the chapters, your vote would mean a lot. Your support keeps the story going. Happy reading!

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