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Time flew by quickly as we enjoyed the short sports commentaries and shared observations about the players. When Janice remarked about Tyler's cuteness, both Kacey and I exchanged a knowing glance and chuckled. Janice wasn't wrong, but we knew Tyler well enough to anticipate his amused reaction.

Maya proudly showed us her cousin Kevin, the right fielder wearing number 26. Pierson's batter had shown considerable improvement since the last game, sparking conversations among the crowd. Inbetween the commentary, cheering, and snacks we didn't miss the chance to capture moments of us smiling widely at the camera.

A brief intermission came as Bradley's team opted for a pitching change, making us to wait for the new pitcher. Maya and Janice left to buy the five of us some snacks since the ones we had were over.

"Do you guys want to go to the rest room?" Della asked, turning around from her seat to face Kacey and I. I nodded, glancing as Kacey

"I'll stay here to hold our seats," Kacey offered. With that, Della and I left our bags on our chairs and walked down the bleachers toward the school building. It felt odd yet oddly relieving to walk with Della. Not as two strangers pretending not to know each other but as friends trying to make amends.

"Hey. I'm really glad you sat with us," I said, breaking the silence as we strolled through the school halls.

Della smiled. "I figured, why not?"

Maybe she didn't feel like talking much, and I didn't press the issue. Even though there were a million things I wanted to say—ranging from apologies to thank-yous—I kept them to myself. Chase lingered in the back of my mind, an unspoken presence. I couldn't even visit him in the stall where he worked during the match. I was worried that Della might see us and pull away again, but I hoped that my fears were wrong.

"Baseball is fun, isn't it?" I remarked casually.

Della shrugged. "Sure, I guess. But I'm not exactly a sports enthusiast. Still, you were right. It's more than just the sport; it's about bringing people together."

Her words warmed me. I chuckled at my tendency to overthink.

Soon, we arrived at the restroom, only to find a line already formed. After I finished quickly, I stepped outside to wait for Della, leaning against the cold restroom wall. The school hallway was bustling with a few students scattered here and there. Luckily, there weren't any teachers around to shoo us away.

Across the hallway, the door to the boys' restroom swung open. A boy emerged, his gaze turning in my direction. He looked oddly familiar, with his dirty blonde hair and tall stature. Handsome, but not quite as handsome as Chase. There was a band-aid over his nose.

I looked away, even though I was aware he was looking my way. Next thing I knew, he was walking towards me.

"Hi, Lucy," he sneered, standing a few feet away. He knew my name. 

He wore a black jacket over a white T-shirt, not blue or purple. I couldn't tell if he was from Bradley or Pierson. 

"Hi?" I said, unsure. "I'm sorry, do I know you?" It was a strange thing to say. I noticed another band-aid under his jaw, barely visible under the collar of his black jacket.

The guy snorted. "You told me you'd never forget me."

"I think you've mistaken me for another Lucy," I said with a nervous laugh. Who is this guy, and why does he seem familiar?

"You're Liam's sister, aren't you?"

"Yeah." I frowned. What does he want?

"Does the name Jett ring a bell?"

Right, now I recalled this guy. Cringing inwardly, I admitted, "Oh. We danced at the party. I remember, but the memory's hazy."

The guy scoffed, "Oh yeah? But funny enough, you were sober enough to spread lies about me and get me into trouble."

"What are you talking about?" I said, feeling threatened. I could slip into the girls' bathroom; there would be other girls there. Della, come out soon, please.

"You told your brother I spiked your drink, didn't you?" he asked spitefully.

"What!?" I frowned, "I did not!"

"You're lying!" Jett spat. "He found a stack in my pocket. I had just gotten to the party, and I hadn't danced with anyone but you. Only you could have slipped a stash into my pocket."

"What the hell, dude," I said, feeling my face twist in disgust. Who the hell is he? Did he come all the way to our school to get revenge on me?

"I want to know why. Who set you up and why you agreed to do it," he said, his voice breaking vulnerably this time.

"I'm not guilty of anything you just accused me of. And no one set me up."

The guy didn't believe me. I knew it. He looked away, furrowing his brows.

"Then who did?" He asked, Anger seethed in his words.

"I'm sorry I don't know. But I can ask my brother who told him."

"Never mind. Just forget it." He groaned, rubbing his eyes " I know it's one the guys from Bradley."

"You go to Pierson? How come I've never seen you?"

"No, I'm from Bradley."

"Guys from your own school have something against you?"

"It's complicated." Finally, he let out a heavy sigh, his shoulders sagging in defeat. "I'm sorry," he muttered, his voice barely above a whisper. "I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions."

"It's okay," I said softly, offering a tentative smile. "Misunderstandings happen."

This guy was either in trouble or trouble. I couldn't tell, but I wasn't feeling threatened any longer. He didn't take any step closer throughout our exchange. Whatever he's in it's out of my hands.

The girls restroom door swung open and Della walked out to my relief. Before her eyes met mine they met Jett's briefly, and I could sense the tension in the air as Jett's gaze lingered on her.

"Ugh Della, meet Jett. " I said awkwardly, "Jett, Della." What am I doing! Della could do so much better than this guy.

Jett offered a smile. It was the first time I had seen him smile, but Della's smile was quick and flat. Soon enough, she was walking down the hallway. I quickly followed after her, excusing myself from Jett. I couldn't wait to tell Chase, Kacey, and Tyler about my exchange with him. That guy's audacity!

"Della wait." I followed her out the school building but she was walking away from the bleachers. "Della you're going the wrong way—"

"I've had enough of Baseball." She spat. Was she pissed? What made her so upset?

"What's wrong?"

"What's wrong with you?" She suddenly asked, lowering her voice, turning to face me with her arms crossed.

"What do you mean?" My brows furrowed. 

"You think I don't know what you're doing?" She snorted. "I'm not that stupid Lucy."

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"Trying to set me up with a random guy so you don't feel too bad about dating my ex?"

What the hell? I stared at her in disbelief. I wanted to laugh. Set her up with a random guy?  Thats outrageous! Unfair and Uncalled for! I had just made introductions. What the hell was wrong with her!?

"You're so full of yourself you know that?" I spat without thinking twice.

Della rolled her eyes, "Just leave me be Lucy." She deadpanned, turning on her heel.

"Oh this time I definitely will."I seethed. "Forget about ever being friends. Just know that this time, it's you who blew this up because you cant let shit go."

The Fall BallOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora