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Tyler brought up the fight at the party last Saturday while we were sitting in the locker room, blowing off steam after our weekly P.E. session. Liam had walked up to a guy and punched him in the face. Then, some other guys from Bradley came to beat Liam up in the guy's defense. I had been with Lucy, tucking her into bed with Kacey's help when it happened. Liam found support in Tyler and some 12th graders.

"The same thing had happened at a Bradley party, a couple of months ago apparently." Tyler continued. In the locker room, a mix of half-dressed guys and others working towels through their hair, huddled closer.

"Someone had spiked drinks for the fun of it." Tyler explained, pulling his T shirt over his head. "Then they had called the cops and gotten the host of the party, arrested. It had been the former Swimming Team Captain." 

"Dang!" Someone chimed in. "I did not know that! When did that happen?"

"During summer break." Tyler said.

"Oh yeah that party after the Bradley's victory at the swimming meet against Colesons High."

"The guy Liam beat up denied it all the way," Andrew, our basketball point guard joined in, changing the subject back to Liam's fight. " He was surprised when they found a stash of edibles on him," another guy countered and the conversation went on.

"Someone could have put it in his pocket or something," Someone suggested.

"So, there's a random guy bringing edibles? Where are they even getting them from?" 

"Why are you asking?" another person laughed.

"I'm just genuinely curious!"

"Oh, yeah, sure." 

"Anyway, if that's the case, I don't think there will be any more parties at Liam's place." 

"Pity. Dude's got a fine-ass house that screams for parties."

The conversation went on but I couldn't fathom a thought. 

I was exhausted after sprinting and hurdling in the courtyard for P.E. Maybe it also had something to do with me feeling a little uneasy every time Liam and the party were brought up because it reminded me of Lucy and our seemingly newfound awkwardness.

Regardless of how much I tried to drown it out and gaslight my self into thinking it wasn't a big deal.

My mind went to how I danced with her at the party. How I had not expected her to stir me up with a single glance or touch. How tempted I was to lean in and kiss her or at least to tell her how breathtaking I thought she was. I thought I was being a terrible friend. Perhaps we are even now. Or are we?

I couldn't tell. I didn't bump into her after our interrupted encounter this morning, when she confessed her feelings for me. I've felt unsure and uneasy ever since.

I know she would want to know what I have on my mind. If only I knew it myself.

Something was holding me back, while another was pushing me forward, making me sit rigidly on the fence.

Was it Della? Did I still have have feelings for her? Or was it Lucy and my fear of losing our friendship over a failed relationship.

Honestly, It was a mix of both

The next second a whistle shrilled in the room making us jump. Mr. Edwin, our P.E teacher barged in, ushering us out to make room for his next class of students.

Andrew, smacked me on the back, "See you on Wednesdays practice Chase. The freshman are trying out. Be there."

I nodded with a knowing look and made my way outside the locker room with Tyler.

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